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TEC Accessories Pinstripe Titanium Orbiter

TEC Accessories Pinstripe Titanium Orbiter

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Product Description
A new kind of fidget toy, the Orbiter from TEC Accessories will keep you entertained for hours on end. Featuring a neodymium magnet sandwiched between 6AL4V titanium end caps, it has a steel ball that magnetically circles its outer edges, like a moon orbiting a planet Read More

Jul 2, 2020
For the same thirty-for dollars you could buy a couple gallons of yellow paint and create something artistic with it...

Jul 2, 2020
RayFNo clue where you're finding paint that cheap, I recently looked at the price of a gallon of paint... I'll leave my patio to weather in the sun...
I would like to note here that this Orbiter model is comprised of one polished titanium cap and one Black Diamond coated titanium cap. Details of the Black Diamond coating are on our website. Unfortunately the details were not included on the drop page.
Bet the magnet is stronger too
Lastgunslinger3759It likely is, but not like you would think. The clones typically are manufactured with the side discs made of cheap pot metal, not titanium. So it actually magnetizes the discs and increases the magnetic field from the sides of the assembly, pulling the steel ball against the magnet. So in effect it increases the friction of the ball movement so the spinning action is very poor. The difference is very noticeable. I think you will find our version is much better overall. We collaborated with Mike Allen, the originator of the Orbiter and spent a lot of time fine tuning the product before its release. We didn't simply create a cheap copy :-)
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