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161 Sold
Product Description
While most cans make you choose between an open and closed construction, the Beyerdynamic DT880 splits the difference with a semi-open design that allows for increased airflow and a wider soundstage. As it covers the entire frequency range without difficulty, it's ideal for all types of music and most impressive with dense electronic jams Read More
BykovovichThey do on rare occasion, although this may or may not make you happy to know I suppose. I was told by a rep in BD that they are expecting to replenish stock in the normal places sometime in October. So where you are now may or may not see these changes, I advise you keep an eye out on such places as the BD main site, Amazon, and so forth.
Hello, I would like to know what model of dac/amp would you suggest for the DT-880 with 250 ohms in order to be able to use their full potential please?
philazxduoo ta-01, bravo ocean (if down gained by at least 15db), Gesheli Archel 1, 2, & 2.5 (high gain for the latter two may be necessary), ifi zen can amp (non sig version is significantly cheaper), monolith liuid spark, loxjie p20 (only if a balance mod is done to the cans).
As for dacs, honestly take your pick, for combo units? Uhhh... I wouldn't know a whole helluva lot to be quite honest. I tend to get dedicated solutions. I kinda like being able to tailor the sound I'm getting to my tastes at any given moment, even if only by a slight margin.
I've never understood why Beyerdynamic never offered a DT 1880. A semi open headphone with a Tesla driver in the mid tier of their lineup is a glaring omission. You have to jump to the $1k T1 to get the semi open design. I actually like the T1's quite a bit! Only the price & the 600Ohm resistance has kept me on the fence in their regard.
Take these, add the Tesla drivers, a detachable cable, a price in the range of the DT177X Go & I'd make your head spin with how fast I'd be buying them! I haven't owned a wired headphone without a detachable cable in over 30 years & it's the only thing that's prevented me from buy these.
DT 188X....... Make it happen! Pretty please? I can't be the only one...….
is this much different/better than a hd6xx? Also, should I save my money for better headphone or is this a good second pair?
I'm using a DX3 pro and Bottlehead Crack