I’m glad to see these on here. Hopefully these will
come up more and we will never have to see the abomination of a headphone the M50X is on Massdrop again.
CokemanWhelp, this explains a lot. I bought a pair of ATH-M50s/LE a few years ago and suggested them to a friend, who bought the ATH-M50x, thinking newer = better, and he didn't love them. Until now, I had no idea there was such a big difference, so this clears up a lot.
ArcendusYep, the only M-**X headphones that are good are the M40X. All the others suck, and I don’t know why the M40Xs are the only ones that are good, but for whatever reason they are.
CokemanDude.. Thats.. I dont know how to respond to that comment.. Its really far fetched. First.. Z review?.. That guy is always listening for "his sound" and all his reviews should be taken with a grain of salt. I personally have 30s and 40s(x) and both are great and generally flat.. 50x is not for me.. But works well with "playful" music(electronic.. Etc.).. People like different things and listen to different music.. Your ears dont lie.. Reviews do. 30s, 40s and 50s have a place and all are decent for the price
Roc33Exactly. That's the reason why most companies have a range of models in a series with different tunings - perfect example is Beyer's DT770, 880, 990. The M40x are the more neutral in the series. Get whichever that floats your boat. Not sure how the M40x v. M50x war started but I think it's dumb. Both models have its place. But I'd go for a pair of T50RPs versus these.
Cokeman"in his mom's basement".. oh how clever...
And apparently, like a sheep, your assessment is based on popularity and not on substance...
... keep delegitmizing your point of view...
Astro_SevenAh, says the guy who just comes in and says Z is bad and says some random guy is better with no explanation. And size is absolutely an valI’d argument. Popularity gives credibility, that’s how the world works man.
CokemanThere is no shortage of criticism of Z in audio forums , reddit and even here... do your research
And based on your logic the m50x is great pair of headphones because of sheer popularity .. and Beats headphones are the greatest sonic achievement by mankind.
Don't tell me about the world, little boy,... Go back to Z.
Astro_SevenSo you are saying that JK Rowling might not be as good of an authority on writing a book as some random guy you know. You have yet to tell me why this guy with some ghetto name and 5K subs is better than Z.
CokemanNonsense. The M50x is a great headphone and the M40X is VERY similar. They are so close that it’s ridiculous to say that one sucks and one is good.
ImageXId love to participate in this but I enjoy watching fights from the side-lines. And Metal 571 lives right over in NJ, IN HIS OWN APARTMENT and we occasionally hang out and talk headphones.
He's a much more by the book headphone reviewer so our thoughts won't align much. Also he'd down with metal and I don't touch that Genre. So obviously we are enemies.
ZeosPanteraThat's not really the issue, though, that you don't go by the book...
Anyway, I'm glad that you clarified that Metal571 does indeed not live in his mother's basement.
Roc33I just listened to the entire line this past weekend. Not sure why the 30x isn't talked about more. If you can get over the lack of detachable cable...I think they're a really good deal.
BeerCanChickenYeah man!.. they are my favorite... the lack of a detachable cable has stressed me out though.. I thought about modding these. I think the consensus is smaller number (number and price) equals inferior.. that's just not the case with these headphones.. or many other lines for that matter. It just boils down to what sound you prefer best in my opinion
Roc33Can someone check out this review of the A40x and tell me if the recording process of that youtube channel can be trusted in terms of deciding which headphone I like best sound-wise...? They have a seperate video about how they record btw.
And another key difference between you and Zeos: you don't have a computer screen in the background displaying anime illustrations of little girls in suggestive poses.