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Shanling H3A DAC/Amp With Bluetooth

Shanling H3A DAC/Amp With Bluetooth

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Product Description
A versatile DAC/amp that transitions easily from desk to daily commute, the Shanling H3A allows you to listen to music via USB, Bluetooth 4.0, or the auxiliary input. It’s ideal for use with a smartphone, and at roughly the same size (2.4 by 4.8 inches), it’s just as portable Read More

Jun 26, 2016
I have an H3 and can confirm that it works with Android via OTG, however I have not been able to to find a way to make it not draw charge from my phone (Galaxy S6) when in this configuration. This means the battery draw on my phone is huge and is essentially unusable. Whether this is the fault of the phone or the device I'm not sure since I don't have another AMP/DAC to try, nor another Android phone that supports OTG to try to troubleshoot with. Bluetooth on the H3 works well but the range is pitiful and you get a lot of garbled sound when the connection is less than perfect. Support through Shanling is very bad too, to a point I've given up trying to contact them.
All that said, my H3 works very well as a portable USB DAC/AMP from my laptop which was one of my main intended uses for it, so overall it's been a good purchase for me. I don't know that I could recommend it though unless these other issues are addressed on this new H3A version, which is information I can't seem to find anywhere.
Jun 25, 2016
very very sexy and features packed!
Jun 25, 2016
This is quite interesting, looks like a capable small DAC/Amp for portable use, especially with bluetooth.
Jun 25, 2016
I'm actually interested in a decent Bluetooth DAC/amp, especially if the rumors are true about the iPhone 7 not having a headphone jack. I have lots of nice wired headphones that I want to keep using! I have a few decent portable DACs, but it would be very inconvenient to lug those around, with corresponding cables and the camera adapter, every single time I want to use my wired headphones (without using an additional Apple-made lightning adapter that probably will include a crappy DAC).
So a Bluetooth DAC sounds like a good solution to me, but I don't want to spend too much money, because I agree the sound quality can suffer over Bluetooth. I haven't heard either way if the 7 will support aptX. I know my regular 6 does not.
One thing, though, upon searching for more info about this DAC, it looks like other sites list the THD at <.007%, which is obviously a far cry from what the Massdrop listing shows (<.0004%). Can anyone explain the discrepancy? I admit to some ignorance on this point, but I understand the THD to be key to low background noise with things like sensitive IEMs, and I have been on a relentless search for something that will do the trick for me.
Jun 24, 2016
Are this H3A and H3 (which is reviewed on Head-fi) the same? There are very few informations about"H3A" on web.
Jun 24, 2016
Can anyone answer if this works with Android phones? (does the Android OS recognize this device when connected via the USB port - NOT THE AUDIO OUT JACK)
If not this is pretty worthless - there's better solutions out there for less ( for one)
The bluetooth is intriguing - but since it's pretty much crap for audio I don't see how a bluetooth DAC even makes sense.....
Jun 24, 2016
DonVYes this should run on Android as it has an OTG cable included. I currently have the e18 and for $93 it has features I such as the play/skip/prev buttons on the dac itself.
I skimmed over the HF review:
Some take-aways: Bluetooth is limited to 16/44, No Bass Boost (maybe it doesn't need it but I prefer having one), no play/skip/prev buttons, and that weird positioning of the micro USB port.
For something that is almost $300 you would also expect a case which it doesn't come with one.
Jun 25, 2016
DonVThe bluetooth is 4.0 with aptx, so the bluetooth is capable of CD quality. I have 2 dacs with the ES9018K2M chip, one is very expensive, and the M9XX blows them both away. Not sure if it is the chip itself, since it has gotten good reviews, but the M9XX with a different chip is at least 5 times better than those dacs I have.... just my 2 cents.
Jun 24, 2016
This looks very intriguing.
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