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Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro Headphones

Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro Headphones

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Frequently bought together:
Massdrop x Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee Headphones
Product Description
Known for making some of the finest headphones around, Beyerdynamic puts years of audio research and expert design into every set of cans. Another entry in the company's successful DT line, the DT990 Pro headphones have a lighter weight and a slightly adjusted sound signature compared to their Premium counterparts Read More

Dec 23, 2022
What is the difference between this $159 BEYERDYNAMIC DT 990 Pro and the one on Amazon for $129?
Aug 12, 2022
Is there a difference between this and the 990 Pro X's? What's the X mean? Better?
May 19, 2022
Is the cable coiled or straight?
Apr 3, 2022
I am new to audio equipment. I can take advantage of the performance of these headphones. Amplifier or audio interface I am looking for something, please let me know if you have something good. Sorry if some of the translations are weird.
May 1, 2022
A9uilaHi. For the beyerdynamic DT 990 pro, you will need a headphone amp.
Mar 17, 2022
Just buy from Sweetwater for the same price
Jan 31, 2022
When do I get to choose the impedance? Asking for my own friend that want to buy this headset, he is mostly on console
Mar 12, 2022
Shouldn’t the 32 ohm version be better for console? I forgot to mention, he plays more ps4 than PC, even though he owns both. Should I just recommend him the holder impedance one plus an amp?
Mar 13, 2022
DreadTaxSounds like you’ve already made your mind up.
Jan 31, 2022
Do these have the same coiled cable as the 250ohms version? I just sold my 250ohms version because I hated that cable so much but I liked the headphone for gaming just the stupid coiled cable kept getting in my way. Thanks
Mar 10, 2022
ThatMxdudeHow i understand it, all the 250 ohm dt 990, have a coiled cable but the 80 ohm ones and lower have a straight cable
Dec 8, 2021
Surprisingly easy to drive with 80 ohms version pair with a Fiio K1 inline DAC Amp with respectable volume! listening to YouTube audio file, low bitrate coming from my iPhone mini SE 2020. also tried it my desktop setup: Audio GD NFB-15 and THX AAA 789, truly stun with the K1 portable nature and yet still deliver wonder SQ and SPL. granted its not DSD/Balanced Level. but I am able to bring this with me on the go during my Train commute. Highly recommended. Also own the following headphones (Focal ELEX, HD 58X, Madhouse Argon MKII, T60RP, HE400i, HE4XX, HE5SE, and DT770 Pro 80ohms). This setup is my portable "go to". Love it with my LG V20 Quad DAC pairing as well. but the phone is just too large in my pocket. Paid $35 used. but this easily worth $150 if you get them new. Some might find the treble fatiguing. But I am fine with the detail trade off and nice wide sound stage provided by the Fiio K1.
currently on sale over audio46 com for 139 with free shipping
Why do you still list the MSRP as $300 when its not? Not just amazon, but Bayerdynamic's own site list the MSRP at $179, and both have it for sale at your $160 price. Not that anyone should be shocked you sell things at MSRP now, but the comments have been pointing out your incorrect MSRP for months.
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