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186 requests
3 Sold
Product Description
New from Singxer, the SDA-2 Advanced Version delivers certified Hi-Fi audio with cutting-edge circuitry and premium components. Equipped with a Crystek CCHD-575 femtosecond crystal oscillator USB clock, the SDA-2 Advanced Version comes equipped with XMOS's latest xCORE-200 series chip for USB audio Read More
I bought the "advanced" model from Drop for $612 + $50 tax. I have DSD music files on my Windows PC, but I think it converts them to PCM for USB output. The Singxer user guide says it can play DSD, but I can't confirm that based on my use. My OPPO Blu-ray player plays SACDs, but does not output DSD via coax or optical outs.
Chessman47"does not output DSD via coax or optical outs"
DSD cannot be output via these formats, as they're limited to 24 bit / 192kHz resolution. The analog outputs should put out DSD, however, if it's set to in the menus (I have an OPPO too, though I use it mostly for for SACD ripping).
If you're using foobar2000, there's a way to 'trick' the DAC into receiving pure DSD audio or DSD via DoP, both from the USB connector.
I saw the reviews on Head-fi mentioned below so I'm all set, but thanks for replying.
I don’t get, how can one call AKM 4497 as flagship when 4499 is out for over a year and Drop has sold DACs based on it. Isn’t it misleading information for someone not familiar with this?
AmJoshProduct descriptions are typically created by the manufacturer prior to release, when this was released it was in fact the flagship DAC chip from Asahi Kasei. Since then the 4499EQ has come out, companies don't go back and provide "updated" product descriptions.
This listing explains what is going on inside better. And has more measurements.
The two highlights are the use of FPGA for normal filtering or bypassing the AKM chip for no oversampling. And the use of an optocoupler to transmit the USB input by light internally so USB noise doesn't affect the rest of the circuit.
The lack of shielding around the toroid transformer bothers me but otherwise is a nice design that lets you choose between Delta/Sigma and FPGA conversion.
It must be digital, otherwise it would not be possible to increase the volume by 0.5 dB in a certain range.
It is not known exactly which potentiometer was used.
It doesn't matter, it does what it is supposed to do.
I mainly use the remote control to protect the potentiometer.😊
KulpaI'm guessing he wants to know if its hardware digital or software digital then, and if its hardware or software, what kind of chip is being used and in what circuit configuration it is as to preserve signal dynamic range and integrity without introducing capacitance or inductance etc.
Edit: Also, I'm guessing its a rotary encoder not a potentiometer.
steedamikeThe Lyr 1 is SE only. This DAC is better, audibly so is debatable. Not everyone wants tube amplification. Also you can only stack on top. And not everyone wants the look of Schiit.