GUYS HELP!!!! Should I get these over the DT770 250ohms? Mainly for music and some gaming! (I already have an open back pair which is the HD518, for gaming their alright though for music I do not like them very much..) also the DT I can get right away while for the k7xx ill have to wait a month or so... (like all of us..)
YoniTubulwell, why don't you like the HD 518 for music? Typically you'd want open back for gaming for the soundstage (and these have a wide soundstage). The DT 770 on the other hand is closed back and won't have any soundstage.
EinTheVarianceThe sound is not very clear, the bass feels extremely muddy, and they are kind of bass heavy
Also, I am going to run the k7xx with a e10k and from what I gathered it won't be powerful enough so it would be nice if you could offer me an alternative that will do well with the e10k for under 200$
YoniTubulthese are definitely a bassier pair also, so you may not like it because of the same reason (I have not heard the 518 personally so I can't say how muddy it is).
If you want a non-bassy option, pairs like the AKG K701, Audio Technica AD900X, or the Phillips SHP9500 would do well. The Phillips in particular is nice because you can pair it with a V Moda Boompro mic for a nice gaming headset. The Phillips and the AD900X can even be a bit bass anemic, but since you have the E10K with the bass boost, it might be a good option.
YoniTubulunfortunately I haven't heard the K612 personally. Apparently they are a more neutral sounding headphones, described often as analytical. I don't believe these will be muddy, so they probably are a good option too. The K612 should use the same pads as the K7XX so comfort should be the same there, which is great.