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29 requests
Product Description
If you’re a music lover with an eclectic taste, it’s essential your headphones have a soundstage that can handle everything in your library. The HP151 headphones deliver all that and more Read More
Does anyone know of any aftermarket suppliers of cables (looking specifically for something much shorter) that have the HP151 connector? I've reached out to SoundMAGIC support, but thought this might be a good place to ask around as well.
TacoboyAny 100mm hybrid earpads (inner velour, outer leather), the ones with pure velour makes sound pop up but you lose some bass punch, also the sound will leak out.
Love these headphones.
Total sleepers.
Bought them when they came out as HP100 based on a few raving reviews and was impressed.
They are really good but have one weakness, they are weak in the lower mid, upper bass where down tuned crunchy metal guitar resides so that part of music isn't as forward as the rest. But the rest is so good I like them even as a huge metal guy.
Cymbals are extremely easy to hear and detailed. Mid bass is probably flat but it goes down to very sub levels.
It punches above its price point handedly as far as detail and sound stage and imaging.
Must add that somehow they are never harsh despite a very Sparkly high fr.
They are lightweight and comfortable but the Y attaching the cups may crack in time. I recommend gorilla gluing the hollow that runs along the inside for extra strength.
This lightweight adds effect to the sub bass as the cups rumble with the large 53mm drivers during strong sub notes. It's actually nice and not some intended gimmick like Scullcandy had done.
Play an Hans Zimmer sound track and try not being impressed at the sound out of these things.
Had a pair of HP-150's for a short time before the cable basically disintegrated on its own, and replacements were nonexistent. Unless they've improved the cable, it's not worth it for something that's got such a limited lifespan.
Man, if I didn't just order the 58xx's, I'd be all over these are a toss around high quality set of cans. Totally underrated, being relatively new to the market.
I had the older HP150 and I really liked them for portable use, as they were comfortable and isolated sound incredibly well. But this design has a tendency to break at the piece of plastic that holds the cups, as my pair did 2 weeks after the warranty ran out. It's very expensive to have SoundMAGIC repair them, and absolutely impossible to do it yourself. And it's quite a common issue. sadly that makes me rather hesitant to recommend these headphones.
Great sound and noise reduction, but bad construction.
I was thoroughly impressed by the sound of the older-model HP150: clear, with great sub-bass and a wide sound-stage... good sound characteristics for FPS gaming. For sound alone, definitely worth $105. Comfort and build were just ok. Shame the included cable is so long... and has a proprietary connector.