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Dekoni Replacement Earpads for Koss Porta-Pro Headphones

Dekoni Replacement Earpads for Koss Porta-Pro Headphones

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Product Description
The Koss Porta-Pro is lauded by audiophiles as a highly capable pair of headphones in an unassuming (borderline budget-looking) package. While the sound is surprisingly great on these affordable headphones, the aerated foam ear pads can wear out over time Read More

Sep 22, 2022
These will have to be 12x as good as the standard-issue Koss ear cushions to break even, since you can get 3 pairs of them for $5 on Amazon. And Amazon will ship them today instead of October 26.
Sep 22, 2022
I've always been a fan of the Porta Pros for they can do things they shouldn't be able to do. When I saw this, I was praying that Dekoni used a different material than foam. I am truly disappointed.
androidknee55unfortunatley because of how light the headphone is, they just can't handle somethign heavier, BUT Zreview did just review these, and made his own mod to them which was really cool with a hole puncher. I like the black pair better, but some of the guys in the office prefered the R/B*!
Sep 23, 2022
dekoniSadly, that review, which is part two of Zreviews video isn’t on YouTube anymore. Watched part one clicked on the link in ministration for part two and it’s gone. 😞
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