Just joined this drop - I'm glad these have been made available yet again, since I was planning on settling for the Q701s. I'd like some additional info regarding the rattling issue, though.
almtHey Almt,
Sure thing! Here's some info to help you out:
Of the ~2000 headphones shipped out as part of the first batch, we received 50 support requests from members reporting a rattle. Their headphones fall under warranty repair from AKG so they're sending in their headphones to have the drivers replaced with a separate matched set.
For this batch, we're holding back 50 units so members can swap their rattling unit for a new unit and we can worry about getting the headphones repaired.
AKG is preparing a statement now about the issue, determining how best they can ensure this doesn't happen in future production runs, but for now we have an easy swap/repair process for the small number of members effected by driver rattle.
Thanks for your post and hopefully that answered your question. Let me know if there's anything else you're wondering : )
- Will
SurvivorNVLHey SurvivorNVL,
As the lead on this project I'm probably biased but here's a quick list of shootout impressions I did when we got the first units. I've demo'd every meaningful production headphone but this is my personal opinion so take it with a grain of salt.
K7XX vs K712 - Exceedingly similar, slightly wider soundstage on the K7XX, slightly more enjoyable mids and bass, K712 is slightly more enjoyable from female vocals on up.
K7XX vs DT880 600ohm - Resolution and separation are better on the K7XX, DT880 has a more neutral tone, but overall K7XX wins, especially considering comfort.
K7XX vs Grado SR325 - Detail is more obvious on the K7XX, highs are more forward on the SR325 (good or bad thing depending if you like that sound), mids, bass, and comfort are more enjoyable on the K7XX.
When we were designing this headphone with AKG, our goal was to set a new bar for price to performance in desktop headphones (like what RHA has done with their T10i) and based on the reviews, it looks like we've been able to get pretty close.
Anyway, hopefully that helps a bit. If you have any specific questions let me know and I'll do my best to get you some answers : )
WillFYI, you might want to put the clarification on the rattle issue on the description, there's probably some apprehension on that (especially on other forums), and having to dig through the discussion to find it is counter intuitive
And... it's on the bottom of the page >.< My bad, comrade Will
WillRegardless of your bias, you're still an enthusiast, so that means.. hell, I gotta get on this drop XD If they're just a smidge better than the K712.. they're worth it for being nearly $100 less, and with the rattle issue not -that- large, these should compliment my closed Mayflower V1 T50RP until I save up for HE1000's or the new Electro-stat Dharma by Enigma Acoustics. Thank you for the assistance, Will!
WillIf I were to buy the headphones right now, (Second drop/second batch leftovers) what range of numbers could I get? Can I get the same numbers someone would be able to achieve if they bought them in the first drop, first batch/second batch? Or would it be above the last person in the first batch, starting the leftovers for the second drop?
SherakoNo specific numbers are guaranteed to purchasers in this drop (or any purchasers past the first 250).
Wish I could give more specific ranges but nothing is guaranteed.