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Crosszone CZ-1 Headphones

Crosszone CZ-1 Headphones

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168 requests
10 Sold
Product Description
A new brand under Asia Optical, Crosszone was established in Japan in 2016. Its goal is to improve upon a large flaw frequently found in headphones called “center localization”: the tendency for the sound to seem as if it’s concentrated at the center of the head Read More

Apr 1, 2023
how much was it on drop?
Aug 16, 2019
How much did they go for?
Jan 31, 2019
I really wish I posted my review sooner, this has been one of the most pleasing headphones to review in terms of comfort and how gentle / musical it is. You can read the in-depth article here:
Aug 10, 2019
DeltaGYup these are very easy to listen to -- I often have to take a rest away from the (lack of ) comfort with my Audeze LCD 3 or the very distinct clear sound with the HD800S and my Stax SR007 . The CZ1 is VERY comfortable and musical for want of a better word. Problem is that most people misread the cross feed and so they say these lack all kinds of things which are not lacking if you listen properly.
Dec 21, 2018
sexy <3
Dec 21, 2018
I auditioned these a few months ago at a local audio festival, among other $2000+ headphones - LCD4, Susvara and various other TOTL cans I can't remember off the top of my head. Versus its stellar adversaries which I also demoed, I had trouble understanding how the CZ-1 could go for $2500 in the first place. It lacked balance, lacked transparency and anything else you could hope for in a flagship headphone or anything costing that much. Even a sub $1000 pair of LCD2s is more enjoyable than the CZ-1, IMO. Heck, even an HD6XX could do better.
Dec 21, 2018
Turn your airpods to over ear headphones. Nice one apple. But go fuck yourself.
Dec 20, 2018
This or Sony Z1R?
Dec 22, 2018
Dec 26, 2018
jupark123I personally love the Sony MDR Z7 .. IF paired suitably with a sufficient and efficient headphones DAC amplifier, they can be highly appreciated .. the music genre can often determine which headphones for which situation. I used the dual 3.5 mm ( Balanced ) cables with Sony PHA-3 and they found quite good .. I've currently 9 sets of premium headphones and 4 premium portable DAC amplifiers and the Sonys rate right up there when playing HiRes music files via a USB music player via my Samsung Galaxy Note 9
IMO, the best technology for reproducing the soundstage presented by a decent pair of speakers can best be had by taking that 1.1K of grade A, made in the U.S.A. dollars and spending them on....speakers. Screw the neighbors if they don't like your choice of tunes. Honestly, that seems rarefied for a pair of headphones. Cash for those cans, seems like you'd have cash for soundproofing, too. Sorry. Can't wrap my head around those. Or justify, in any way, forking over that kinda scratch so's I can wrap them around my head. ALL manner of sound reproduction, no matter how much one spends, imo, have some sort of limitation when measured against the sophisticated mass of wetware in between our evolution-honed audio receptors....I doubt even a $1.1K headset will fool anyone's brain into believing it's listening to live audio. My 2¢, at any rate. Call me a hick, but my sub $80 TenHZ IEMs sound just fine, are lightweight + super comfy and....I've got plenty of money leftover for a decent set of floor boxes - if my current set wears out. That's my rant - and I'm stickin' to it.
Dec 20, 2018
Please don't think we're all like this... every country has its morons, but hopefully this is a troll. As the shit he's written is so dumb and arrogant that it can't be real. On the off chance he's legitimate he sounds like a gigantic asshole, "Derrr fuck my neighbors derrr" and I swear most of us aren't like this.
Dec 20, 2018
ChrisGSTI certainly don't hold prejudice. This individual does not know what he's talking about. These certain pair of headphones might or might not be worth it, but saying things like - grade A made in US of A just becomes too obnoxious and is a proper fit in that subreddit.
Dec 18, 2018
I was hoping for something with an even more unique look, to help further identify me as a serious audiophile, and perhaps with a bit of tube-like sound to drop out of Japan...

Dec 19, 2018
To only have a pic/vid of my wife seeing these on me for the first time... a tube sticking out the side of my noggin... priceless... actually I’m curious of the sound on all of these “experimentals”,, though I won’t be seen in public even with my HD700’s... if these ‘lost in space’ cans showed up on the bay used,, it would be a test,,,
Dec 20, 2018
rastusI think they look like a steampunk Cyberman.
Dec 18, 2018
I tried the Crosszone CZ-1 headphones at CanJam this year and made a video on them where I also talk a little bit about the technology used in them which you can see here:


Dec 19, 2018
ZadiusTechwhat kind of headphone cable did it use to go into the balanced xlr set up? The manufacturer has very little on whats compatible cable wise with these headphones .
Dec 19, 2018
MattwestUnfortunately I did not pay too much attention to the cable being used...I was in awe with the unique design of these headphones.
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