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ADV. Spider TWS On-Ear Headphones

ADV. Spider TWS On-Ear Headphones

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Product Description
Since AirPods shed the wires and set everyone free, the in-ear monitor world has been ripe with truly wireless earphones— and now ADV. is bringing the Spider TWS On-Ear Headphones: a nice hybrid between wire-free listening and on-ear comfort Read More

May 24, 2024
Delivery times to France ?
May 28, 2024
damienmeyLeft Droop on May 14th, delivered in France on May 27th . Reasonable
Jun 26, 2023
Man i really love this concept of TWS on ear. Is there a higher quality version somewhere? I would happily pay up to $2-300 for this. Assuming better bt codec, higher sound quality, better build/comfort etc
I cant wait to have it in my hand. it's perfect for someone who styles their hair and who can't really use iems
Apr 2, 2023
I hope these are good. I bought these because they aren't that expensive. Will report back when I get them.
Mar 30, 2023
Bloody hell... at this price, I couldn't help myself. Might be "meh" but I'm willing to give it a tray. I'm a sucker for clip-on on-ears, I already have wired ones and wireless ones, but not TRUE wireless ones, so.... :)
Mar 26, 2023
Even for a budget option, SBC just doesn’t cut it in 2023.
Mar 27, 2023
easo91The only corollary of which I'm aware the possibility of using SBC XQ, however this doesn't apply to portable iOS devices because Apple [Citation needed] or Android (despite already having the code available) because Google. That's a shame because I want something like a True Wireless Koss KSC75 with support for modern codecs and this is almost that.
easo91With AAC and aptX require royalties and licensing fees 🤷‍♂️ ADV confirms this is SBC only. If I was making a budget TWS, I believe a bigger sound quality benefit would come from a Bluetooth SoC with a better DAC and amp, a decent transducer, and tuning materials for the cups (such as they are). Being an on-ear that sits closer to the eardrum has some benefits to the tuning (this is part of what gives the Koss and Grado models their “sound” for the price). That said, I haven’t made my own headphones😂 hoping to learn. A true-wireless for this price is quite an ask, but I think my wife would be all over these.
Mar 26, 2023
Drop, can we get an FR chart on these?
EdTheNerdSquiggles would have to come from ADV, but it could have similar characteristics to the KSC75 as an on-ear compact headphone. Then again, the way it looks sealed ought to have some effect on the tuning, maybe more midbass.
Mar 26, 2023
Hmm, these aren't listed on their website and there's no mention of them on their social media. Wonder if they're testing the waters here to gauge demand. Would appreciate it if someone could clarify what the intent is here. Also hesitant in getting these without knowing what their sound signature is.
Apr 10, 2023
sesamebunThere's a page now up on their official website: Here are some pics with more info:

Mar 26, 2023
These look pretty cool. I wonder if they can be modified with the KSC75 drivers.
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