Refusal to take responsibility.
Hi, Just thought I would make a note here of your handling of my issues. I ordered a pair of HD6xx headphones and then earlier today recieved the package. I drive to go and get it, as I like in the UK I had to pay import tax and handling fees. These total £47.92. The breakdown being £35.92 in tax and £12 in fees. These taxes were calculated of the shipping label of the box, which marked the shipment as the 6xx headphones of $199 value. Before leaving the parcel depot, I open the box to find a $35 lord of the rings mousepad. So now the problem is not only do I not have the headphones, but you have marked the shipment wrong so I have paid £47.92 fees for the handling of the mousepad. Which would have acrued £0 of fees if marked correctly as it is under £135. I go back to the desk but as I have already paid the fees I am unable to reject the shipment, but as the box said 6xx, there was no way for me to know before opening it. I contact support and they offer me a replacement, which...
Jan 17, 2025
I'm using an Audioengine D1 DAC/Amp. I may upgrade that to a Schiit stack or just pair a Magni 3 with it, but the D1 is actually holding up surprisingly well for most of the stuff I listen to regularly. I suspect that the D1 might not be optimal, but I'm also not feeling like I'm lacking anything either.
Really complex tracks with lots of stuff going on sounded terrific. Really powerful vocals sounded great too. The Jesus and Mary Chain, Tom Waits, and Regina Spektor sounded awesome. Little Walter just sounded lo-fi over these cans... which those recordings definitely are.
Anything with punchy bass sounded good, but I didn't find straight ahead rock to be all that great. Mellow tracks with a dreamy vibe didn't stand out either.
At this point, I still prefer my desktop speakers (Swan 1080-IV's), but someone advised that the 6xx's need a fairly lengthy burn in time.
Review to come in a day or two; awaiting the the Dark Voice 336se to possibly expand the sound stage. 2-6>