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173 requests
27 Sold
Product Description
Between the budget Legacy 3 and the flagship Legacy 5, Thieaudio’s Legacy 4 IEM gives listeners an attractive middle ground—in terms of both tuning and price tag—with a sound all its own. Driving the Legacy 4 is Thieaudio’s all-new, 8-millimeter poly-membrane dynamic driver for the low ends, a tried-and-true Knowles ED29689 balanced armature for the mids, and a custom Bellsing dual balanced-armature tweeter for the highs Read More
These sound quite nice. A little bright, but that does bring out a lot of detail, and so far no fatigue in listening. They also have good bass, though not a bass-head IEM. Happy I bought them and they will enter into my IEM rotation. Current favorites in the rotation include LZ A7, Fearless S8F, IMR EDP, FiiO FH3, and TSMR3 Pro. Of these the L4 are probably the brightest / most detailed, and definitely worth the price.
After tax, this is actually $0.56 more expensive than ordering it from Linsoul themselves since they don't charge tax and have free international shipping. You also won't have to wait until the end of next month for it to ship.... I don't get it.
TrixbunnyAdvantages of buying it from Drop in no particular order:
1. Super fast, scratch that.
2. Excellent customer service...umm, on second thought maybe not.
3. The best warranty offered by any retail vendor...oh, never mind, forgot there's no warranty.
4. Unbeatable, won't be undersold by anybody customer promise...sorry, I was having an out of body experience when that one was written.
5. Because it's a lot like beating your head against the just feels so good when you finally stop.
Verdict, order it from Linsoul.