Rowdy2026probably because it has the charming wolfson dac and what looks to be an excellent transformer and chain, and is a great price for a very capable upgrade to onboard sound
but hey! whatever you are after is probably somewhere out there for a lot more money if you aren't interested in this
Rowdy2026burr brown was acquired by texas industries in 2000; the name is marketing rather than their previous high end technology
wolfson are now under the cirrus logic banner; ditto for their current implementation since 2014, which this device appears to pre-date, thus using a high end original chip (and opa627's on the output stage; one of my faves from the days of old)
the internal transformer and components are all well respected for their quality
the sum of the parts is a well designed and capable piece of kit that is higher end old gen
my venerable alo pan am utilises a wolfson dac and sounds awesome - it's all in the implementation, not the price tag really, although that was not a cheap buy when new
if you demand all the current features, get a new thing and go bunta! just recognise that old doesn't mean incapable of great reproduction
dissing good stuff because it isn't "current" stuff misses the point that if it does what a buyer wants it's still a bargain
fwiw a khadas tone 1 is way cheaper and sounds incredible for the money :)
if you wish to pay for more "features" (which many will never utilise), you will definitely feel the pinch in other aspects of the design, notably the actual dac chip and output stage
scruffy1Nostalgia is great and all but shouldn’t prevent you from buying technically advanced products with features almost a necessity in todays world…instead of this antiquated dac.
Rowdy2026your necessity is not my necessity; "advanced products and features" are fine for those who want them and they are welcome to spend up on whatever they desire
i am not "prevented" from buying the latest offerings if i choose to be satisfied with "this old thing", i simply suggest it is a capable and effective dac at a good price for what it offers
one buyer's necessity is another buyer's superfluous componentry
scruffy1Whilst you’re going hard on the ‘what one customer wants is all that’s important’ philosophy…it’s also you who’s replying to my rhetorical comment/question/opinion and telling me why it’s wrong. Do you see the irony here?
scruffy1Read this to yourself very slowly…YOU REPLIED TO ME.
at least learn how the internet works before using it’s most overused term to justify your silliness.