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Product Description
Known for making high-value IEMs with multiple drivers, KZ has gained a loyal following among budget-minded audiophiles. The BA10 lives up to the company’s sparkling reputation Read More

Oct 8, 2018
These are Butt ugly IMO. I own many of the KZ IEMs including the AS10, KZ10, ZS6, ZSR, ZST etc.. Most are a good value and will appeal to many. Some like the ZS6 are pretty bright sounding except the ZS10. I have not listened to the AS10 very much but they sound pretty good out of the box. I need to let them break in and listen some more. The TRN V80 that others mention are an excellent choice. I ddn't like them at first but after break-in they sound really nice. I had not believed in the "beak-in" process until I bought the Kinera IDUN from Massdrop. They were horribly harsh at first but really improved a lot after about 30+ hours of use. Now I actually enjoy them. The biggest pleasant surprise I had was with the BDVP DMG earphones. I've loved them since day one. Very balanced but fun sound with excellent sub bass. Back to the KZ BA10. No interest here just because they are so ugly and look like they would be uncomfortabe.
Oct 10, 2018
I really think you will be pleased with DMGs. Are they perfect? Maybe not but I’m not convinced there is such a thing. i like the DMGs better than my Fiio FH5s. I’m not sure the DM6 would be enough of a upgrade for me to try them. I still have 2 unshipped iems on order that I still need to try. Yes, I’m addicted.
Oct 10, 2018
CyberthingyYes, I think I've decided I'm not allowed to order anything else in 2018. I just need to sit with what I've got for a while, plus a few drops that won't ship out until November too. One-click shopping is too dangerous haha
Oct 7, 2018
Thank you, but no. These are $57 at Ebay and elsewhere.
These do not look like they’d be very comfortable for most people. Even if they sound godly, comfort would make them unuseable for many people. (Unless they’re a bit smaller than they look)
Oct 7, 2018
The cable looks different from the one in this drop though.
Oct 8, 2018
Zander343It is. Its the VE Massdrop edition 2.5mm balanced cable.
Since when did KZ have a "sparkling reputation?" Second, why does MD always resort to some third rate publication to find positive reviews for KZ products?
Their reputation is as a company who crams a lot of drivers into their earphones and 10% of the time they come up with a real winner...ZST is a good example of true value. The other 90% of the time they create something like the ZS6 or ZS10 which is just a multiple driver waste of money.
Finally, Massdrop really needs to fire the account manager who handles the KZ account. Amazon, EBay and aliexpress shouldn't be competitive with the price that massdrop offers. Based on"mass" sales, you should be getting a really nice discount. To be honest, these KZ offers are insulting to the intelligence of the if we would jump at the chance to wait a month in order to save $2.73
Oct 7, 2018
GuyInPittsburghWait... Are you saying that ZS6 sound bad? Mine are awesome, to be honest...
Oct 7, 2018
you can get this cheaper with a little google searching
Oct 7, 2018
Only one who got a big ear can enjoy KZ's product! It's really uncomfortable
Oct 7, 2018
Ergonomically speaking, the design of these don’t give me a lot of confidence regarding fit and comfort. Regardless of sound quality, first and foremost, they need to comfortably fit.
Oct 6, 2018
If the frequency response goes down to 7Hz then these should hit the lower bass a little bit better than my rebranded Magaosi K3 HD’s right which only goes to 20hz? (Monoprice sells them as M80 Aluminum IEMs)
Edit: Nah I think I'm right about the M80's being rebranded K3 HD's. The commenter below may be referring to the K3 Pros which are an entirely different driver set up. Here's the K3 HDs And here's the M80s:
Oct 6, 2018
cwelton17K3 has 3 drivers, MP80 has 2. They have identical shell designs, but not the same number of drivers. How is that a rebrand?
Oct 7, 2018
baranwarI stand corrected
Oct 6, 2018
This one or the AS10?? The AS10 is $45.00 on Ebay.
They are deffinately worth more than $45 and sound better than $70 to my ear. Some people say they sound like a $45 in but they don't explain why. Possible trolls. There's no denying that with 5 BA drivers in each earpiece and the sound signature they have it would NOT be possible to make a set like this three years ago for less than $400....maybe more.
Oct 7, 2018
I love my TRN V80. Great value and great sound quality in general. Fit is also great. How they managed to package 2 DD and 2 BA in such a compact body is a design and engineering achievement.
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