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Aune M1S Digital Audio Player

Aune M1S Digital Audio Player

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549 requests
115 Sold
Product Description
Praised for its spacious, transparent sound, the Aune M1S digital audio player is a great choice for those who value a high-quality listening experience and a simple, intuitive design. It’s the follow-up to the popular M1, equipped with an ESS Sabre ES9018K2M DAC chip, an asynchronous clock technology, and the latest Cortex-M7 pure hardware solution framework Read More

If anyone's still curious in this DAP in 2020 , i've been using it for almost 6 months now and i'd like to share my opinion here about M1S (gonna use check marks as a mean to agree with the characteristics often reviewed/discussed across the internet). I'll focus on sound quality and sound quality only. ______________________________ -Black/clean background : ✓ Probably not the blackest/cleanest background in a DAP that i've heard , but there's no audible humming noises nor annoying hissing sounds when a sensitive pair of IEM (andromeda , i'm lookin at ya) is plugged in. This sounds like something that should have been a rule of thumb when making modern DAPs , but good lawd have mercy , you'll be surprised by the number of DAPs that failed to achieve it. -"great transparency/technical aspects" : ✓ .... Maybe? It's there , the applauded transparency people were talking about , the ability to separate different sounds and instruments in a song , building up a better , more layered presentation.....It's definitely there , but i think it's just not as great as what some people described , and there's still room for vital improvements in departments such as resolution and textures..... -Neutral/Uncolored/Balanced Sound Signature : ✓ Not much to say about this , it's not warm , it's not leaning to either a darker or brighter tone , it's not boosting any specific frequency range to great extension. Trivially when i sent this DAP to a few groups of local audiophiles for a brief evaluation some said it has a "distinctive tonality" and a rather "strange color" , maybe it is the contrast in sound between M1S and their own DAPs? -Driveability/Power : ✓ As a dumb DAP , beside the unorthodox aesthetic and great sound quality , power output is a winsome factor to compensate for it's obvious setbacks in user experience and sometimes it can even be the USP to charm potential customers and lighten their wallet. M1S is able to drive most IEMs , and to some extent , on-ears and few "portables" headphones (such as koss porta pro , akg k420 , some grados in my case). TL/DR : I think it's a fine DAP for IEMs and some light-duty headphones/earbuds , and it's a tad overrated by the people who reviewed it , but also an overlooked option that a lot of people aren't even aware of it's existence in this price range.
Aug 15, 2018
Anyone got a problem with the 2.5mm connection? After using it for a year, the connection is loose and I can only hear from the left channel. It's sad because the sound from the 2.5mm balanced is far better than from 3.5. Where can can I get this serviced if I bought it here? I contacted Aune directly but there was no response..
Mar 13, 2018
Selling my Aune M1s here if anyone is interested in getting one.
A community member
Jul 29, 2017
It sounds amazing, especially through balanced output. Interface is clunky, firmware is very raw, does not see anything except FAT32. Still, it worth every dime i spent on it.
Jul 30, 2017
Is the stock cable a balanced 3.5? TRRS I believe they are called 4 ringed? or a standard stereo 3 ringed for mic?
A community member
Jul 30, 2017
I think it is possible to get balanced cable for HD6XX (I ordered the phones). I got cable (custom made, 2.5) for HE-350 and it works perfect. I will get balanced for HD6XX when they will arrive too. I also have X3 and installed RockBox on it - it is double start now and highly recomended.
I got this just the other day (independently, not via Massdrop). Some first impressions without audiophile catch phrases.
Coming from a Fiio X1, this OS is clunky. Can only browse by folder. That is not how I sort my music. I keep one master file, with subfiles for each album. The X1 could sort in numerous ways, but grouping by artist has always been my go to. Having (6) Mare Cognitum folders (one for each album) makes browsing tedious. Add the fact that it is button click versus a scroll wheel and you are hitting that button often. At least it has a "page down button" to make it a bit faster, but not as fast as grouping by artist.
Other minor things like not remembering your browsing location if you back up or go into the track are a nuisance, but would be less so if browsing weren't so tedious. Also, not even a basic cover art display?
I'm really they fix that with firmware (I'm on the newest 1.06) because this thing sounds amazing. I "splurged" on some KZ ZS5 quad driver buds and a 2.5mm balanced cable for them. The KZ's with the stock cable really made me smile with the X1, especially for the 35 smackers they cost. When paired with the balanced out on the Aune, I didn't want to stop listening.
While the Fiio sounded great to me, this sounded more greater (intentional). The sound was fuller, more full of life. Bass had punch, not boom. Being a metal fan, that's right up my alley.
I'd recommend this based on the sound. If you are nuts about your OS, you will more than likely feel this device is lacking.
Jul 31, 2017
metallpofthemonthWhich generation fiio x1 do/did you have?
Bvopfo1st I believe. I still have it. It willbemy desktop unit since I have the line out dock for it.
God bless whoever put music on this before taking pics of it. Next time I'm around I'll buy said person a beer.
Jul 27, 2017
A good DAP, although $200 is a little higher(10%-25%) than its original price in China. It is pretty competitive on the price range. It has balanced output which is pretty rare for a $200 DAP. The operating system is simple and kind of like sony zx100. The sound is at about $400 with the balanced output in my mind. There are still some flaws though. Since it uses portable device chip ESS9018k2m, the details of the sound is worse than DAPs with desktop chip like ESS9018s. This disadvantage is more obvious when you use the line out to connect an amp. So if you are looking for a small, easy to use DAP with a good battery life to drive IEMs(both single end and balanced) only, it is a good option and pretty competitive. And if you want to use an amp, it is not that competitive. Also this DAP doesn't have functions like coax out, optical out and bluetooth. So considering all these factors, I think M1S is a good DAP really focusing on the portable use with IEM.
Jul 27, 2017
Secushelhow does aune m1s compare to cayin n3 ?
Jul 27, 2017
ikudoI didn't try Cayin N3 before. From reviews I think M1s will have advantage for the sound. But N3 has full functions like a flagship DAP. It supports two way bluetooth input and output(supports Aptx), two way USB input and output, USB OTG, SPDIF output with DOP, and line out. M1s only supports line out. So I think it depends on how you are going to use the DAP.
Jun 29, 2017
Sounds like some buyers have received their purchase. How long does it take to ship?
Jun 30, 2017
BjornFjordAbout six week from the date the drop ended, but I'm in Canada. Seems like the American's got it a week earlier.
Jun 29, 2017
This is probably a silly question, but I'm a newbie when it comes to Tune and DAPs (and a lot of other music technology!). Can you download podcasts to this device or its it strictly for music? I currently have an Apple iPod shuffle, but find it too small and hard to navigate through music and podcasts.
Jun 30, 2017
northerngentlemanNot on this one, but there are DAPs that use the Android OS and you can download apps from the Google Play store.
Jun 30, 2017
DanLeThanks very much for the quick reply. I was tempted to go for the drop, so good thing I asked and even better you had the answer! Thanks, again.
Jun 29, 2017
Got mine, barely started testing...
I can't get it to recognize my playlists. Anyone come across this issue?
Jul 4, 2017
Mrjosh1138Make sure your micro SD card is formatted to FAT 32 or exFAT.   It didn't read my TF formatted in NFTS.
Jul 5, 2017
Mrjosh1138I didn't get it to recognize my playlists either, maybe it just isn't possible?
Showing 22 of 72
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If anyone's still curious in this DAP in 2020 , i've been using it for almost 6 months now and i'd like to share my opinion here about M1S (gonna use check marks as a mean to agree with the characteristics often reviewed/discussed across the internet). I'll focus on sound quality and sound quality only. ______________________________ -Black/clean background : ✓ Probably not the blackest/cleanest background in a DAP that i've heard , but there's no audible humming noises nor annoying hissing sounds when a sensitive pair of IEM (andromeda , i'm lookin at ya) is plugged in. This sounds like something that should have been a rule of thumb when making modern DAPs , but good lawd have mercy , you'll be surprised by the number of DAPs that failed to achieve it. -"great transparency/technical aspects" : ✓ .... Maybe? It's there , the applauded transparency people were talking about , the ability to separate different sounds and instruments in a song , building up a better , more layered presentation.....It's definitely there , but i think it's just not as great as what some people described , and there's still room for vital improvements in departments such as resolution and textures..... -Neutral/Uncolored/Balanced Sound Signature : ✓ Not much to say about this , it's not warm , it's not leaning to either a darker or brighter tone , it's not boosting any specific frequency range to great extension. Trivially when i sent this DAP to a few groups of local audiophiles for a brief evaluation some said it has a "distinctive tonality" and a rather "strange color" , maybe it is the contrast in sound between M1S and their own DAPs? -Driveability/Power : ✓ As a dumb DAP , beside the unorthodox aesthetic and great sound quality , power output is a winsome factor to compensate for it's obvious setbacks in user experience and sometimes it can even be the USP to charm potential customers and lighten their wallet. M1S is able to drive most IEMs , and to some extent , on-ears and few "portables" headphones (such as koss porta pro , akg k420 , some grados in my case). TL/DR : I think it's a fine DAP for IEMs and some light-duty headphones/earbuds , and it's a tad overrated by the people who reviewed it , but also an overlooked option that a lot of people aren't even aware of it's existence in this price range.
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