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686 requests
33 Sold
Product Description
A refinement of La Figaro’s original 337 model and subsequent 339 headphone amplifiers, the 339i tube amplifier delivers rich audio to any pair of headphones. Its circuit uses first-order direct amplification and a cathode output, which is capable of driving headphones spanning the impedance spectrum from 32 to 600 ohms Read More
I just realised that the headphone out doubles as SE (single end) and XLR plugs. Is this amp optimised for XLR connection, or am I okay to stick with SE plug? Would prefer to stay with SE, but if there are gains with XLR with this amp, I am willing to invest in XLR cables for my HD580 Jubilee and HD650 headphones.
Mine arrived with broken tubes, a box that was barely holding together, paint on transformer not uniform (literal lumps of paint on one transformer and scratches and chipped paint on the other). Is this how you package items? Where is the quality control?
Yeah, the rectifier tubes cause it to get really hot. But the bottom of the unit is still safe to touch. So, I think the top of the unit is acting as a heat sink, keeping heat from the internals at a safe... err "safe-ish" temp.
So, this price has gone up $180 in 6 months? Earlier Drop comments imply it was selling for $650 last summer/fall. Is the demand that high?
A quick web search also found it for $20 less with a 2-year warranty and free shipping. Admittedly, I know nothing about this site:
La Figaro 339i Headphone Amplifier Tube Amplifier (
Perhaps this question was asked before, but this amp looks like TWO Darkvoice 336 amps joined together. Assuming I already have one 336 and can get another for $250-300, will this 339i model bring any additional benefits over 2x 336 units?
$300 spend vs $900 spend...
I wonder what is the business model for drop nowadays. Sell at market price but no warrantee and slow shipping, and keep raising price drop after drop on same product they sell in cycle. I can’t recall any successful e-commerce company with these business model.