As an audiophile, you likely need very little introduction to Campfire Audio: The Portland, Oregon-based audio brand with exceptional hand-made, high-performing IEMs. Their latest? Read More
Not Awesome. Average sound. Maybe a bit more spacious than others. But tuned for the masses.
The major issue is I don’t like the tips that come with them. But when trying different tips, there is not enough space in the charging port to allow anything other than shallow tips.
Music Genres:Electronic, Hip-hop, Jazz, Metal, R&B
checkVerified Buyer
Great - When they work
Maybe I got lemons, no idea, but god forbid if I can keep one or both connected to bluetooth. The right bud constantly drops out for a second. Sometimes neither will connect to bluetooth and I have to reset the connection. Actual trash considering I can get a pair of garbage buds off Amazon for $20 and NOT have connection issues. And no, I don't have my head wrapped in tin foil, my phone isn't 900 feet from me, etc. I'm literally sitting in a chair, my phone in front of me with no obstructions.
Aside from that, with some EQ tweaking, these sound fantastic. Wish they would just work.
Primary: The minimum playable volume is way too high.
Secondary: I found the out-of-the-box EQ settings underwhelming and a bit muddy.
Pros: The fit is OK. They provided various tips, and I managed to get a decent seal. The packaging is nice. The product itself also looks nice.
This product was not for me, primarily due to the volume loudness setting.
This product was/is NOT refundable.
After a little bit of fumbling at first I got them working. A firmware update and reset.
They sound great, nice bass. The case charges the orbits many times.
It took a little while to find tips that would stay sealed for over an hour on walks, but got that figured out.
I did have them loose connection with my DAP after sitting for a few days, the CFA app said they were fine, just needed to connect in the bluetooth settings of the DAP.
rayegomaidk if its the same problem with mind happening with yours but if the case still chaging ig i had to open my senhiser and charge it manually untill it came back to life
Music Genres:Classical, Hip-hop, Jazz, Pop, R&B, Rock, World
checkVerified Buyer
solid putty-colored performer
nice unit! still fiddling w tipfit for my ears & to my ears, needs eq tuning (lame CA app but allows ‘custom’ setting) to flatten what oddly reminds me of those old LOUDNESS buttons; well-priced to compete w best of Beats/AP but much better imaging/soundstage; battery life OK so far; hope it doesnt fall into the plumbing
just received them. Sound quality is good (on par or better than equivalent priced TWS IEMs). The App is meh. EQ adjustments could be better but I like the sound after making a custom EQ. Built in EQ settings are questionable. Touch controls seem to work fine but I disable it on any and every TWS I own. AirPod Pros will be on podcast and video duty and the Orbits will be for music.
just to add I have Andromedas and Orions, so not my first time with Campfire Audio
ThechansenHow do these compare to the other CA IEMS you've tried? I’ve been loving the Orbits, so I’m eyeballing the Supermoon but wondering if it’s justifies its higher price tags. Thanks!
Thechansenthanks for the great description! How would you compare the sound to Andromedas and AirPods Pros for music listening? I have both the Andromeda (older version) and the AirpodPros 2 and love both of them. Also, does the Campfire app allow for parametric eq or only graphic? Thanks again!