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MOMOKA Christmas Bell Linear Mechanical Switches

MOMOKA Christmas Bell Linear Mechanical Switches

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40 requests
Product Description
These medium-force Christmas Bell Linear Switches from MOMOKA offer similar properties to the popular KeebMonkey Iceberg switches, but in a festive holiday colorway. The nylon base material allows for a soft landing with a pleasant feel and a soft sound Read More

Nov 6, 2021
McDonald's French fries.
Odd that these are compared to the less expensive Icebergs when this site has also sold Momoka Frogs, which these look to be a re-color of with a different spring. Icebergs are manufactured by Aflion and use completely different tooling, where these are Momoka switches that likely share tooling with the Frogs. Frogs aren't as light and don't move as freely as Icebergs, but they are more smooth / less grainy and have a much deeper, more muted sound.
Nov 4, 2021
Any information on quantity for the $62 price?
modest.ggIt’s 110PCS.
Seems a little mismatched that they say these are light but then list a 67g operating force. I wouldn’t be opposed to a slightly heavier Iceberg though.
Nov 4, 2021
Joey_SpacebarYeah, I thought that too. Unless the 67g is bottom out. Still not exactly light. If momoka would make a 5pin switch I'd easily put it in the top 10 of linears. The smoothness and bottom out feel on Frogs is pretty perfect for me.
Joey_SpacebarCopy has been updated to medium.
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