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Sep 30, 2018
Why people bail of this drop??? From the day one of this drop there was 55 people that joined, one week later 5 people bailed.
VAS007Probably all the people that didn't do research and were willing to drop a grand because 14 drivers. My best guess.
Oct 1, 2018
jaydunndidditAre you in? If you mind me asking...
Oct 1, 2018
jaydunndiddit Hmmm... I am thinking very hard about getting in on this drop. I have read what few reviews I can find on-line and these sound like they will be divine (just had to stuff that with a couple of puns...). The one thing I want to see is a FR graph, but haven't found that, and I am hoping that something gets posted here by MD or EE before the end of the drop... A better understanding of why some are dropping would certainly help me in learning if I am missing something...
VAS007Mostly people switching to other products. We launched four of our five most TOTL audiophile collaborations in the last 14 days and we have more collab products in-stock on our store than ever before.
Oct 2, 2018
WillCan you guys bring CampFire Andromeda here??? There are so many people waiting for those! Christmas is coming, please make us a gift we all have been waiting for.
♡Thank you so much in advance♡
Oct 2, 2018
WillYup... I am in for the Cx, and really trying to talk myself into this one. Koss just has too little bass for me, but given all that I have spent this year on MD, well, it's maybe a good thing for me that you can't win them all!
VAS007I'm not in for this drop. Just picked up the Campfire Andromeda S and Atlas so I'm set on IEMs at the moment. I am however going to join the Ether CX drop as a high quality closed back planar is something I need in my life right now.
Oct 2, 2018
jaydunndidditWhat is it about the Atlas and Andromeda S that calls you more than the Zeus XIV? That might help me decide one way or the other...
jsmiller58Well, the Atlas is one of the most dynamic IEMs I have ever heard. It reminds me of a more thicker (just enough), energetic Elex with much greater bass impact and texture. The driver is incredibly fast and has great tonality and timbre while presenting a very deep sound stage. To say the least, it's not trying to be analytical, flat or neutral but purely and emphatically musical. And it delivers there with gusto. Really, my only complaints are driver flex is dependent on tip insertion (unless you're using foam) and they can get sibilant at higher volumes for certain tracks. Other than that, they are pretty much perfect for my listening tastes. It's truly unique and one-of-a-kind in its design, sound, and presentation. For me, that warrants it's sticker price.
The Andromeda lacks the impact and to an extent dynamics compared to the Atlas but has amazing mids and treble while maintaining a wide, airy stage. The S version I have has a newly tuned mid driver and it really makes the Andro S more dynamic in that range. Drums, vocals, guitars, etc. have so much energy and detail retrieval is high. Layering and imaging are stronger on the Andro vs Atlas but it does lose that thickness which adds weight to instruments, guitar plucks, and vocals. The added mid-bass bump is also nice although the bass on the Andro is nothing to write home about. At least it's not bass anemic. And while these are a spin on neutral, they are truly more musical than anything and happen to have some analytical qualities thrown in for good measure.
Just from an accessories perspective, they both come in (real) leather hard cases, with 3 tip types (marshmallow foam, Final E tips, Campfire silicone), very nice premium litz cables (Atlas is pure silver), beefy beryllium MMCX connectors, and they're both made from a polished stainless steel so physically they are very strong (and visually stunning). Add everything up, and I think they're worth their price tag and more.
Truly, the two go hand in hand. The Atlas has very dynamic, impactful bass and a natural mid range, while the Andro has a dynamic, energetic midrange and sparkly, airy treble. The Atlas has a very deep sound stage and the Andro is very wide (they're both about the same height). Both have great micro-detail retrieval but the Andro wins as the superior here amongst the two. Still, overall, I would pick the Atlas as the better IEM due to ergonomics (lighter and fits better) and its unique impactful sound.
All that said, I think the Zeus is a good buy if you don't already have something that's a mid-centric IEM. I don't need another so while this drop is interesting, my $1k would be better spent on the Ether CX as that's a void I need to fill in my current line-up. There's a lot to like here in this drop but, just not for me.
VAS007We've been talking to Campfire about an Andro oriented project for a couple years at this point. The team has some meetings at RMAF this week, hopefully something fun comes from that!
Oct 2, 2018
WillOh wow thank you so so so much for letting us know this! I am checking MD daily so I hope I won't miss it...! Once again thank you for such great platform for us "OSA" (online shopping addicts). ViVa MassDrop
Oct 2, 2018
VAS007I am with you on that! If an Andro related drop came along...
Oct 2, 2018
jaydunndidditThanks! Actually, if I think about the cans I like more, and the cans that I like less and try to map to IEMs... I like my Elex,, Sundara, and AFC the most. My 58X are in the middle group. My HD 660S and HD 6XX least. When I hear the term mid-centric I think of my HD6-series cans. If you are saying the Zeus are going to be more like the HD6-series, then these won’t be for me after all... not saying I want a complete V shape for sure, not saying the mids should fade away, but I don’t see why they have to crowd out everything else... I like a clear, slightly brighter than neutral sound, AND good (but not overwhelming) bass, and good but not dominating mids... But not TOO MUCH treble as I am somewhat sensitive to sibilance. I also really like punchy, dynamic sound, and not “musical” sound (a sound that again I associate with the HD6-series cans)
Oct 2, 2018
jsmiller58Regarding the closed OTE headphones, my EDC is QC35ii if my ears get warm sometimes I spoil myself with my Noble Encore iem (hopefully this Zeus XIV bring some more flavour to the table, I will be joyining the drop just before it ends) but I am saving for day......hopefully soon ;)
VAS007No problem, it'll be months before anything is confirmed so don't hold your breath : )
Oct 2, 2018
WillIt's fine, I will have Zeus to warm me up during the long winter days ;)
Oct 3, 2018
WillGonna be keeping a close eye, hopefully I'll see the Andros pop up
Oct 3, 2018
WillGreat! I've been waiting for an Andromeda drop.
jsmiller58Honestly, the Atlas may be more up your alley. And despite these being V-shaped, the mids aren't sucked out and pulled back just enough. To be honest, this is just about perfect and leads to their great, natural timbre in this range. Throw in sparkly treble and impactful, well-textured bass and you have an IEM capable of delivering or cutting through a wall of sound all from a single 10mm dynamic driver.
The Andro, much like the Zeus and Senns, offer a high level of musicality. I would venture the Andro is the least neutral of the group and leans more on the warm/neutral side of things. I believe we have very similar taste (as we own a lot of the same gear) so the Andro might be the better option as its not as analytical as the Zeus and has a nice mid-bass bump. Even then, I still vastly prefer the Atlas over the Andro. I'm even thinking of returning the Andros since the aren't that much better than the Atlas and lack the dynamics and impact. I think I can say the Atlas is 80% Vega/20% Andromeda which to my ears, is perfect.
Oct 3, 2018
jaydunndidditThat is an excellent analysis! The Atlas runs a little more than I wanted to spend, but in the same ballpark and I would rather spend more for something I will love than less for something I won't like...
jsmiller58Agreed. It's a good chunk of change but for their unique sound, it's more than worth it IMO. Add in their one of a kind ADLC driver, quality ear tips, real leather case, and pure silver litz cable, you have a premium product with premium accessories.
And as biased as this sounds, it's absurd how good the Atlas looks and feels great in stainless steel. Just another factor that adds to their price tag that I find justifiable.
Truthfully, the Atlas is making me sell off all my other IEMs except for the Lyra II and Pinnacle PX. To me, they're that damn good.
Oct 3, 2018
jaydunndidditDo you own the Xelento? How would you compare that to the Atlas?
stormmilkSadly, I have not yet. It's one of the last TOTL DD IEMs left on my short list: Beyer Xelento A&K T8ie Rhapsodio Galaxy V2 Sennheiser IE800s DITA The Twins: Fealty and Fidelity
I really can't think of any others I haven't heard at this point but I'm really just waiting on the Xelento to have a slight discount. Same with the T8ie. Hopefully they'll go on some sort fo sale around the holidays so I can finally sample them.
Oct 4, 2018
jaydunndiddit Wow, that was a very well thought out and reasonable explanation. That's all. I just don't see too many of those in audiophile discussions. ;-)
Nov 15, 2018
jaydunndidditGreat info Jaydunnit! I now have the Andromedas and Dorado's and I have to say, I absolutely LOVE both of them! That said though, since CA just released the Solaris, I think that I'm definitely going to be selling the Andromedas OR Dorado's to get the new Solaris IEM's! I just wish I didn't have to spend $1,500 to hear what they sound like! But since it's a CA product, I'm sure that I'll fall in love with them just like the Andromedas and Dorado's. I'm probably going to sell the Andromedas, since they aren't the best fit ever for my ears. Plus, the Dorado's are small and fit my ears perfectly, plus I use them to mix my live audio recordings 😎👍🎧
Nov 15, 2018
FOBeanSell both and get the Solaris. I am not even kidding. Unless you just want the bass of the Dorado, the Solaris 💩💩💩 on them all day long. (If you absolutely had to sell only one, then is should be the Andro as the Solaris really is an extension of that tuning IMO. The Dorado is at least unique enough to keep.) The killer thing about the Solaris are their soundstage. It's quite holographic in the sense of layering and imaging. It's so reminiscent of a 2 ch setup it isn't even funny. Things just pop in and out, pan around wonderfully. The amount of depth they exhibit for an IEM is absurd. They are just so coherent and balanced that you I honestly find no faults with them. And they sounded better to me vs the Andro and Andro S which I have since returned. For me, the Lyra II, Atlas, and now Solaris are my IEM holy trinity which I don't see any other set interrupting for a very long while. Cons - The memory wire on the stock cable pisses me off. Otherwise, it's a VERY nice and well-made cable. And these IEMs are large. They're comfy but big and fit a lot like a Noble K10 (stems too). You're either going to love or hate this depending on how big your ears are. They're lighter than they look however and feel solid. These are really the only cons I can think of. I would love some more bass impact but this is very nitpicky and just my inner basshead speaking out. Campfire has seriously set a very high bar that I don't think even themselves will surpass for a while (which means I hope they go back to headphones for a while). Also note: Campfire has a 15-day no questions asked return policy. I know this sucks for manufacturers sometimes but like you I am unable to try headphones in a shop so this is the only option. They were very good about returns and communication with me throughout the entire process. Seriously, a stand-up group of individuals I enjoy doing business with.
Nov 15, 2018
jaydunndidditAs always, thanks for the info Jaydunnit 😎👍🎧 So you've heard the Solaris I take it? And exactly my thinking too about selling the Andromedas, since the Solaris are basically an Andromeda and Dorado mixture. The Solaris look absolutely jaw dropping, and I'd bet the farm that they sound amazing too. I mean can you really go wrong with anything from CA? I'd say no! And I need two pairs of CA IEM's because I mainly listen to music with my Andromedas (and soon the Solaris lol 😀), and mix my recordings with the Dorado's. My Westone UM Pro 30 IEM's are for live monitoring and I don't trust them to mix my recordings with! No worries about the memory wire MMCX Cable either, because I already have a pair of Estron/Linum G2 SuperBax and Bax MMCX cables. I will admit that the stock CA MMCX cable is growing on me and sounds great (even though I'm not a fan of the memory wire either), so I'm sure that the new super silver Litz cable for the Solaris won't disappoint either 😉😇🎧
Nov 15, 2018
FOBeanOh yes. I picked them up the day they launched and CA had them delivered next-day at no charge. I haven't updated my review yet in the THX 789 thread here but I plan to add some additional impression there as I usually run the Solaris balanced out of the THX amp. Per Ken Ball, I wanted to make sure they were good and burned-in before coming to a final conclusion. Although I really enjoyed them from day one, hay have only tightened up and become more coherent (crossover-wise, I mean). Between them and the Atlas, I feel like I have the best synergy in IEMs right now.
Nov 16, 2018
FOBeanBtw, my appologies for interaption but I am currently looking for the Andromeda. Would you like to sell yours to me? Any thoughts on price?
Nov 16, 2018
jaydunndidditWhich balanced MMCX Cable have you been using? And VAS007, I definitely might be interested in selling my Andromedas for a fair price! I can even include an Estron/Linum G2 Bax MMCX Cable if you're interested? I'm not 100% sure what I'm going to do yet, but if I decide to sell the Andromedas, you'll definitely be the first to know! VAS007, how about you shoot me an email at ( so we can discuss the Andromedas further? I hope to hear from you soon!😎🎧👍
Nov 16, 2018
jaydunndidditJaydunnit, One last question concerning the Solaris IEM's. Do they have more low-end than the Andromedas do? Just remember, I'm not listening to mainstream music or regular albums EVER, because I pretty much strictly listen to my own live Recordings, so I'm just trying to figure out if I want to make the switch from Andromeda>Solaris right now. I'm like 99% there, I would just like to hear more about them I guess since you're one of the few people who have actually heard them. I always wished that the Andromedas had a TAD bit more low-end/bass, and that's the main reason I got the Dorado's. But since the Solaris have a single DD for the lows vs the Andromedas 2x BA Drivers, I'm hoping that the Solaris are basically a hybrid combo of the Andromeda mids and highs, with the punchiness of the Dorado's for the lows. And even if the low-end of the Solaris is equal or on par with the Andromedas low-end, I can always switch out the stock CA cable for my Linum G2 SuperBax MMCX Cable, since it's really warm and thicker sounding vs the CA MMCX cable, at least IMO. I can always listen to the Dorado's when I want some extra low-end rumble too!!! And if you're sick of replying to me here on Massdrop, I'd be more than happy to hear from you via my email above, before I spend $1,500 on IEM's I've never heard before! But I can ALWAYS resell the Solaris and get a brand new pair of the Andromeda S stainless steel IEM's if I'm not happy with the Solaris's. Which I HIGHLY doubt will be the case! Thanks again for all of your help and information on the Solaris's. You basically pushed me over the fence about buying them, so now I just need to sell my Andromedas and my Linum G2 Bax MMCX Cable, my Sony MUC-M2BT1 LDAC MMCX Bluetooth cable, and my extra right Nuforce Primo 8 IEM I have. Plus some extra stuff like watches and knives I've been meaning to sell. Once I do all of that, I should easily have enough to buy the Solaris's and a brand new Shanling M5s DAP with almost zero money outta pocket 😎👍😇🎧😁
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