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Showing 1 of 26 conversations about:
Jun 25, 2016
I'm pretty sure the Schit Audio Magni uber/Modi sounds better than this and has a bit more power.
Jun 25, 2016
Sep 2, 2016
BananaSplitI own a Modi/Lyra stack, the original Firestone Spitfire, and a FubarHD from the last drop. And yes, I agree with BS that the Schitt stack is more powerful, and gives a slightly better presentation (soundstage, impact, and 'texture'), but it's also somewhat more expensive, much less flexible, and much, much more of a PITA to get and keep working with Linux or Windows 10.
Please don't misunderstand - I use the Modi/Lyra daily - it's a delicious match to Fostex T-50 'phones, but it needs to be the only device on a Win 10 USB port, is very fussy about its cabling, and it causes the current Linux ARM kernels utter grief.
The FubarHD seems very unfussy about cabling, plays well with other USB peripherals, and is simply plug & play on the latest Raspbian distro - the blessed thing is pretty painless to use. Where it falls down is at the extremes - it's not happy driving 600 ohm Beyers, nor very pleased with 50 ohm Fostexs, but is quite happy with 320 ohm Sennheiser 580's.
So you do get what you pay for, a sonically honest, usefully flexible, DAC/amp/linestage that can be the heart of a pretty decent system.
Sep 2, 2016
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