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Lake People G111 MKII Headphone Amplifier

Lake People G111 MKII Headphone Amplifier

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Product Description
Lake People is known for producing top-tier, audiophile-grade foundations on which to build your listening setup—so it’s no surprise that, in the new G111 MKII Headphone Amp, the bones are good. Inside this small but mighty audiophile powerhouse, you’ll find a discrete amplifier design with 4 transistors per channel using V100 technology, as well as high-grade Alps RK27 potentiometers to ensure top-tier channel balanced and very low cross talk Read More

May 29, 2024
This headphone amplifier sounds the same as the THX 789 amplifier, period.
Jun 2, 2024
I answered what you asked. Your question: "I want to know what makes headphone amplifiers as well as dacs sounds different ?" My answer was correct: "The various chips, op-amps, board designs, and overall implementations - as everything works in conjunction - are 'what makes headphone amplifiers as well as dacs sounds different'. Each unit's power supply system also greatly affects its overall sound. Power/current/voltage output, THD, noise, and channel separation specifications provide the listener a basic idea of how the unit will work in an audio system. But these electronic measurements are only part of the overall picture." Yes, the vast majority of the amps measure 'neutral' or flat. You also touched on the importance "power output", as I did. Many audio enthusiasts think that, primarily, frequency response and power output define a component's overall sound. Such people are grossly ignorant. In my answer to your latest question, I also said that the rest of amplifier's or DAC's sound "can only be realized from real-world listening." You responded with yet another demand for strict A/B testing. This is a strawman argument since it doesn't matter if an individual could or could not 'pass a test' to differentiate two DACs or amps. The results of A/B testing do not dictate the absolute sound of any DAC or amp. Therefor, any claim that two products 'sound the same' based on that reasoning is categorically false and unfounded. Period. I will also reiterate that your "corresponding arguments" are merely obfuscation in a failed attempt to distract from your main point and claim, which was always just an assumption rooted in your short-sightedness in regards to real-world audio experiences, namely, that other listeners cannot hear or perceive differently than you... with their ears, their audio gear, and their music. Back to your original claim that started all of this: The Lake People G111 mkII "sounds the same as the THX 789 amplifier, period." The fact is, these two headphone amplifiers do not contain the same chips, op-amps, board designs, and overall implementations. They do not feature the same tech, nor are they even made by the same company. Factually, they cannot 'sound the same'. To make your claim even more ridiculous, you haven't even heard the Lake People amp... much less, within strict A/B testing! There's no defending this. You were 100% wrong to make that claim. All the walls of text in the world will not make it true. Case closed. Or as you're fond of saying, debunked.
Jun 2, 2024
Ok, thats fair but was also referring to the whole debunked paragraph as well. Again, am telling you that you are incorrect. And I have already made that comment why these components and measurement factors does not determine sound and other attributes as well. But rather what actually contributes sound and what not. Also, I bet you do not know how does internal components and engineering approach works but thats besides the point. Anyway, I already made that comment on your statement so please re read again. Vast majority of the amps measure 'neutral' or flat. But you must know that frequency response doesn't define a component's overall sound. To think this would be beyond ignorant. Again, already made that comment and even further debunked via logic but for some reason you never comprehend it. To that I say, FR define overall sound, because other attributes such as sound stage, detail, layering, etc. are all dependant on the tranduscer while amplifying the signal with current/voltage. Again, unless you have a very bad amp design then you can hear sonic flawed attribute such as resolution, imaging and sound stage. Period. The only thing that is beyond ignorant, is not willing to based on science and without conducting a/b testing. And regardless of dacs and amps, I also commented about real-world listening which also sounds the same. Again, a/b testing even if you disagree with objective claim and the science of engineering of audio. Even subjectivist must conduct a/b test. I asked what determine the sound of an amplifier and you give a an rhetoric response by stating eletronic component with running voltage like no shit. But am referring to actual factors that actually produce sound that are audible to the human ear. Its rather strawman argument if want refuse to do a/b testing and simply making a claim this amps or dacs sound like this and that while giving subjective mumbo jumbo and only making judgement by only hearing one amplifier. Now, thats dimissive ignorant. It does matter because a/b testing dictate the overall judgement of whether an individual able to discern the difference or not. If they cannot determine the difference, meaning they live under a sense of false judgement of reality and making unstantiate claims. Its not only they unable to prove objectively and logically, they also cannot deduce via real life actual hearing where prove that they can hear the difference while making an objective truth of dacs and amplifier sounds different. Regardless of what argument you make, we conduct a provable experiment. Its the same shit with political debate as well, it does not matter which side of proponent of argument you made, we want to see results and outcome. Actual provable fact and reality. Anyway, if they refused or failed to suceed in a/b testing, meaning most of their claims are based on placebo and "FEELINGS" which is fine by the way. But I just want to state an objective truth. And even if you find it bigotry or ridiculous about factual statement or only deemed mine as an expression of opinion, it does not matter as well. Like if 1+1=3, I do not care and not going to make a big fuzz about it but sometimes you cannot help but to debunked such ridiculous arguments. Again, I have already responded and gave a critique as well as a little bit od debunked (but that part I never based on science), where real-world experiences or not, its about the objective truth and actual indication of determining the differences in audio. If you cannot tell the difference among amplifiers regardless of watever claimed you made while giving subjective mumbo jumbo, means amplifiers sounds the same and while you unable to determine them. So they only way you could tell is via measurement. And even lets say you do hear the difference, but you unable to determine the difference if side by side comparison a/b, that does not changed the main narrative of the argument while its still placebo effect. Anyhow, its quite the opposite where your response are merely obfuscation in a failed attempt to distract from your main delusion and claim when you refuse objective facts and making inaccurate assesment and response on what determine sound quality via amplifiers. No amount of expensive audio component will make a headphone amplifier sound better while mainly just psw and pcb board where I mentioned. Even FPGA chip and NFC chip still sounds the same similar to THX chip. There is an objective reasoning for that. Again, hearing and perceiving differenly are two differencet concept when it comes to audible hearing that are detected by the human ear. WE CANNOT HEAR 0.0001% of noise and distortion as well as certain level of transparency. Anything you hear will just be placebo effect. We are human and not dolphin or bats. Other sonic attributes can be greatly quantify via tranduscer which is either your speakers or headphone unless an amplifier has different selective of output impedance which still sounds the same. And by the way, we could further iterate on the science and logic behind why certain drivers react similarly or differently with either high or low impedance but thats irrevalent for now. And again, $ does not = sound quality and better performance. Now on to your last paragraph and my original claimed, I have provided factual and objective reasoning on regarding why I made that claimed regardless whether its an objective truth or just a mere guessing opinion or not. But rather than me just repeating again, I will summarize. Again, even if I never heard the G111, but because due to the usual marketing mumbo jumbo especially the terms they used; overall specs and measurement (no measurement though); similar design from the same manufacturer with other of their higher end amplifiers which I tried by the way; while me having to able to a/b even more expensive amp over the G111, while with vast majority of amplifier at every price I heard, I can already know. Because even before even attempting to hear in real life listening experience, my guess are always correct especially once actually hear them. Similar with headphones but am not going there as that would be subjective opinion of mine. Anyway, combine with other factors I mentioned, I do not need to hear them to know it. Moving on, I could even make a further iterration where you make claims where its even more ridiculous than mine, simply because you do not believe in actual science and facts that was discussed by actual audio engineers, refused or reject the idea for conducting a/b approach. Because I bet you have not even heard the G111 or actually conduct a/b with a/b switch tester (I could even provide video on how to do it). Lastly, even if I do hear the G111 and actually owned it, while I still concluded the same outcome, what other excuse and reasoning can you go against me ? Everyone hear and perceived differently. I can only agree with logical arguments and referring to frequencies via hz as well as sound signature. Again, a/b test with proper methodology and parameter of testing. Again, you challenged my claim and arguments, I have debunked with logical and personal reasoning as well as empirical data and science behind it. Well concise and constructed. While you continue making criticism of quote, repeating statement and keep stating am incorrect, which you could not even provide reasoning. Such reasoning also has been debunked. There should be back and forth, not repeating statement and rejecting arguements or opinions. Whether case closed or not, the outcome is still the same. And yes, it has debunked.
Jan 28, 2024
I question how Drop can ethically offer this headphone amplifier for sale when it offered another, more expensive HA from the same manufacturer - Lake People manufactures the Violectric V222 - and hasn't delivered, to my knowledge, a single one of the V222s ordered last September. I speak from personal experience. I questioned Drop and Lake People's U.S. distributor, American Sound & Music (ASM), about their ongoing failure to deliver the V222 that I paid for in September and that was supposed to ship in November. The Director of Global Sales for ASM sent me an email that stated, essentially, "Oops, my bad," and promised shipment in 7-10 days from his email. That was 11/28. Still no V222. One of the intended buyers for the V222 described the situation as a "scam." I'm not convinced of that, but I'm suspecting a bad case of "seller's remorse." I.e., someone on the sell side of the transaction has realized that they're going to take a loss on the deal and have reneged. If you buy the G111, you may very well receive your purchase on time. The G111 costs substantially less than the V222, which I assume means that it is simpler and less expensive to manufacture and distribute. If you live in California and your order of a G111 is unreasonably delayed, keep in mind that the California Attorney General accepts consumer complaints.
AbqslimI bought my V222 off Drop back in February, much later than when it was first offered and I had it within 10 days. I was totally amazed. My guess? It was from canceled sales of the previous Drop. BTW, I love the amp, and it powers my Modhouse Tungstens just peachy! Violectric/Lake People make solid gear!
Jan 24, 2024
I am worried about the arrangement of the shipment and the potential unlimited delay, will be repeated after HPA-V222 sales, which that model is manufactured by the same company.
May 29, 2024
SmallBatteryThese reports regarding lack of fulfillment for the V222 are very concerning. Have you all asked Drop for a refund? What has come of it? I would also contact my credit card company and initiate a charge-back if it were me... if Drop denied you a refund. As for Lake People products specifically, anyone I know who has had one has generally been very happy with their amp, up and down the product range. Their amps are very good sounding, high quality amplifiers by reputation anyway... It sounds like Lake People needs better due diligence in vetting their distributor in the US as well.
Oct 18, 2023
Great looking specs as always from the engineering talent at Lake. Two things not mentioned in the description and spec sheet is just how much voltage Lake products run at. Far higher than almost every other headphone Amp, levels more typical of regular speaker amps. This gives the Amp much more driving ability and a bit of a unique sound characteristic in the headphone Amp world. The other thing is the specific output at different ohms: 600 mW (600 Ohm) 900 mW (300 Ohm) 1750 mW (100 Ohm) 1200 mW (32 Ohm) So this Amp works perfect for both very high impedance phones as well as low impedance ones like planar. However since it has such high voltage, it will really excel on the high impedance ones compared to other amps. While it has enough total power for 32 ohm headphones, you can see from the fact that power actually drops off from 100ohm rating when going down (usually power goes up as you get lower impedance) that the amp is actually limited in power output by the current/amperage capability on the low end because voltage goes down a bit and the current cant go any higher.
Oct 18, 2023
EniGmA1987Why this wouldn't be listed in the description and specs is a mystery.
Jun 7, 2024
hatmanThis is because when they post wrong specs and measurements, they be easily be sued. And there are always bias tedencies and this is why they should sent to reviewers who based on measurement rig such as ASR and other science based reviews. But of course, that will be bad marketing sometimes by just providing specs and measurement. We need subjective mumbo jumbo to convince their unit is different and unique from any otehr dac/amp but in reality, they perform more a like the same. The power output for each impedance that guy provided, are more alike similar to most amplifiers. This particular unit indeed is very powerful. Lake people and violectric make well engineered stuff, german engineering, big fan. But overprice and sounds the same. I would love to own their gears.
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Ok, thats fair but was also referring to the whole debunked paragraph as well. Again, am telling you that you are incorrect. And I have already made that comment why these components and measurement factors does not determine sound and other attributes as well. But rather what actually contributes sound and what not. Also, I bet you do not know how does internal components and engineering approach works but thats besides the point. Anyway, I already made that comment on your statement so please re read again. Vast majority of the amps measure 'neutral' or flat. But you must know that frequency response doesn't define a component's overall sound. To think this would be beyond ignorant. Again, already made that comment and even further debunked via logic but for some reason you never comprehend it. To that I say, FR define overall sound, because other attributes such as sound stage, detail, layering, etc. are all dependant on the tranduscer while amplifying the signal with current/voltage. Again, unless you have a very bad amp design then you can hear sonic flawed attribute such as resolution, imaging and sound stage. Period. The only thing that is beyond ignorant, is not willing to based on science and without conducting a/b testing. And regardless of dacs and amps, I also commented about real-world listening which also sounds the same. Again, a/b testing even if you disagree with objective claim and the science of engineering of audio. Even subjectivist must conduct a/b test. I asked what determine the sound of an amplifier and you give a an rhetoric response by stating eletronic component with running voltage like no shit. But am referring to actual factors that actually produce sound that are audible to the human ear. Its rather strawman argument if want refuse to do a/b testing and simply making a claim this amps or dacs sound like this and that while giving subjective mumbo jumbo and only making judgement by only hearing one amplifier. Now, thats dimissive ignorant. It does matter because a/b testing dictate the overall judgement of whether an individual able to discern the difference or not. If they cannot determine the difference, meaning they live under a sense of false judgement of reality and making unstantiate claims. Its not only they unable to prove objectively and logically, they also cannot deduce via real life actual hearing where prove that they can hear the difference while making an objective truth of dacs and amplifier sounds different. Regardless of what argument you make, we conduct a provable experiment. Its the same shit with political debate as well, it does not matter which side of proponent of argument you made, we want to see results and outcome. Actual provable fact and reality. Anyway, if they refused or failed to suceed in a/b testing, meaning most of their claims are based on placebo and "FEELINGS" which is fine by the way. But I just want to state an objective truth. And even if you find it bigotry or ridiculous about factual statement or only deemed mine as an expression of opinion, it does not matter as well. Like if 1+1=3, I do not care and not going to make a big fuzz about it but sometimes you cannot help but to debunked such ridiculous arguments. Again, I have already responded and gave a critique as well as a little bit od debunked (but that part I never based on science), where real-world experiences or not, its about the objective truth and actual indication of determining the differences in audio. If you cannot tell the difference among amplifiers regardless of watever claimed you made while giving subjective mumbo jumbo, means amplifiers sounds the same and while you unable to determine them. So they only way you could tell is via measurement. And even lets say you do hear the difference, but you unable to determine the difference if side by side comparison a/b, that does not changed the main narrative of the argument while its still placebo effect. Anyhow, its quite the opposite where your response are merely obfuscation in a failed attempt to distract from your main delusion and claim when you refuse objective facts and making inaccurate assesment and response on what determine sound quality via amplifiers. No amount of expensive audio component will make a headphone amplifier sound better while mainly just psw and pcb board where I mentioned. Even FPGA chip and NFC chip still sounds the same similar to THX chip. There is an objective reasoning for that. Again, hearing and perceiving differenly are two differencet concept when it comes to audible hearing that are detected by the human ear. WE CANNOT HEAR 0.0001% of noise and distortion as well as certain level of transparency. Anything you hear will just be placebo effect. We are human and not dolphin or bats. Other sonic attributes can be greatly quantify via tranduscer which is either your speakers or headphone unless an amplifier has different selective of output impedance which still sounds the same. And by the way, we could further iterate on the science and logic behind why certain drivers react similarly or differently with either high or low impedance but thats irrevalent for now. And again, $ does not = sound quality and better performance. Now on to your last paragraph and my original claimed, I have provided factual and objective reasoning on regarding why I made that claimed regardless whether its an objective truth or just a mere guessing opinion or not. But rather than me just repeating again, I will summarize. Again, even if I never heard the G111, but because due to the usual marketing mumbo jumbo especially the terms they used; overall specs and measurement (no measurement though); similar design from the same manufacturer with other of their higher end amplifiers which I tried by the way; while me having to able to a/b even more expensive amp over the G111, while with vast majority of amplifier at every price I heard, I can already know. Because even before even attempting to hear in real life listening experience, my guess are always correct especially once actually hear them. Similar with headphones but am not going there as that would be subjective opinion of mine. Anyway, combine with other factors I mentioned, I do not need to hear them to know it. Moving on, I could even make a further iterration where you make claims where its even more ridiculous than mine, simply because you do not believe in actual science and facts that was discussed by actual audio engineers, refused or reject the idea for conducting a/b approach. Because I bet you have not even heard the G111 or actually conduct a/b with a/b switch tester (I could even provide video on how to do it). Lastly, even if I do hear the G111 and actually owned it, while I still concluded the same outcome, what other excuse and reasoning can you go against me ? Everyone hear and perceived differently. I can only agree with logical arguments and referring to frequencies via hz as well as sound signature. Again, a/b test with proper methodology and parameter of testing. Again, you challenged my claim and arguments, I have debunked with logical and personal reasoning as well as empirical data and science behind it. Well concise and constructed. While you continue making criticism of quote, repeating statement and keep stating am incorrect, which you could not even provide reasoning. Such reasoning also has been debunked. There should be back and forth, not repeating statement and rejecting arguements or opinions. Whether case closed or not, the outcome is still the same. And yes, it has debunked.
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