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Jul 7, 2018
So I now have both the Sennheiser 6XX and 58X. Is it worth it to buy these HE4XX? I've been curious about these headphones for a long time. I've seen them drop a couple times here but never joined. They'd be $242 Canadian after exchange and shipping.
Jul 7, 2018
Jul 7, 2018
Mark_MI would say they are worth looking into. Like you I own all of the sennheiser offerings. I joined this drop because I wanted to experience budget planars and compare them to the more expensive ones. The reason to buy these is to get that planar sound for cheap. If you have the spare cash and don't mind spending it like me join on in.
Jul 7, 2018
Jul 7, 2018
Mark_MI have the 6xx and the 4xx.
I've written my thoughts on the review section.
Long story short, I would purchase at least a tier higher planars than the 4xx cause it's starting to collect dust on my shelf.
Jul 7, 2018
Jul 7, 2018
HeavyboxerAny suggestions on higher tier options? Keep in mind the exchange rate from US to Canadian dollars.
Jul 7, 2018
Jul 7, 2018
Newgrounds404True. It would at least give me an idea of what these kinds of headphones sound like.
Jul 7, 2018
Jul 7, 2018
Mark_MHifiman has higher options, such as the 500 series (i think) or the entry level Audeze LCD2C that I'm thinking about purchasing (or an audio gd r2r 11 dac/amp)
Jul 7, 2018
Jul 7, 2018
HeavyboxerThose higher end options seem out of my price range. Maybe someday I can afford that.
Jul 7, 2018
Jul 7, 2018
HeavyboxerMr.Boxer, in case you haven't looked on Kingwa's website lately, a rare sale is ongoing. Makes the r2r 11 even more juicy. I choose the 11.38 as my end game (LoL) and now realize i need it for office. Soooo, newest end game is on it's way for home use (r28, gulp)... will let ya know how those ladders check out if you like. Am holding off on 4xx for now. Gotta end the game, right?
Jul 7, 2018
Jul 8, 2018
EyeStrikeThank you for the reminder on the sale. Actually, I was aware, and talked to someone from audio gd for a couple of days now on quotation, etc. (Dunno if it was kingwa or not) I wanted some more feedback before i pulled the trigger cause i don't want to clutter my desk anymore than absolutely neccessary.
Jul 8, 2018
Jul 8, 2018
EyeStrikeAnd what's a 11.38? I saw 11.28 on the site but couldn't locate a .38.
And the 4x match, perhaps i can test and report back once I get my r2r 11. :)
Jul 8, 2018
Jul 8, 2018
HeavyboxerNFB11.38 is a jazzed up 11.28 that they originally made 100 units and orders closed 6-15 for them. Due to popularity they have offered another batch. I think the 11.28 will be retired soon for newer unit. Look on the top of the home page under 'latest news' and you will see pic of 11.38. But it does not have the ladder (r2r) design. The R28 is surely more than I need but I like dac/amp combos and love the 11.38. Paying extra for balanced (SE only not offered) but ck out the massive power(same as the balanced out). I guess I will need a super HF to harness all that power. Wait, what about 6xx end game? Oh, yeah, they are supposed to scale well. But...
Jul 8, 2018
Jul 8, 2018
HeavyboxerYes, let us know how that 4xx and r2r 11 melt you down. With 300 mW at 300 ohms should smoke most HF's. Some have said you need 150mW to really juice the 300 ohm 6xx. Other nrs. (?) may require even more power for the 4xx to really kick it even though ohm wise it is less than the 6xx. With the power built into the r2r 11 you've got it covered. Twist that dial slowly & enjoy.
Jul 8, 2018
Jul 8, 2018
EyeStrikeI'm not too concerned about power. My magni3 does 430mw @300ohm, and I can't go past half on the 6xx (4xx need more). I'm more looking for control on bass notes for the 4xx since it seems to lack quite a bit, and my loki eq isn't making it a nice increase. AND curious about R2R vs my modi multibit performance. :)
Jul 8, 2018
Jul 8, 2018
HeavyboxerI hope you have a significant improvement. Once I got the tracking nr., it was quicker than un-smartpost from Jersey. DHL was very fast indeed/China to USA.
Jul 8, 2018
Jul 8, 2018
EyeStrikeAh, and that's where I have an advantage, as China to Korea is a real short trip!
Only problem is that I'm off for summer holidays next week for 2 weeks with the family so I've had to tell audio gd to ship it late (!!!)
Jul 8, 2018
Jul 9, 2018
EyeStrikeIs this audio-gd sale still ongoing? I checked their site last night and this morning; prices look the same for r2r 11 and NFB 11.28/38. Am I missing the sale details somewhere on the site, or did I just miss the sale entirely?
What were the sale prices for these units?
Jul 9, 2018
Jul 9, 2018
mr_gerfHey... Well It is probably over. I first noticed the 14th anniversary sale on 6-18. I just peeked at the website and there is no indication of the discount. However, the click to buy it now is still there on at least some items. This click to buy it now first appeared during the sale. The old way was to just email what you wanted, with any available upgrades that are offered, and they email you back with the total price that includes shipping, paypal et al. If you are interested (and you should be imo) just email them and ask if they will still honor the anniversary sale to you (a new customer). It was a modest 5% off but seemed to include all individual charges (shipping, paypal, remotes...). It indicated that the offer was on already built units but my latest order (R28) was probably not pre-built but I did get the discount. Their bottom rung items are top notch audiophile products and well worth the regular price. Ten year warranty probably not necessary but they have it. I read lots of positive comments on headfi and here on MD. I think the MD member comment about the 11.28 being better than the Jot. convinced me to order the 11.38. This guy (MD member) has and has had a lot of gear and comes across as humble but very knowledgeable and I am glad he offered his opinion and I truly love the 11.38. I have never heard the Jot. but was considering it until I researched the 11.28, ultimately choosing the 11.38. Hope this helps ya decide and best wishes on your choice. My r28 is on the way(def. end game for me).
Jul 9, 2018
Jul 10, 2018
EyeStrikeThanks so much for the comprehensive & detailed reply!
I have been eyeing Audio-gd for some time, as they seem to have universally positive feedback on head-fi, etc. and punch way above their price-range. For a while after hearing about them, I kept a tab open to their site and gawked daily until I decided that was unhealthy =P. Seems like I cut it off right before this sale began haha.
I'm a novice audiophile. Headphones are HD6XX and HE4XX arriving in a few days. mCTH is currently my only amp + Schiit Fulla as DAC. I've been thinking the 11.28 or R2R 11 might be my big purchase since it's a great DAC and solid state amp. I'm also considering Massdrop LCX, mainly because it has balanced output for the same price range (+ livery matching CTH is a bonus). Obviously it's somewhat apples to oranges since the Audio-gds are high level DACs as well.
My sources are primarily "high-quality" spotify & some FLAC (rarely), as convenience and ability to listen to any music is paramount for me. I'm aware that source quality will be a limiting factor on final sound quality out of the headphones. Any input or opinions on these questions? - Will quality DAC make as big of a difference (or maybe even bigger?) for lower quality source? How about R2R ladder DAC vs. traditional DAC for lower quality sources? - Given these sources, SE audio-gd DAC/amp vs. LCX balanced + upgraded ~$100 dedicated DAC?
Or am I simply wasting money investing in higher-end DACs & amps if my source is mostly spotify?
Thanks again for any thoughts you're willing to share, much appreciated!
Jul 10, 2018
Jul 10, 2018
mr_gerfVery good questions & you are very welcome. I wear the novice emblem too. I have read and researched and made decisions (most of 'em turned out great). You have already snagged the best value available on MD with your 6xx. Durable, comfortable, parts available, end game good enough and only 199 vs the 650 at way up there in cost. Your 4xx is probably different/great too, I just don't have them yet. One MD member said he "likes" his CTH but absolutely loves his Darkvoice. I sorta pre-determined my love for tubes based on the comments of many others like the aforementioned member. Totally missed the awesomeness and the very existence of the la figaro 339 while waiting for the 199.00 MD sweet deal on the Darkvoice. But not to worry, got both now (LoL). I cudda stopped but realized I needed something for the office so the 11.38 and DV are headed there. The R28(overkill, sure) will stay home and feed the la figaro its goodness and also perform solo in balanced mode with enough power to make the 6xx gush. I wasn't looking for the balanced part but I wanted a great dac/amp combo and couldn't resist. I'm super happy with the tubes and Kingwa's dac/amps to feed 'em and if the r28 solos better than sending the goodness to the 339 then I won't be dismayed, just awed. You have no backwards investment in Spotify and it could get better if they up their game, deezer too. Let's hope Tidal doesn't go broke with their top tier goodness. Special note for Sprint users, free 6 month trial of Tidal Premium. That is a 120.00 savings folks!!!! Sprint owns a chunk of Tidal but may get gobbled up by #3. Dunno if FLAC home ripped is better than Tidal premium but if so I'm in for a treat. Need to rip the CD's that I own. Since you have the 6xx I think you will notice the difference with less than lossless vs same. I think audio-gd is the way to go but that is my only experience. You could group your playlists with quality of source considerations as part of the groupings. I plan to do similar with very old recordings (I go way back) like 'In the Still of the Night' (1956). I won't group that type with cleaner tunes like Stairway to Heaven or Hotel California. R2r vs traditional with/without top quality? Unsure of either but I like Kingwa's explanation of r2r vs the more modern. He says it's like an oil painting vs a quality digital picture, (preference). Lots of opinions on balanced vs SE. I am not expecting much other than my in transit R28 has very good power and it is the same amount in SE as in Balanced (unusual?) Hoping you final choices are great ones. BEST
Jul 10, 2018
Jul 10, 2018
mr_gerfI guess I managed to just squeeze through cause I received the 5% discount on the quotation on a Friday, and on Monday, when the promo was off and I paid via paypal and kingwa honored his quotation.
I also asked him some questions, such as if i could place my littledot tube amp on top (yes, but be wary of hear exchange) and if i can stand on its side (yes, but left on top and right on the bottom).
Jul 10, 2018
Jul 11, 2018
HeavyboxerThanks for sharing this info Heavyboxer!
@EyeStrike thanks so much for all of this! I think an audio-gd dac/amp will indeed be my big purchase. Just need to wait until funds are move viable...hopefully earlier than holiday season. Or, I'll be in Las Vegas this weekend...maybe I'll win some $$ and fund my new piece of gear =). Going to do some more research on r2r vs. NFB, but leaning towards NFB at the moment.
I don't have the DV (or any other amps except the Fulla) to compare it to, but I do LOVE the CTH pairing with my 6XX. Everyone has amazing things to say about the DV, would love to try that at some point. And boy is the 339 a thing of beauty. How does the 339 differ from the DV sound-wise in your experience?
Wish I was on Sprint to get that free Tidal Premium ;)
Jul 11, 2018
Jul 11, 2018
mr_gerfSo far I haven't been able to pry the 6xx away from the la figaro. The 6xx shipped very quickly for me and the 339 was a couple of days later. What I will not forget is the first time I plugged in the 6xx (not sure if it was into the Dv or the 339 due to their arrial times) and my jaw dropped with the AMAZING base it produced. But I had only been listening with my K7xx and the DV. I have read comments that the K7xx and the DV are not the best paring. Still, a fond memory I shall never forget. Truly special. I doubt I will attempt an A/B of the DV vs 339. Probably not fair to the DV and it is going to the office to be with the 11.38. The r28 arrives tomorrow and after reading your last I realized I had not checked out ladders with tubes but do not recall any mention of issues. I do remember Kingwa suggesting the 11.28 over the r2r11 for NEW audiophiles. I believe his reasoning was due to the newer listener probably being a fan of more modern sounds. That is were he invoked the kewl metaphor of an oil painting vs a quality digital photograph. Wish I could re-do most of my dozen and a half trips to Vegas over the last 5 decades. If you get a chance and you don't have a serious plan(s), see if you can dig up any strategies from Huey Maul. Dunno if he is still alive but what a genius mathematician. He worked at the Pentagon when younger. Developed some serious thoroughbred formulas and in the 80's teamed up with a Dallas rich guy to produce a weekly sports wagering pamphlet that would win and win with flat bets. One tip if I remember correctly was to go into Vegas with a 3 tiered bankroll. Say 100...150...250 or such. If you have any kind of strategy (with craps/BJ. etc) you play in 3 sessions. If you double your first Broll...hurrah, stop. If you go thru it and lose it, then after a serious break, try again with the next BR. If you double that, quit! If you get ahead, stay ahead, don't get greedy. Your play should be well thought out and at least have a chance of success and not rely on total fluke. Otherwise, they will destroy you. May Lady Luck be your escort in Vegas.
Jul 11, 2018
Jul 11, 2018
mr_gerf@EyeStrike also, forgot to ask, how long did it ed up taking for the audio-gd to ship to the US?
Jul 11, 2018
Jul 11, 2018
mr_gerfMost of the time they build the units when paypal clears. They will tell you 7 business days and that was accurate on my 11.38. All products undergo 100 hours of testing too. Once it ships (USA via DHL) it is slam jam quick when DHL texts you on your cell phone. I got the R28 track # on Monday and it was in China, it will be delivered today (Wed). Wow. It took almost double the 7 business days on the r28 to build, probably due to the sale and larger than normal orders. I googled Chinese holidays and there were none during my build. China is 8 hours ahead of CDST (i think).
Jul 11, 2018
Jul 11, 2018
EyeStrikeExcellent, thank you!
I posted my last comment re: shipping times before seeing your Vegas advice - very well taken! Googling Huey Maul now...
Hopefully I will report back next week with news that a 11.28 is on the way =).
Jul 11, 2018
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