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23 Sold
Product Description
The Gilmore Lite mk2 is a miniaturized version of Kevin Gilmore’s discrete dynamic headphone circuit. It represents a modern purist’s approach to dynamic headphone amplification, and is as close as possible to the holy grail of headphone amplification: a “wire with gain.” This celebrated Class A design includes matched new old stock (NOS) Toshiba JFETs in the input stage Read More
wait, I'm not understanding something here, I checked the back part of the unit, it seems to me that you HAVE to obligatory buy/use the dedicated PSU they sell here if you want to power this amp, for a total of $700, am I correct assuming this? if so, how does this compare to THX amps? I am not thinking this is going to be good compared to those or topping, schiit amps.
thank you for that answer... how do you compare this amp to amps like schiit, topping and THX amps around this price or lower? (I'm assuming this was not your first amp going into audiophile hobby)
Cferrer1983It's Class A, so if you subscribe to that sort of thing (I'm someone who claims to be able to hear the difference) it has a nice, classic, warm-ish sound. The treble is good but it's not hyper detailed like the THX. In general I like class A because it dumps a lot of power into planars and makes the bass rumble with good dynamics. It's amazing for my LCD-2C. But overall the Gilmore is a little compressed and the soundstage isn't the best. I also have a Lyr 3 and with the right NOS tube, the Lyr 3 is basically everything this is PLUS good soundstage and imaging. The only thing the Lyr 3 doesn't have is quite the same dynamics and punch. I've heard the Jot 2 beats the Gilmore as well, but I've also heard that the PSU fixes a lot of the compression and soundstage issues. I'm on the fence about getting the PSU because dedicated PSUs seem a bit expensive for a minor upgrade. Who knows. The Gilmore used to be really highly regarded, but it's a relatively old design. A lot has changed in amp design since. Pretty sure Schiit didn't even exist when it first came out. If I didn't already have the Gilmore I'd probably spend the same money on a Lyr 3 or a Jot 2
AlbobearWhile there is no hiss with sensitive IEMs, you may not be able to get much volume control as it would be too loud at lower pot levels. I use an impedance adapter with my IEMs and earbuds.
I've got one and heartily reccomend it. Dynamic performer. Clarity with complex musical passages. It shades both the Burson Soloist and Schitt Jotunheim.
I was going to grab this amp but spent more on the Monoprice Cavalli Liquid Platinum and this damn thing stole my heart....
Absolutely crushes my liquid carbon on the extremes. Makes my hd 800s Rumble on Bass!
Really want this drop my come back! I need one for $450 in my life ASAP as a deal on a Jotunheim fell through.
idk if it’s worth the wait for $50 off or if I should just buy at Retail but it seems like this drop ended like 8 months ago
How much was this drop? This is 500 on headamp website....Mr. Clark from MrSpeakers steered me to this for his planars instead of appears this amp is great for planars and dynamics...none for sale on ebay they must be keepers? LoL