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Nordost Blue Heaven Headphone Cables

Nordost Blue Heaven Headphone Cables

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509 requests
8 Sold
Product Description
For your high-end headphones, you’ll want cables of the highest caliber—and that’s exactly what Nordost strives to provide. Available in two lengths with a variety of connection options, the Blue Heaven cables terminate with a ⅛-inch stereo mini plug and come with a ¼-inch adapter Read More

Apr 15, 2018
So, any comments from those who have received their cable from this drop?
Mar 2, 2018
Mar 2, 2018
Ridiculous! $20 cables priced at $270 for $200 headphones...
Mar 1, 2018
What headphones will this fit with the supplied connectors?
Mar 1, 2018
PenceyPrepHD 600 HD650 HD6XX
Mar 2, 2018
PenceyPrepThere are several options available. Click "join drop" and you will see various terminations available for, amongst others, HD800; HD6XX (also fits HD580/HD600/HD650); 4 pin mini XLR (which fits Audeze LCD-3, LCD-2, LCD-X, LCD-XC), AKG K812 etc. Clicking on "Join Drop" does not commit to a purchase until you fill everything in so don't be afraid to go to it. If you don't want to purchase after looking at the termination options, simply hit your backspace key. If you do select to purchase, click on the proper option you need and fill in the rest of the required info.
Mar 1, 2018
Are this cables directly came from heaven and make the headphone more magical ? So than please god make this cable sing for us without headphone. In that way we can save some money!
Mar 1, 2018
wow ... the cables cost more than the headphones themselves :) 34 AWG seems thin, esp for this price
Feb 28, 2018
What sort of gear would someone be running for these to be a worthwhile improvement in the sound quality? Would the stock cable for somebody's Focals be junk compared to these? I can understand buying them just because they are nice if you have the money.
Mar 1, 2018
71BaconThese cables will not alter the sound quality of your headphones.
Mar 3, 2018
nbcnbcnbcDream on. If you can’t hear a difference, I’m afraid, yeah, don’t spend the money, you can’t appreciate it. That’s okay, you saved some money so don’t fret
Feb 28, 2018
Will this cable allow me to hear sounds from higher space-times?
Feb 28, 2018
Was wondering if any of you could recommend a decent budget replacement cable.
My second K7XX ~$50 green cable that I bought directly from AKG AU supplier is failing me again, but the Aussie supplier do not carry cables anymore last time I contacted them.
Feb 28, 2018
Nordost? Really? We already have Cardas' crap here, why do we need another overpriced cable company's spin heavy marketing polluting things? At least we get to hear something other than "quad-eutectic" and "golden ratio" now...
I've heard things through Audioquest (at least they make some things that aren't all nonsense) cables and Cardas cables of varying "quality" levels. Not sure I've actually heard Nordost firsthand, but I'm already at a confirmed 2/2 for underwhelming results for the price asked. Not a good start on the high end cable front.
None of it was anything particularly special. The gear it was connected to was simply good enough that you could claim the cables were a big part of the sound and some people might believe you. I will not claim that there are zero differences between cables. My stance is that cables make a difference, but often a very subtle difference, and none of these differences justify the costs of replacing a cable with an identical length and termination combo from most of these companies. I want to replace my HD6XX and M1060 cables, but only because they're 1/8" plugs on short cables, not because there's magic to be had by paying more than I did for the headphones themselves.
If cables were such a magical and dramatic improvement, we wouldn't be seeing all of the praise we do for new headphones. A HD650 with a $6-700 cable would still manage to sit above the pile of crap Audeze just sold you for $4000 with those awful stock cables. All of these reviews would be relative to an older model with the "mandatory mod" of a new cable if this were really the case. Given that it's not, we're back to my assertion. The changes are fairly minor. How much is that tiny improvement worth to you? Would you not rather just fund better gear at these prices? Sure, $3-400 on those $4000 LCD4s isn't as ridiculous as $400 on a $200 headphone, but $400 will buy you a decent chunk of new music if nothing else, which... you know, is the thing you bought them for in the first place.
Jun 24, 2018
You’re hopeless! One’s and zero’s. Really, is that the best you can come up with. What about jitter, impedance inconsistencies and on and on? And let’s talk inductance, capacitance and resistance in cables. And how about skin effect and, bleed through of the signal into the dielectric? You really think it is just 1’s and 0’s? That’s pathetic and you deserve ridicule whether you find it pretentious or offensive. Yes, tin ears due to insensitivity to subtlety, melodic differences, etc. Sorry if you are insulted. The truth hurts sometimes.
Jun 25, 2018
SGvaUnfortunately, you're fundamentally incorrect. Obviously just arguing antagonistically for the sake of enjoyment. I would expect nothing less from a pretentious audiophool who believes they are better than everyone else and dedicates their life to gatekeeping the audio world. I hear about people like you not only in the audiophile world, but the "elites" in other hobbies as well.
You didn't critically read my last comment at all. You took it completely at face value and used it only as ammunition to further insult me. Unfortunately for you here as well, I've been on the internet for decades and I won't waste my time on that kind of dead end. If you reply to this comment, I won't reply. I won't even read it.
I'll leave you with this. If you had used even an ounce of reading comprehension you would have been able to realize my mention of "1's and 0's" was only part of it. The part to describe that there are differences between the quality of an audio/sound signal, and the quality of the content, the music, that is contained in that signal. Tin ears refers to the content of the signal, not the quality of the signal itself. Only holier than thou audiophile gatekeepers use it the way you did.
Enjoy your bitter life, just don't expect us peasants to stand beneath you to prop up your industry. Luckily and thankfully, the new generation of audiophiles understands that there are substantial quality differences between a $100 beginner headphone amp and a really great quality one in the $400-500 range, but the difference between a $500 amp and a $5,000 amp leaves at least $3,000 left over that went to pure snake oil.
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Unfortunately, you're fundamentally incorrect. Obviously just arguing antagonistically for the sake of enjoyment. I would expect nothing less from a pretentious audiophool who believes they are better than everyone else and dedicates their life to gatekeeping the audio world. I hear about people like you not only in the audiophile world, but the "elites" in other hobbies as well. You didn't critically read my last comment at all. You took it completely at face value and used it only as ammunition to further insult me. Unfortunately for you here as well, I've been on the internet for decades and I won't waste my time on that kind of dead end. If you reply to this comment, I won't reply. I won't even read it. I'll leave you with this. If you had used even an ounce of reading comprehension you would have been able to realize my mention of "1's and 0's" was only part of it. The part to describe that there are differences between the quality of an audio/sound signal, and the quality of the content, the music, that is contained in that signal. Tin ears refers to the content of the signal, not the quality of the signal itself. Only holier than thou audiophile gatekeepers use it the way you did. Enjoy your bitter life, just don't expect us peasants to stand beneath you to prop up your industry. Luckily and thankfully, the new generation of audiophiles understands that there are substantial quality differences between a $100 beginner headphone amp and a really great quality one in the $400-500 range, but the difference between a $500 amp and a $5,000 amp leaves at least $3,000 left over that went to pure snake oil.
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