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Nov 14, 2017
So i see Canadians are getting theirs via Canada post. It would be real nice if I could use a po box address during the check out.
Nov 14, 2017
Nov 14, 2017
Ll_FI ordered on the 25th and have just received mine in Montreal (22.76$ CAD in tax here in Qc). Canada post did not deliver the box to my door, instead they had me pick it up at the post office saying the sender had specified this; they gave me a notice on Friday but only delivered it to the post office today (literally walked up the stairs saying you can go pick it up...). Canada post is generally horrible for me, so I am not surprised they screwed around. I still wonder if Massdrop specified the pick up, anyhow STOP USING CANADA POST.
PS I really like the longer cable and the storage box!
Nov 14, 2017
Nov 14, 2017
nick.frazerMy friend got his and it was the same story. Massdrop used DHL, who passed it onto Canada Post after clearing the border.
Nov 14, 2017
Nov 15, 2017
nick.frazerI was pissed too; however, better than being left on the doorstep for thieves
Nov 15, 2017
Nov 16, 2017
Plautus001Amazon leaves packages on "the doorstep for thieves" and I have had no issue with this. I have had an xbox one sit on a porch for a weekend without issue. YOU ARE THE ONE AT FAULT if you are the one with bad faith believing that everybody and their dog is a thief. You should not blindly trust everybody... like the xbox on the balcony deal. However, trust in your neighbors.. or get to know them? I live in the city and signature on reception would be the best solution. Your comment makes me wonder... did Massdrop ask for packages to not be delivered at the door? -if so bad on them. Hope you all get your headphones soon and don't get screwed around with!
Nov 16, 2017
Nov 16, 2017
nick.frazerI disagree.... one person has had their pair stolen on this thread and if you watch the news it is happening more and more... theft is a crime of opportunity. I know my neighbors (my mother in law is one) and they can't watch my house 24/7...
Nov 16, 2017
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