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May 18, 2018
These were my first "good" IEMs. I purchased them a couple of years ago now, and they remain one of my favorites. Many reviews here and elsewhere reference their "V" shape, and that's an accurate description. These aren't neutral, balanced IEMs. You wouldn't want to use them as monitors and if you're an audiophile looking for accuracy, these aren't for you. That said, they are very good consumer oriented headphones - much better value than most of the "fashion" brands out there.
The bass is solid and stops just short of being "boomy". Clarity is good compared to many other V shaped headphones, and the high end rolls off smoothly so I don't find them shrill or fatiguing to listen to. If you've only used the headphones that come with a phone, or cheap ones you picked up in a supermarket checkout line, these are a great starting point to understand what high quality audio is like . At ~$75, this deal is not the best price ever, but it's a pretty good price for these - and we're a long way from Black Friday.
I have relatively large ear canals, so I don't have any problems with or comfort, but I will say that Comply foam tips (size 600, if you're looking for the right ones) are definitely an upgrade from the (numerous) tips that come in the package. The included tips just never quite got the seal I wanted. All in all, very enjoyable headphones that I've kept around longer than many others.
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