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Sendiy M1221 IEM

Sendiy M1221 IEM

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Product Description
The new Sendiy M1221 IEM combines cutting-edge craftsmanship with versatile sound options to give you extra control when listening to your music. CNC-machined with aluminum alloy that’s both smooth and lightweight, this comfortable IEM is shaped to sit snugly within the ear Read More

Sep 18, 2019
I cannot comment extensively on Sendy (previously known as Sendiy) customer service as I do agree with @YellowBee that reaching out to them is a fairly difficult task and one that bears no results. I tried reaching out to them months ago about their wood planar in-ears via their profile in AliExpress (one of the few places that should allow some form of direct communication). No one responded. That being said, Andrew from Musicteck has a channel of communication with them as one of the few sellers of the brand in the US. Although, they do not have a valid web site, those that have gone to CanJam or have chatted about their products with people that have tried them (I mean the latest ones), Sendy is a company that is vastly improving in product quality and one that really pays attention to what users are saying. So I do believe they should be given the benefit of the doubt regarding future products that come our way. Onto this particular IEM. As the name of the product suggests, this is one of their first IEMs that made it to market and it was produced before the company actually changed it's name to Sendy and adopted the crane logo. So, although it says "new", this is actually an old product that has been on the market for at least 1.5-2 years if not more. I would refrain from buying because there are far better IEMs for the price. If you can spend 130 bucks on these, spend the extra 30 or 40 and get the Tin P1s. You can get them either on Drop when they make it available or from Linsoul. Sometimes you can find them on Amazon as well. However, I do want to point out that as an owner of the Sendy Aiva headphones, whatever issues previous products might have had, the Aiva is a thing of perfection. For the price (650$), they outperform numerous headphones that are in the 1000-1500$ price range and the build quality is second to none. Think ZMF Aeoulus in many aspects but at half the price while not having to sacrifice wood quality on the cups, machining details or soft and slim leather band for comfort. Seriously, I love these things and I have more than a few big names in the collection. I also want to say, that so long as ChiFi keeps pushing the boundaries of price/performance ratios, we can only stand to benefit from the competition that they present to US/EU brands on how much a Hi-Fi product should cost. I am a firm believer that many really good products are or were overpriced because there was no one to actually present a challenge. However, now, because of brands like Tin, BGVP, KZ, Fearless, Sendy and others, offerings on the market are much more competitive with a lot more choices to pick from and big names pushing out products at more reasonable prices. As a consumer, I cannot wait to see what the future holds for hybrid IEM development.
Sep 18, 2019
pgrozevI do agree to so part. But they have "sendiyaudio Official Store 50.0% Positive Feedback" in the official store at aliexpress. That is a warning signal itself. Im not saying the sound is bad, but if anything would ever happen to them. You are f-cked. The brands you mention dose have a good costumer satisfaction :)
Sep 18, 2019
YellowBeeOh yes, in terms of product support, you are definitely on your own if something happens to them which is a big drawback. I sincerely hope they improve in that department. If I'm honest, I only decided on the Aivas after having listened to them at CanJam and after conferring with some reviewers on their sturdiness and durability. No point in paying 650 and then crying wolf when s*it hits the fan lol. Bottom line though, I would definitely not buy anything "Sendiy" branded because it would be from the infant stages of the company's development both in R&D and production. :)
Oct 14, 2019
dom1234What a stupid comment.
Sep 15, 2019
Pictures of the tuning filters, which should have been included in the overview. Also available in the review posted by trellus. Full review here -

Sep 15, 2019
Dear all, I wouldn’t touch this brand Sendiy with a stick. They are the definition of bad service. Actully.. if you look up the term “bad service” I’m sure the logo of Sendiy would be next to it. Let me tell you my story😊 Back in 2017(Order time: 05:53 Jan. 22 2017) I orded a M2 Hi-End Blackwood, a few days after I received it(1month delivery from China) the right side nozzle just fell out. So, I reach out to my new found friends at Sendiy. First of all, the told me I broke it myself and they will not replace it. Then I could send it back and they would fix it or I place a new order for half the price. So I reach out to AliExpress to open a dispute. They wanted me to ship the broke unit back(sending stuff to Asia from Sweden is way more expensive than just buy a new 50$ headset) and once they received it they might send a new one. If they still think it´s my fault, they would not. I did not accept this. So the service is self is a nightmare. Ended up me wasting 50$ on a IEM that lasted a few days. Also reach out to them this year about the brand new “sendyaudio Black Beauty Series 21mm Planar Magnetic In-Ear Monitors”. Still no reply, this was months ago. So I guess they don’t want to sell a 500$ IEM. You have been warned 😊
Sep 16, 2019
YellowBeeGood tip - thanks.
Sep 15, 2019
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