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Fluid C5BT 5-Inch Bluetooth Studio Monitors

Fluid C5BT 5-Inch Bluetooth Studio Monitors

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Product Description
With lifelike audio and versatile connectivity, the C5BT studio monitors from Fluid are an all-around solution for studio work, recreational listening, and everything in between. In each monitor, a 5-inch low-frequency transducer and 1-inch PEI diaphragm tweeter are mounted to a specially designed waveguide to optimize off-axis response Read More

Apr 20, 2021
I was on the fence about these...saw 2 people bought and they needed 1 more to get the run to go, so not sure if they actually did it. Totally wish I did get in on these :( hope we get a second chance
Apr 12, 2021
No idea how these sound (hopefully better than they look) but having recently purchased a set of Bluetooth speakers, I am a fan of the concept. Obviously at this price point one must keep their expectations in check. Still, in these trying economic times, a set of $165 speakers might be all one can swing--there's no shame in that. Certainly one of the benefits of a set of Bluetooth speakers is convenience; it's damn handy to be able to shoot tunes directly from your computer, phone, or tablet to a set of speakers across the room. True, these speakers only speak common Bluetooth 4.0 rather than that new, snooty 5.0 version, but they do employ that aptX codec/mojo so, for average-ish quality files, you'll still hear what's to be heard. One of the short comings at this price is speaker to speaker connectivity. Yes, they are Bluetooth speakers, but they are not "wireless" speakers. Both speakers must to be connected to one another with good old fashioned speaker wire. One assumes (because it isn't specifically made clear the description or specs), that only the main C5BT speaker requires a power connection. I mention the above because that's NOT the way all Bluetooth speakers work. The Edifiers I have are not connected to one another by wire (they use some kind of proprietary black magic to sink the two speakers together without wire). Once you ditch that wired connection requirement, you can get pretty creative with placement (no need to worry about stringing wire up and around furniture or under carpet). On the other hand, the Edifiers use (2) powered amplifiers in each speaker, and therefore, each speaker requires a power cord (and socket to plug into). In other words, no matter how much you pay for Bluetooth speakers (the Edifiers are a boat-load more), one way or another, we're you're never quite as done with wire and cable as you'd like to be. Perhaps one day Nikola Tesla will return from the grave and show us how to transmit 110 volt current wirelessly, along with our sound waves? Maybe in Bluetooth 6.0 or 7.0? Anyway, whether you go cheap or higher-end, Bluetooth speakers aren't the worst way to go--I'm certainly dig'n mine.
Apr 15, 2021
No they wouldn’t...was just pointing out that it is possible.
Apr 15, 2021
Rowdy2026 It’s also possible someone clocks Trump in the temple with an errant drive on the seventh fairway. “Hope springs eternal.”
Apr 11, 2021 This youtuber said, "I don't think it is bad, I think it's too bad." although he commented it for passive version not BT version.
Apr 13, 2021
jsyuCheck the comments on the video. Most users are happy with them. So could be he was unlucky and got a faulty pair or he had too high expectations for the price.
Apr 11, 2021
These look like they might be nice! I just picked up the edifier blue tooth speakers I wonder how something like this would compare to those? They look nice!
Apr 17, 2021
No subs for me! The S300 pros have 6.5" woofers, and believe me--they provide all the bass I can handle right out of the box. I see your setup down below; looks like you've got every thing you need. I put my Edifiers on speaker stands too. I was initially hoping I could stuff them in my bookcases, but no dice (too big). PS: get that damn goose of the field, those guys are trying to win a ballgame!
Apr 17, 2021
RayFNice! These smaller speakers were pretty lacking on bass response without the sub. Not that it’s not clear — it’s very clear and distinct — just no real power behind it, I hope you enjoy those 6.5” woofers :) It’s funny I haven’t even really used the Bluetooth feature much on these. As they are connected to my desktop which is where I would be playing %100 of my music back from anyways. But it’s nice to use for poscasts when I am going to sleep to be able to throw next episodes or change genres with my phone from across the room. I have a really boomy very powerful portable Sony blutooth speaker I used everyday at work before the pandemic, so I typically use that for a Bluetooth speaker.
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