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Douk Audio A100 Power Amplifier

Douk Audio A100 Power Amplifier

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Product Description
The Douk Audio A100 is an A+ power amp with a ton of versatility packed into a refreshingly small package. The core of its functionality comes in its four modes of operation Read More

Jul 26, 2024
Ha. This isnt going to put out anywhere near 600w on a regular basis, only for VERY short and rare peaks in the audio signal, and at those higher outputs it is going to have way more THD than the claimed 0.002%. Also all the "A+" in the description really lets you know this is a lower quality product. All these cheapo Amazon sold amps use the same TPA3255 and claim the same specs and its disgusting that such blatant false advertising is allowed. I wish Drop would do some actual research on the products they allow listed here and put legit specs up, not just copy some marketing blurb and call it a day. The maximum specs they can possibly achieve are 10% distortion at 330 stereo @ 4Ω, 1% distortion at 260w stereo @ 4Ω, and 0.006% distortion at only 1watt output. The chip isnt even capable of the claimed .002% at all. And those are just the absolute best case specs, which goes down depending on what other components in the circuit and the circuit design is. So don't fall for fake specs listed here, and Drop do a better job on product listings and stop enabling false advertising.
Jul 26, 2024
EniGmA1987Not only is there the limitations that you call out, but even if you are were to take Douk's claims of power output (I'm certainly not saying that you should), this description and claims are misleading as well. Drop doesn't mention the amperage of the 48v power adapter, but per Douk's site, the $199 unit comes with a 48v/5A power adapter. At 48V/5A, Douk claims a max 120Wx2 @ 4 ohm and 315Wx1 @ 4 ohm. They also mention with a 48V/10A power adapter the max power is 250Wx2 @ 4 ohm. Their 300Wx2 claim supposedly comes from a test at 51V (no mention of amperage)
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