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1.2K requests
140 Sold
Product Description
This is the sequel to the X3, Fiio’s wildly popular first foray into the world of digital audio players. The compact, all-metal chassis will look familiar, but the second-generation X3 improves upon its predecessor in just about every other department, from ergonomics to navigation to sound Read More
Got mine a few days ago. Went out and bought a micro sd card, loaded it with all of my music. Plugged in my RHA X10's and only get sound out of the left iem. Figured I didn't have them plugged in all the way. Pushed in a little firmer and was getting sound from both iem's. But, as soon as I let go of the plug I lose sound from the right again. I'm very disappointed. I was really looking forward to this player.
Massdrop, please how this is being shipped. Are you printing the labels and sending them to Fiio for them to ship like you are doing for the Massdrop X Noble X drop? Is this your new way of shipping where the vendor ships instead of you? If so, your notification email needs to state this instead of saying Massdrop is sending you a package that makes it appear the package should be on the way to the customer the next day. It's been 8 days since the X Noble X shipping notification and 2 days since the Fiio shipping notification and neither item has shipped. We customers need to know how the shipping is being handled so we aren't expecting to receive a package when it hasn't even shipped yet. We can deal with the shipping, we just need correct information, not information that's incorrect and misleading.
So @Massdrop apparently there is some demand for this item since it didn't even take a whole day to sell out. Perhaps it should come back soon, wink wink.
thosewhochosecheeseAlready voted, thanks though. The problem is that by the time most of us got the email that this drop was live and logged into the site to grab one, they were already sold out and we couldn't get in on it.
Are we just gonna gloss right over this gem?
"Comes with six User Interface themes"
*Opens box, sees pile of stickers*
When I sell my fridge on Craigslist, I'm going to market it as coming with a User Interface Theme hahahahahaha
I too would like to know how the authentication problems have been resolved. If these are not recognized as authentic by Fiio, what, if any recourse do we have?
What else would lead Fiio to offer remote digital authentication? (and the potential of failing to authenticate)
Fake x3? Maybe, I'm not sure. But fake Fiio products? - Evidently, yes.
Google "fake fiio", there seem to be companies selling Fiio clones.