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545 requests
Product Description
An upgrade to the popular Runner 250, one of Walkera’s most affordable, user-friendly FPV racers, the Runner 250 Pro is faster, more responsive, and even easier to control. The new and improved GPS/GLONASS dual-satellite positioning system provides higher GPS hover accuracy and a faster GPS lock, while the simplified carbon-fiber design improves strength and reduces weight Read More
buzzking00There is no comparison, the Walkera is not a race drone, but a toy drone built on <2014 tech which they're trying to sell to unknowing people as a race drone, which is the saddest lie.
The Emax Hawk 5 on the other hand is a proper machine with modern parts.
Currently I cannot find this drop at any price point close to this, with any accessory combination plus shipping. Since this is coming from the manufacture, this drop is steal anyway you buy it.
This is a great drop!
I can't speak to the overall quality of the item, I'm just saying if you want THIS item, you are not going to find a better deal at all!
I have this question and I believe it will be an important one.
If we include the backpack, will this ship with the drone and accessories inside the backpack or will it ship as it would normally ship and the backpack aside?
I ask this question because I once bought a drone (not at massdrop) with the backpack addon and they shipped it inside the backpack which was not a hard case backpack or anything of the sorts, I believe it got rocked bad during shipping and the drone came to me in what appeared to be pristine condition, but to this day, there no trimming of the drone or balancing of the propellers that lets me fly this drone as it was supposed to fly, one could argue that maybe I got a bad lemon or it was just a bad drone to buy, but the thought that it was mishandled while shipping (and the drone being inside the soft backpack) never left my mind.