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Dec 22, 2021
I have the Purple Pandas and I really love them, one of my favorite variants of the Holy Panda style of switch - definitely better than the Drop Holy Pandas. That being said, I'm very curious how they compare with Ice Milk and Sapphire - there is not a whole lot of information out there about them. The Sapphires from what I could see online are more of a MX Clear style bump, it's less tactile than the Purple Pandas - and I haven't seen anything about the Ice Milk. It's interesting to see that they are all the same price, because usually the Sapphires are sold at a premium and the Purple Pandas are cheaper (Both can be found significantly cheaper than Drop). Once again, I'm very curious to hear some actual information about how these switches compare to each other. Drop needs to do a much better job with their details about their products - at least there are switch materials listed... although whether to trust Drop on those being accurate is up to you.
Dec 22, 2021
Dec 22, 2021
ForgotMyPa5swordWhat other details would you say are missing? I myself wish drop would show an opened up switch and spring comparison. Kinda like headphone frequency graphs. btw I have an extra Pa7sword if you need to borrow it. Just sharpened and polished too.
Dec 22, 2021
Dec 22, 2021
Zac0019 Great, I'll change it to Pa7sword! Well, let me try putting it this way - from the details provided here on this TACTILE switch - do you have any indication whatsoever on how tactile it is, or how it feels in comparison to any other switch, or between themselves? While it's not the best thing ever, an accurate force graph is at least a data point. An actual review or descriptive language or subjective comparison to other switches would be more helpful. Basic marketing, get the switches out to a couple reliable youtubers or switch reviewers (e.g. Theramin Goat) to review.
Dec 22, 2021
Dec 22, 2021
ForgotMyPa5swordAh, here sir. Great sword. Enjoy. Take care of it. I see what you mean. We got zero confidence going into a tactile switch not knowing if it will feel like a brown, zealios, panda, etc. Probably more important to compare stems than springs or housings in this case. I run tangies in my personal build but these are interesting as a friend wants to build a custom soon.
Dec 22, 2021
Dec 22, 2021
Zac0019I'm actually really interested in the Ice Milk switches they have listed - my complaints above are only because of Drop's product page/marketing, nothing against the products themselves - the only complaint I have about Purple Pandas is that the springs are a bit heavy for longer typing session, so a lower weight spring is a boon, and I'm curious the effect different materials will have. Without knowing the style of tactile bump though, I can't make the purchase because I have no interest in brown or clear style tactility. While showing the stem would help, the tactility of the leaf is HUGE for the feeling - that's why the original Holy Pandas were so different from a Halo True, entirely because the leaf is different. Subjective reviews and comparisons to other tactiles are critical.
Dec 22, 2021
Dec 22, 2021
ForgotMyPa5swordYeah i agree, i am avid enjoyer of tecsee brand switches and my personal favorites are the carrot linears, while ive yet to try any of theyre tactiles, im always left wondering where the reviews are. Im glad theyre now getting sold on drop as i expect them to rise in popularity due to the website. Ice Milks definitely seem intruiging to me
Dec 22, 2021
Dec 29, 2021
ForgotMyPa5swordI can confirm that heavier springs (65g and up) can make for tiring experiences. I had the Halo True's in my CTRL from Drop, and their bottom out force actually ramps up quite steeply after the tactile bump and activation point, up to 100g at bottom out. When gaming, holding down the keys actually made my hands quite tired, especially my pinky. I do believe that the slope of the spring force and the bottom out force is the critical fact when considering gaming on the keyboard. However, when typing, the steep ramp beyond the activation point means that you don't have to bottom out every stroke, so you can actually just sortof "float" type, using less travel and relying on the spring ramp to resist you going full travel. I really like the Halo Trues for typing, but need lighter switches for gaming. Also a big tactile fan, and find that linears feel like nothing - I want that feedback on each keypress. Another consideration is your keycaps. I just bought a set of the MT3 profile caps, and those are some heavy boys. With lighter switches, they struggle to hold up the spacebar, and also feel like nothing on the alpha keys. Heavy switches seem to go well with heavy caps, and together they give a great sense of inertia on every keystroke.
Dec 29, 2021
Dec 29, 2021
danivallCurious what tactiles you've tried? I've only used tactiles, and I'm curious about linears, and might pick up the Carrots for another experience to try out.
Dec 29, 2021
Dec 29, 2021
PininfarinaIdealistIf you feel like lubing, I recommend picking up some Gateron Yellows or Jwick Black switches as they are very cheap and quite good once lubed. If you don't feel like lubing then picking up some Aqua Kings, Gateron Cap Yellow V2, JWK Lavender are some very good options. Linears are nice, and I rotate boards all the time between linear and tactiles - tactile feedback is very satisfying, but linears are nice for the smoothness and the 'tactility' comes from bottoming out, so I usually go with lighter springs (60-62g bottom out) - I'm currently using some Gateron CJ unlubed and I love them, also Gateron Hippo/X are supposed to be very good but I haven't personally tried them.
Dec 29, 2021
Jan 1, 2022
PininfarinaIdealisthey, sorry for the late response. Tecsee Carrots are about as good as it gets in that price range. In terms of linear I'd say they're not the best, but their price point alone puts them in the high tiers for me. I got mine off of AliExpress for $0.24 per switch. I think they require lube or else they will be scratchy and films as they arent the most firm. All things considered I don't think you can go wrong. Unless you care about RGB, in which case I hope you like orange lights.
Jan 1, 2022
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