Expected a lot from the technical data but was sorely disappointed after listening it. Sound is flat, lacks energy and excitement. I am glad that I did not order it blind as I did with X10, which was total disappointment, X20 sounds a little bit better but not enough to use it. I have X3 for a couple of years now and it is an excellent DAP even with all its interface limitations and for a price it is just a steal. I am really puzzled, why in the world xDuoo could not repeat their their success with X3?
Do you say that the x3 sounds better than the x20?
I own an x10, and i'm under the impression that the soundstage has no depth. I wonder what is the case with x20.
May 1, 2018
A community member
May 1, 2018
Bdropx3 a way better than x20, as I wrote before x20 almost as flat as x10 (which I owned too), i got now Hidizs AP200 and am amazed by how 3d is its sound stage.
Haven't tried x20, but I own a X3 and x10, but I like to use x3 more often, I don't like x10 design. It reminds me Ibasso appearance, but not solid as Ibasso.
BTW, I found Xduoo X3 mark ii right here, is there anyone already get it?
May 2, 2018
A community member
May 2, 2018
steven.0324it looks like a fake news, i did not find one on xDuoo site, there is older one xDuoo X2 but obviously it is not what is meant.
SabarnaAP200's soundstage is just vast, wider (and deeper) than anything I tried before, including tops like Astell&Kern (did not like them at all). I did not buy AP200 for anything except music on SD card - I do not do streaming, blue tooth, Tidal, etc. Still my words are just my impressions, you still need to listen to it yourself. However, I would forgive AP200 anything for the sound quality:).
Can u suggest me is the ap200 soundstage is not good as x5.i hav 50 to 60 Pair of earphone but not hav any music player.want ur suggestion plz.is the sound stage of ap200 is simmiler to fiio x5
Ap200 in sale now 199 usd in hizid.com
If u tell its sound is good than giio x5 or some other player like xduuo x20 or lower model of a&k .just want ur suggestion