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Makara Sea Serpent Automatic Watch

Makara Sea Serpent Automatic Watch

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110 requests
Product Description
Building on its impressive line of ocean-ready timepieces, Makara has launched the Sea Serpent. This hefty 100-meter water-resistant watch draws eyes with its geometric look Read More

Sep 7, 2020
Amphibious watch refers to only 10ATM? Great copy. I'm totally using it to sell my next sub-standard diver.
Sep 4, 2020
Funny, how this watch is still getting requested, despite all the negative comments. I would simply recommend not to buy it. Especially, if you are not in USA/Canada.
Aug 31, 2020
On patina: I don’t really look at it as a plus or a minus, but in terms of ‘forcing’ it, Auguste Rodin, the great master of bronze sculpture, used to have his (male) apprentices ‘enhance’ the newly- cast bronze statuary in his workshop yard by urinating on them (the statues, not the apprentices). Next time you are looking for a way to enhance that ugly bronze watch you got - let ‘Er fly! and they said that degree in art history would never be useful ...
Aug 31, 2020
I have posted this before, but want to come in again to help a brother out. I try not to be too critical in my feedback on forums, but this particular micro brand is way over-hyped as compared to their product and business model. The three iterations: Sea Turtle, Sea Turtle 2, and Sea Serpent are almost the same case, dial, layout, and strap- very little design ingenuity. Add to that the brass knuckles clasp that has nothing to do with nautical, nor biological themes- why? The quality is regularly off- look at another comments. My Sea Turtle two started stopping and starting after about 2 months. Then comes the absolute lack of customer service. I emailed Makara 12 times- never a response- beyond the automated “a ticket has been opened.” Fortunately, the over-hyping worked for me when I resold it on EBay as a watch that needed servicing and I made my money back. With brands like Zelos, Glycine, Maranez, etc. producing a well thought out and dependable bronze diver in this price range- go another route. Just my $.02 + a full-on rant.
Aug 31, 2020
“Designed by a precocious toddler who was inspired by the shapes found in his favourite activity book...”
Aug 31, 2020
I wonder why they lower the water resistance on this watch vs sea turtle. They both look similar, except the size. Could it be the thickness of the metal? Not a deal breaker, but more of a curiously thought of mine.
Aug 31, 2020
VelezelvinProbably the inclusion of display case back - Sea Turtle has a solid screw down back like most other dive watches.
Aug 31, 2020
I own two Makaras; no QC issues with either version. Of the two, this is the some what dumbed down model: no date complication, no hacking/winding, and less lume the Sea Turtle. The buckle was problematic on the Turtle, but has been resolved completely on this Serpent. Fun watches to wear so long as you know what you’re buying.
Aug 31, 2020
The big advantage to purchasing a Makara from MD, rather than directly from Makara, is that you get to avoid Makara’s abysmal Customer Service.
Jun 30, 2020
Mine was defective as well. The dial and bezel are way off, not aligned. I also reached out to Drop to see what my options are.
Jul 1, 2020
GreggerATXWell, you have at least Massdrop, which might intervene as the middle partner. Hope you would all get your refunds. :)
Jun 28, 2020
My watch arrived defective. Gains several minutes per hour, more than an hour ahead after 24 hours of use...or should I say, useless. Have contacted Drop to ask how I return it and get a refund.
Aug 31, 2020
Way ahead of you!
Aug 31, 2020

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