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Chief Product Officer
Mar 1, 2021
Hey Folks, the team is still working hard to release a stable update. We will provide weekly updates going forward along with an expected changelog on this coming Friday. Thanks for your patience as we work to create the best eq and firmware upate. experience we can. We're working on the last few details with Sonarworks and expect to reach a solution this week or next.
Mar 1, 2021
Mar 1, 2021
WillSounds great! Glad to hear it is making progress; don't rush things and keep us updated with those weekly updates. If people are unable to be satisfied with that they shouldn't have bought a product like this. PS: If I have a couple of fairly technical questions and some constructive product feedback who should I contact?
Mar 1, 2021
Mar 1, 2021
WillThanks for the update @Will , very much appreciated Sir. Happy to hear everything is close. Also happy updates will be coming more frequently buy technically there really should only be 1.. .. maximum 2 more updates “if” everything is happening this week OR next according to your update above. ..... 🤔 @Will . . Or anyone else, what is a changelog ? I have no problems in saying I am a complete idiot when it comes to all this technical shhtuff that comes with Parametric EQ’s etc. I LOVE MY THX PANDAS and I have a question which I hope has a very easy answer . . . When the Parametric EQ launches all I want to do is just get a tad more kick from my sub bass... THATS IT! I love everything else about the soundstage etc. If you could assist me or give me the contact email of someone at Drop that can help me do this without ruining the rest of the open bright sound of the Pandas would be greatly appreciated. . . I am also seeing SonarWorks is doing a mass launch party for their own updates next Tuesday the 9th of March, hopefully they won’t be too busy to work with you. Something tells me their launch will come before ours but you never know, it maybe what the wait has been all about .... for Sonarwarks / SOUNDiD to do their massive update so that it works with the Pandas, their new app etc. Boomer 🎧🐼
Mar 1, 2021
Mar 1, 2021
iAmBoomerStrongA change log, as far as I understand, is a list of updates or changes that a software update will bring when you install it.
Mar 1, 2021
Mar 1, 2021
SpencerMeinThanks @Will, @SpencerMein it is easy for you to say 'People shouldn't have bought a product like this' I speak for the regular customer who has reviewed, researched and spent their hard-earned money buying a product like this that they now find out that it either doesn't work, is too hard to return back and are patiently waiting for updates to their firmware so they can enjoy some music through it.
Mar 1, 2021
Mar 1, 2021
iAmBoomerStrongI'm not sure if the app will support shelf filters, but I think a high shelf filter at ~100hz with like a 2-4db boost might be what you're looking for. That's what I am doing on Equalizer APO/Peace on Windows to bring up the bass a bit.
Mar 1, 2021
Mar 1, 2021
RomsaeThanks for all your help and suggestions. Unfortunately I have no idea what you are taking about when you say shelf filters etc. I’m a complete idiot when it comes to this kind of thing, not a technical bone in my body but I can cook a meal that will leave you wondering WTFUDGE was that plate of deliciousness 🤪. All I know right now is that the app is supposed to have the worlds first Parametric EQ... once the app and EQ launches and we see what it looks like, then I’ll come back on and ask the question again. By then everyone like yourself will know what’s on the app and the more technically sound smart people who know about this shhtuff can send me a suggestion on how to use that particular app to add a little more kick. Thanks again .. StaySafe & HappyListening Boomer 🎧🐼
Mar 1, 2021
Mar 1, 2021
WillThank you.
Mar 1, 2021
Mar 1, 2021
iAmBoomerStrongIf you use Spotify as an app on your mobile, it has a built in eq option where you can increase your bass at 60hz a tad bit and enjoy the kinda sub feel your looking for .
Mar 1, 2021
Mar 2, 2021
PatsonThanks @Patson . . Right now I have iTunes and I know they are one of the worst at EQing anything . . Basic shhtuff and almost all of the available options except a couple end up warming the sound and killing the open bright soundstage that I and most enjoy about the THXPandas. I’ve been thinking of switching my music to Spotify for quite a while and this is just another reason why I should seriously start considering that move. Thanks for your help, StaySafe & HappyListening. Boomer 🐼 🎧
Mar 2, 2021
Mar 2, 2021
WillI purchased the Pandas second-hand maybe a week ago as an alternative to the very strongly app-supported Sony XM4s, and ended up gifting the XM4s to my brother. Take your time on that app. I love my Pandas. I can only imagine how challenging it must be to develop a solid EQ app for such a versatile over-ear (speaking of audio codecs of course 😁) for a product that sports reputable imported THX AAA amps. I'm not an audio engineer 🙂
Mar 2, 2021
Mar 2, 2021
UnclaimedI completely agree fellow 🐼 Owner . . My THXPanda headphones are also awesome. Unfortunately their are some that are having some serious issues and have been waiting for the “long awaited, mythical” app for quite some time AND @Will has not been the best at communicating or keeping promises of updates etc until recently. That is what’s upsetting some owners and to be honest I don’t blame them.. As far as the App goes I am looking to add a little kick to my bass and that’s it. We may get lucky and they have by some miracle been able to add transparency to the 🐼🐼’s which will be unbelievable bcuz honestly, the PNC is incredible and better than most headphones that boast “awesome” ANC. Being able to touch the toggle and add transparency when needed would be amazing but I have no idea if that’s even possible to do. Not only are the 🐼🐼’s the first Bluetooth, closed back, Planar Magnetic headphones with built in THX Amplifiers in the world but now the scuttlebutt is we are getting the worlds first headphone parametric EQ for them. (Ohhhh yeahhhh 🙌). I am an evaluator for “a different” major audio company and test all their new listening audio devices months before they hit the market and every time I think I have their newest headphone EQ’d to the Pandas I take them off, reset the song, put on my Pandas and start LOL bcuz they aren’t even close. The Pandas are sooo dam good. Any who .... See you at the launch party ... until then Stay Safe and Happy Listening, Boomer 🐼 🎧
Mar 2, 2021
Mar 2, 2021
iAmBoomerStrongThis is how I have mine set up currently as a custom preset, I mainly listen to rock, indie & sometimes just chilled out tunes/mixes.

Mar 2, 2021
Mar 2, 2021
PatsonI went to Spotify to give it a try and this is where I went with a country song called Come On Over by Kennedy Chesney and it’s VERY close to how I like it. Nice and bright with a touch of kick . . I saw the preset you used , as you can see fairly similar but I’m much more to being bright. Your choice of preset EQ was very helpful, thanks. This is Bluetooth by the way, rarely do I use wired but I have heard it helps a little to increase everything. One thing I do know is that is one of the many amazing things about the 🐼 headphones is the difference between wired and Bluetooth is almost unnoticeable. I mean WOW!! They did gooood work on these. Now we are getting ready to play with the worlds first headphone parametric EQ. Niiiice!!!! Thanks for your help @Patson. . Stay Safe & Happy Listening. Boomer 🐼 🎧

Mar 2, 2021
Mar 2, 2021
iAmBoomerStrongIn general, for Spotify it's the best you can do at the moment, however as an alternative if you do happen to use a Windows PC, there are other 3rd party suggestions that can be explored. (a licence payment is required for this app and it works as an add on for Spotify on the desktop) (This is great free EQ add on which adds your custom EQ preset to the whole of windows including anything and everything you play on your windows device) (This is the best EQ add-on to go with the link above which you can think of as the main body and this the brain)

Mar 2, 2021
Mar 4, 2021
WillAre you accepting beta testers?
Mar 4, 2021
Mar 4, 2021
CDubbsW0rldNot sure if he’ll answer you or not. Product has been out for more than a year so I’d say highly unlikely as they are pretty closed mouth and secretive about things but hey .... you never know.
Mar 4, 2021
Mar 4, 2021
iAmBoomerStrongIs there an app anyone can recommend for iOS? Source is iPhone 11 Pro
Mar 4, 2021
Mar 4, 2021
csunticoYou’re in the same boat I am as I have the 11 Pro Max. There aren’t many and none that I know of but Spotify did help a bit. New Panda App is “supposedly” due out in the next 10 days and it will bring with it the Worlds first Parametric Headphone Equilizer amongst other surprises. Boomer 🐼 🎧
Mar 4, 2021
Mar 5, 2021
csunticoEQ apps do exist for iOS. But the problem is that it depends on where the source of music is coming from. Apple does provide APIs to access the music on your phone, but if you’re using something like Apple Music, then those have DRM and the app won’t be able to read them. If you own your music and use the Music app on your phone, however, most of the first EQ apps for iOS grabbed straight from there. Some apps may have the ability to hook into Spotify, Pandora, Tidal, etc. but that will also be app specific. Unless you’re jailbroken, no system-wide EQ exists. The landscape for EQing on iOS is kind of tedious and annoying.
Mar 5, 2021
Mar 5, 2021
WillFinally a fireware update I can't use mine more than a day because of the disconnected and white led issue
Mar 5, 2021
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