Cokemanright but it is nice it has full-balanced topology. Looks like SMSL is going to get an amp "right" soon and when that happens, RIP everyone else.
UzuzuAll they need is a bit more power, and for it to actually sound good (not saying I know what this sound likes). But specs only mean so much, it all comes down to the sound. Also, I'm not aware of a fully balanced DAC around this price either. So you would be buying a far more expensive DAC than AMP.
CokemanThey actually released a cheaper sap-8 not long ago, from memory. But again, power is not remotely interesting, except if I remember correctly, mr zeo reviewed it and said its ok in general use.
OZ.Bloody.RabbitSorry, typo, I mean sap-9 which has balanced in 2x 3pin xlr to balanced out, 2.5 trrs + 4pin xlr, sap-8 is balanced in and only TRS out.