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Marketing Team
Jul 21, 2020
Hi everyone, We understand how frustrating the situation with the Focal Elex replacement pads has been. We share in those frustrations and have been trying to come up with a satisfactory resolution for months.Our internal testing has confirmed that the latest batch of pads varies in weight from the "stock" pads by as much as 15%. Although we have reported these concerns to Focal, they have not offered us a substantive resolution at this time, and we're continuing to try to work with them on a solution. We're hoping that we'll agree to a good solution at some point in the future, but really don't want to continue keeping all of you in limbo. So we've gone ahead and refunded all orders (could take up to 48 hours for this to hit your account), in addition, we will be shipping out all of the earpads to all customers as they had ordered them. In other words, everyone will get to keep the pads that they ordered, for free. The shipping will be delayed for a week or two while we sort through each and every order to determine who is exactly missing what. Moving forward we'll look to bring these pads back to the market, but only after we've completely sorted out the quality and quantity issues with Focal and have a product that we and the community will be satisfied with. 
Jul 21, 2020
Jul 21, 2020
JaleesaGbased on this I would encourage everyone to email/ contact focal explaining their frustrations. The fact that a "luxury" company is not preforming quality control and then further not making right their wrongs for putting out bad pads is a pretty bad look.
Jul 21, 2020
Jul 21, 2020
JaleesaGThank you for the update. I'm satisfied with the way it's resolved though I'd still like to get a set of proper replacement pads in the future, looking forward to it.
Jul 21, 2020
Jul 21, 2020
JaleesaG"we will be shipping out all of the earpads to all customers as they had ordered them." - Does this mean that if we cancelled our order and were issued a refund prior to this announcement that we will also receive the other earpad?
Jul 21, 2020
Marketing Team
Jul 21, 2020
asdaUnfortunately not. If you previously canceled your order, you will not receive them.
Jul 21, 2020
Jul 21, 2020
JaleesaGlol! oh well
Jul 21, 2020
Jul 22, 2020
JaleesaGWanted to say thanks for looking out for the customer, and sorry it ended the way it did. I have ordered way too much stuff from you guys, and this is really the first time I ever ran into any problems, so thanks again, and hope it all ends up on the right side of things.
Jul 22, 2020
Aug 25, 2020
JaleesaGI'm so confused. So were the ones sent out in late July any good? They're clearly different than the ones I got a few months, when they were sent 1 at a time. These newer ones are memory foam, but with the 2 I got, the foam bounces back more quickly than on the other. So I don't even know if they used the same type of foam in the 2.
Aug 25, 2020
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