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Mitchell & Johnson JP1 Headphones

Mitchell & Johnson JP1 Headphones

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Product Description
From Mitchell & Johnson, an exciting new hi-fi company out of London, the JP1 allows you to enjoy the sound of an electrostatic headphone without having to own a specialized electrostatic amplifier. It does this with an electret driver, which works like an electrostatic driver but is permanently charged using a special diaphragm that can store and utilize this charge in everyday use Read More

The cable seemed flimsy on arrival, and proved to be flimsy - stopped working after a couple of months of semi-regular use. Also, the band makes an awkward sound as it stretches, which can be heard through music. This is mostly a non-issue unless you're wearing them on the go (then it's annoying). They feel like an upgrade to my m50x in terms of sound, but due to the custom wiring for the cable (which I'm not able to make myself, nor have I found a place that can) I can't use them. If you can change the earcups, replace the annoying band with a different way to hang/adjust on your head, and get a better cable, they are alright. Also, customer service is non-existent and none of their designated UK vendors have replacements (to my knowledge).
Jun 21, 2019
ferryeyebrowadvanceI can help with making the cable, infact I have make one with a 4.4mm pentacon plug instead of 3.5mm for my audio player
Mar 27, 2019
I bought these pads for my JP1's they fit great and i like them alot, they are a million times better than the original pads. The pads i received look alot better than what they show in the picture aswell.
Mar 10, 2019
Sorry for the late reply for those who are wondering about a new cable (Jon). I know I said I'd do a drawing of the cable needs as it is not usual, which also explain why there is no L and R markings on the jack terminals. I did a hand drawing that looks terrible ... so I prefer not post it. The cabling is simple to explain though. The cable is terminated by 3 TRS 3,5mm jacks. That means there is 3 connexions on each plug. Lets say the tip one is A, the middle one B and the one close to the barrel is C. Lets say the jack for the amp output is 1, then the output jacks to the HP are 2 and 3. The wirering goes likes this: A1/A2/A3 B1/B2/B3 C1/C2/C3 Than means that all 3 jacks are wired the same. With this you can get a custom cable. Because of this specific cabling and because the JP1 is easy to drive, I confirm that a balanced schematic will not add any benefits. Besides, the JP1 is not designed to get used with a balanced amp.
Feb 12, 2019
Got mine and at first i was very disappointed especially when playing metal since it sounded terribly flat and boring (I mainly bought these for metal). My mistake was using Spotify, after swapping to 320 mbps audio files i finally got the audio i was looking for, i'm also planning on planing them with a external amp. Now the negative part is the fit, there a bit large for my head and since there not adjustable there is not much i can do but i have plans on modifying them. Were they worth it? I don't know since i forgot that Sweden has a 25% import tax.
Feb 11, 2019
Mar 10, 2019
Rebehle420Dekoni are superb and high quality pads. I use them on most of my highend HP. That said, those found by Jon are cheaper and just perfect.
Mar 16, 2019
Rebehle420These are the best pads for this headphone IMO: I have tried Dekoni Sheepskin Elite, Wicked Cushions, and these Bingle cushions. The Bingle cushions fit the best and have the best sound.
Feb 1, 2019
If anyone is looking for a replacement hardshell case this one works perfectly:

Feb 6, 2019
jonRockMy Hidizs AP80 came in. It's definitely a good match for these headphones. They sound more open and clear with the AP80. Also, the headphone case that I linked above comes with a small leather pouch that works perfectly for the AP80.
Mar 10, 2019
jonRockHidizs DAP are very good gear for money and very good ultimately. The AP80 is a good choice, I reviewed the AP100 long ago and was very pleased by it. The JP1 is an easy to drive HP and since I changed the pads (thanks to you again) I use them more often on a old Tosh laptop I use to review music before I buy them on Qobuz. I really appreciate you sharing your findings and comment this HP, they are very helpful. So thanks again Jon!
Jan 29, 2019
These sound great, i dont know why some people say they dont like them, For the genres of music i listen to I think they sound fucking amazing. I like them better than my 58x's. If anyone knows where to get replacement cables for these headphones let me know
Jan 25, 2019
Hello guys, I cannot write review as it shows I have not received cans for some reason.. But it is with me for a few days. So I write a few thoughts. Im owner of fostex mahogany, purpleheart, hd 6xx, 58x and previously some other cans. When headphone came I tried it on topping nx4, fostex h4bl and darkvoice. It sounded bassy or lets say mudy, but I still somehow felt that this sound has quality. Now I put it directly to my motorola, put down the bass in playerpro and it sounds quite good! For 99 usd very good sound. You need to play with eq I guess also on pc, which I will try to learn about sound with fostex or darkvoice more. So in general I think for this price it is good thing to give them a chance, as capability seems to be nice. Also comfort is great, I have big head and its system suits me better compared senns 6xx/58x for example.
Jan 26, 2019
Jupiter78Nice. I have probably 100 hours of burn-in on them right now. They are sounding better and better. I've been using Viper4Android FX on my phone with them and it really brings out the quality of the sound (with the right settings). Put the clarity setting on 6.0 db and it will sound a lot better. I personally use the Ainur Sauron MKIII mod with V4A, and I enable ViPER Bass with a bass frequency of 100 Hz and boost at 3.5 dB and ViPER Clarity with the Natural clarity mode at 8.0 dB.
Jan 20, 2019
I just listened to this on Spotify: This track really shows what these cans are capable of. Sounds life-like. I'd break them in first before listening to it though.
Jan 7, 2019
I just received them today so they haven't had time to be burned in yet, but they already sound much better than my AKG K550's, after burn in I'm sure they'll sound close to my Shure SRH750DJ's which have damn high highs and deep lows. These JP1's have the lows, just waiting for those highs to clear up. Btw not sure if anyone else is having trouble with the 6.35mm adaptor, I've tried the JP1's out with 2 different adapters I had laying around but the JP1's only seem to receive lows when being driven through an adapter, no highs. Other than that they drive just fine with 3.5mm output. If anyone else has this issue please let me know since I'm now contemplating getting a DAC just to drive these since Denon amp + 6.35mm adapter is a no go :/

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