No game in history has ever had a more accurate title. We Didn’t Playtest This At All features dinosaurs, terrible dragons, bombs, lasers, kitten ambushes, and more. Every card changes the gameplay, creates new rules, and brings chaos to the gaming table. As a player, your objective is to win. But be cautious, as everyone else wants you to lose. This bundle features the base game and the complete set of released expansions.
Note: This bundle includes the We Didn’t Playtest This base game and the 3 expansions: We Didn’t Playtest This Either, Legacies, and Themes.
Each player begins with 2 cards. At the start of each turn, draw one card and play one from your hand. Each card changes the rules of the game as it's played, like variable winning conditions to strange rules against drawing cards or saying certain words. Star cards are rarer and may make things easier to whoever drew them. Be aware of rule changes or suffer horrible consequences.
Estimated ship date is Nov 13, 2018 PT.
Payment will be collected at checkout. After this product run ends, orders will be submitted to the vendor up front, making all orders final.