Prices probably not low enough to motivate commits.. But just know that I bought this in Japan for $200 USD and couldn't be happier.. This thing sounds freaking good it goes pretty well with the K7xx too.. very clear with good soundstage.. it makes my bookshelf sounded better too.. compairing to a emotiva Stealth DC-1 that cost a big more.
With shipping you end up paying original price, most other companies selling this product offer free shipping anyway with a courier that includes tracking
Maybe Massdrop could help negotiating a better price to get this off the ground.
I wouldn't mind getting this if the price was a bit better
I had this, used it with a usb 3.0 hub+ethernet adapter on my MBP and it would cause the usb controller to crash numerous times. I bought it off amazon, it was pretty neat, but the headphone amp was majorly lacking, but the quality & feel was amazing. I really wish it was more stable though.
rkraigWeird I have it in plugged into a USB 3.0 hub as well and I listen to it 6+ hours a day with zero issues. Did the iDSD have the latest firmware and did your laptop have the ifi driver?
rkraigyeah, i think the controller is really made for USB 2, not USB 3...i'm not sure if they have a fix for that yet, but you might want to check ifi's site...
Price not good enough, Nano was available on Amazon for this price ($169) a few months ago. $20 off MSLP is not anything special. Also the iFi Micro has many more features. I would like to wait for the iFi Micro.