If you're above the 200$ mark in the Planar space, you need to be better than HiFimans and mrSpkrs. It's priced modestly better than they've been online lately ( around 479) but again, if I'm up past a certain range I'm spending a little extra and getting new age comfort, extended fuller range and spatial movement for a few extra Donald ducks... nawwwmmmsayn,
WILLxLOVESorry, don't quite get watchsayn :)
Are you recommending getting these or spending extra buck to get a certain other headphones (with extra comfort and fuller range)?
WILLxLOVEyes, isn't that great indeed :)
but which planars you'd suggest under, say $500?
Genuinely interested in buying a pair (since never had one), and looking for advice
XFSCsure man I'd be more than happy to help you out. I've got a bunch of low key sites I frequent and catch really good deals on. Around 5 bills, cool. Gimme a day and I'll hit ya back.
XFSCI would strongly recommend (if you can get to listen to them) the HiFiMan HE400s. I have quite a few planar magnetic ‘phones (all of them more expensive than the 400s) and it still amazes me just how good the 400s sound. I own seven HiFiMan cans, the newest are only the 400i and 400s; I actually bought the Edition X when they came out and I was not thrilled to find out that for me I genuinely enjoyed the sound quality of the 400s more. Yes the X had more ‘presence‘ to the sound, but that was to be expected with the enormous size of the drivers, but still, they didn’t have the liquid-smooth delivery of the 400s. My most recent planar is the Blue Ella, which are fabulous but to be honest I still pick up and listen to the 400s as much as ever.
I recently bought the absurdly-cheap FiiO M3K and partnered with my old Cayin portable amp they together have perfect synergy with the 400s and produce a sound that hits way above the combined cost of the trio. Anyway, one to perhaps consider.
Edit: I forgot to add that achieving the fabulous sound quality possible with the 400s is somewhat dependent on changing the pads. I routinely try different pads with my cans (most recently with my HD700, which I thought already a great pair of cans (and not getting the sound ‘issues’ that so many folks harp on about) yet wanted to try Dekoni fenestrated sheepskin with) so even without Zeos referencing this in his review I would have tried pad-rolling. With stock pads the 400s are unexceptional; with the ZMF Ori pads I chose they are utterly transformed and virtually a must-have as a budget planar.
All seven of the HiFiMan cans I own are built brilliantly and I have never had any issues with weight (although I obviously concede that the weight of the 500, HE-6 etc, could be problematic for others) or anything else for that matter. However,I do worry about not only their pricing methodology now, but also build issues with their cans nowadays. The Edition X I purchased was atrociously built with several issues straight from the box. They went back. I can only hope that if one buys one of their older-yet-still-available cans (400s, 400i ....) that they will not have been ‘cheapened‘ with the passage of time.
Oct 19, 2018
A community member
Oct 19, 2018
WILLxLOVEThe Mr speakers are well over the $200 range. The hifimans have endless issues with build quality. I had he-560s that broke at the wood section.
The only hifimans i have liked and got to try out within a reasonable price range are the he-500, but they are heavy and need good amp.
(TL:DR... this is TL to R.)
Oh meant to say... These are by NO means a "Bad" set of cans, not by a long shot and that is the cheapest I've ever seen 'em. If you're looking to get into Planars inexpensively you wouldn't be making a bad choice.
Recently I went nuts - Audeze Fam,( along with HMU fam as previously stated ;) and me listening to these, they had a bad spike in upper mid - highs that I personally can't stand. That with the heavy build and weird fit, (again.. TO ME.... ) which has me suggesting HiFiman for being much lighter and a generally comfortable budget alt to the big names... so this drop just isn't aimed at me. Doesn't mean it they're not for you, to state the obvious. HiFiman has some real good alternatives. Massdrop has their own pair at is 179.99 and sold right here. The Famous Massdrop HiFiman HEXX. They were my first Planar set and they honestly sound great esp. considering the price. They're darn close to the i400s, also a great budget intro set around 200$. Otherwise and moving upward you can get HE-560 for around 399$ on amazon the last I saw them and prob could find them a little less with some of dat ol' fashion google boogle. They have a much wider freq range than the 400s and felt better made to me. There is a Hifiman Sundara but I haven't listened to them so can't say. The Massdrop Fostex Planars sold here are pretty baller too. They sound really close to the T50RPs which again for budget are great at around 180-200$. All of the non Massdrop headphones I've mentioned here have dropped around or over 300$ from when they first came out, so that's factoring in to my suggestions on an intro budget set. MrSpeakers open or closed aeon flow along with MrSpeaker Ethers are probably next up for me in quality x price = happiness. The Oppo PM1 and PM3 is great but they tend to be massively overpriced now that most of their lineup is disco'd. After that it's Audeze and they are worth every penny but they be expensive y0. This list is pretty Hifiman heavy, but that's why that brand got popular. That price point is where they made their mark and in doing so out-shined more expensive competitors. If you can't actually listen to anything yourself and can only go off of what you can read/reviews etc, I would DEF suggest purchasing from somewhere that has an easy return policy so if you get something and they feel too flimsy, or too bulky... or sound too sharp or whatever..... you can swap em out no muss no fuss. It's a crap shoot unless you can test. At your price point you want something that makes you say "wow... I need to get into this more"
WILLxLOVEI've been saving for a headphone upgrade (I'm retired on a fixed income). I primarily listen to the Sennheiser HD700 and 6XX, also have the HifiMan 400i. I'm probably going to go with the MrSpeakers Aeon Flow Open, though also considering the Audeze LCD-2C or the Massdrop x Focal Elex if still available in five weeks when I should have the money. I hadn't heard of these AR cans when I saw this drop this morning (I can buy these right now for November delivery). The first review I read was Tyll's and I stopped there. He noted the AR was uncomfortable and significantly inferior in sound to the AFO and LCD-2C. I intend this to be my last can upgrade for a while and I think those headphones are nonetheless better purchases even at a $500 premium.
MarloweTrue, I totally feel you on that! I have several budget and medium-performance headphones and earphones (Noontec Zoro II HD, Jays uJays, EMu purpleheart, Thinksound On2, K553pro, K712pro, HE4XX, HE400i, HD58X, THX00 Ebony and many earphones) and had the fortune to listen to many high-performance ones. As a result, I wish for my next pair to be a significant step up from my current ones (at least Elex's standard), or there wouldn't be much point XD
MarloweI don’t have the Elex, but I have the OEM equivalent the Focal Elear and it has probably the best sound of any headphone I own, of any technology. It’s a special kind of dynamic driver, based on loud speaker tech. Not Planar, but the way they did it is spectacular.