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AAW A3H Hybrid 3-Way CIEMs

AAW A3H Hybrid 3-Way CIEMs

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Product Description
From Singapore-based Advanced AcousticWerkes’ Musiker line, the newest generation of the A3H  is available in CIEM and universal-fit styles. Both are fitted with the highly regarded Null Audio Ethos Plus cable, which uses 5N OCC SPC copper wiring in Litz 5 construction with compact connectors Read More

Jun 24, 2019
WARNING: the usb-c cable does not work with iPad Pro :( I was really hoping to standardize my ecosystem on USB-C but unfortunately the final piece did not fall into place. When I plug the cable into the iPad Pro nothing is detected and sound keeps coming out of the ipad speakers. The same cable works fine with a Thinkpad and with Pixel 3. The iPad pro has both analog passthrough and digital audio support so I am lost as to what the problem could be.
Apr 8, 2019
Well you guys had me mega worried about this order (customs), because I'm a basshead and I pulled the trigger on these as my first custom iem based on some reviews/impressions (for the previous non-hybrid maybe?) indicating solid or better than average sub-bass, etc. After reading the few initial impressions here I thought I'd made a big mistake. However, while I wouldn't describe mine as "mind-blowing sub-bass-monsters", they're on par with the Noble X's I was using previously, or any other sub-bassy cheapo iems I've tried, many well loved. They're tuned a bit neutral, but they seem to handle raising the lows extremely clearly, even though they seem to be pretty source revealing to my novice ears. For instance, while waiting on the Nobles, I got in on the Westone W30 (japan version supposedly, or similar?) drop that was offered here a few years back, they seemed nice, but were so neutral, source revealing and unable to handle boosting the lows without exacerbating any potential source issue, that once I moved to the nobles, I couldn't go back, and ended up passing them on. That's not remotely the case with these AAWs. I'll be really curious to see how they break in. While the bass isn't significantly larger than the Noble X's, there's a lot of added clarity and nuance in the rest of the frequency range. They are certainly move source sensitive with what I've tried thus far (mostly various quality audio files on Samsung Note9), making some music I'd gotten bored with newly fun, and some, clearly ready to be replaced. I'll try them later with the various vintage and contemporary receivers/amps I've got, although I don't have a high end DAP or headphone amp. Also, I want to add a couple of points about *my* experience with AAW: I received *EXCELLENT* customer service; I've been dealing with one of my dog's having cancer, which was diagnosed around the time I was supposed to be getting my impressions sent. We had his first surgery between x-mas and NY, and I ended up being very late getting my impressions sent. After I realized I was going to miss the deadline for shipping, they assured me it would be ok, just get them sent when convenient. I did a couple of weeks late, and submitted my form with all the original customization options X'd out and replaced, since i chose some random stuff I could live with if necessary, originally. Previous even to that, I had a lot of questions about the customization options, which he answered patiently (although the information is confusing between their website and MD's info). I ended up with chipped Aqua pearl bodies/face. I was worried, because of the confusing info, and my lack experience with the nomenclature, that they would arrive in some way other than expected. That was unfounded, they're stunning. Fit seems great, even though I had no experience with getting impressions, and had a very hard time finding someone to do them in the area around the holidays. All in all, I have to say I knew I was taking a chance with these, considering I'd never heard any AAW products, dealing with a company overseas, and a bunch of variables I had no experience with, but considering the results, and the positive interaction, I'm certainly inclined to do business with them further. Overall build quality seems stellar. The cables seem much nicer than the ones I got from Noble, and I have no doubt AAW will take care of any issue that arises. P.S. anybody that bothered to read all that, and whom may be wondering about my pup, (he's a 10 year old Great Dane, and the center of my universe fwiw), he is doing well at the moment, after completing radiation therapy, and we're hopeful for further recovery.
Apr 11, 2019
javan.dempseyGlad to hear your pup is doing well. And, thank you for your impressions.
Mar 22, 2019
Ordered AAW A3H Hybrid with Capri DAC (with USB-C) back in April 2017. Received the IEMs shortly there after minus the Capri DAC (was still in development). Have gone back and forth via email quite a few times and just sent another requesting status of the rest of my order. Not one of my more pleasant transactions.
Mar 21, 2019
One thing to note, the case that is pictured on massdrop is not the case you get which is pretty disappointing as the case you get is a cheapo hard case that you could get on amazon for like 5 bucks. I thought maybe it was a mistake but since it has the AAW logo I have to assume its a bait and switch. Another thing to note, some of their face plates are premium and require more money even though they do not list which ones require additional payment. The face plate i got was $22 more for each side totaling to $44 extra that I was not aware of but reluctantly paid for anyways. The faceplate design I got doesn't look like the picture as advertised. (pictured below) Anyways the IEM's sound is okay, but a HUGE drawback was how little bass there was. The bass extension rolls off pretty hard at 40hz and between 40-120hz it's still substantially low. It's extension is on par to my $150 pair of M50Xs and is worse than the free pair of AKG IEMs that samsung gives you. Edit: Adding around 5-6 dbs to 10-40hz adds some of the weight that wasn't there, which is a lot to add... Edit2: Adding this much is what I would call a balanced sound, maybe a tinge bassy but if you're a basshead which someone on reddit said these IEMs were, you might as well add 6-8 dbs. The really frustrating part of the lacking bass is that it feels like it STARTS rolling off at like 120hz. Even if you're not a basshead, the roll-off was so harsh that the lower fundamentals of a cello were lost and sounded pretty lifeless without that soothing lower mids/upper lows that drives the rest of the harmonics. Because of the fact that a common instrument that isn't even used in bass heavy songs suffer from this , it's extremely hard to justify using them even for rock/classical. Don't even get me started with jazz/hip-hop/R&B. The mids are pretty clean and detailed. The highs are crisp, maybe a little hot but not super tiring. Instrument separation is good. All in all for $300 + fittings + international shipment + premium faceplates and not even getting the case as advertised + astongishingly lacking bass, this IEM is pretty disappointing.

Apr 21, 2019
So you got the transparent case? I think its completely on AAW for asking for a premium when it's not listed. Sure, massdrops code monkeys maybe made an error and thats why its not showing up the price but the chance of that being the issue is like 1/1000. They have an option for a premium capri cable, they absolutely can list premium faceplates as well. I was told by email that I needed to pay extra. So they knew that I had selected a premium option on massdrop but I didn't pay a premium for it on massdrop's website. Instead of paying on massdrop they had me PAYPAL the shit to them. I almost didn't know if it was legitimately AAW who sent me the email. Also, i've tried jamming them up my ears before i made the original post but yeah it still needs EQ. My point in saying that that they need to be "fixed" with EQ is that any music would suffer without it, which is why i emphasized the cello. I get how equipment can have a sound signature but if it is lacking a major portion of the 20hz-20khz spectrum then I consider them to be flawed. That's my opinion anyways. I actually had the opposite experience with EQing. I was messing around with low frequency sine waves and i could't get them to substantially produce sub-bass from 32hz and below. They instead made this fluttering sound instead due to them just not being capable of producing a sound that low. This is with me jamming them in my ears. My HE4xx simply got a tad quieter when i pushed it to 25hz and my AKGs slightly fluttered a lil more at the same frequency but was still extremely satisfying pure subbass. But holy fuck the AAWs could not produce anything but a rattle at that frequency. It didn't get quieter it just rattled more lmao. I just checked and they said it had a frequency response starting at 10hz LOOOOL. Anyways, I still do not have a doubt in my mind that these are not worth 300 or even 250. Edit: Actually instead of the campfire comets, I'll go for the Tin T2.
Apr 22, 2019
MananaManWell, I'm not having that issue regarding low freq, so maybe there's an issue with yours specifically? Yeah, I got a square case with a black bottom, transparent top? That's what I saw in the photos, is that not what you got? On the price issue for certain faceplates, I asked about some customizations, and they told me upfront that certain faceplates were an added cost. I do believe it should have been listed on the drop, but frankly, considering how rampant this stuff with Massdrop , I'm still laying that blame on them. Every week I see some drop with majorly wrong info, photos of not-included accessories, etc., and while I would agree that it would be nice if AAW had made them correct it, it's not like it's an isolated occurrence, and the only time it does get fixed on other listings, is typically when some users complain in the discussion section. In every other retail type scenario (and I understand that massdrop is a bit different, so it's a little tougher, but they should be more than aware of it by now), the onus is on the person that creates the listings, to have the correct info. It's been constantly exacerbated by the fact that people creating listings for drops are evidently, regularly, copy and pasting stuff from elsewhere. Either previous drops, or other websites, even down to photos with accessories, sometimes updating later, sometimes not. I can't count the number of times I've seen this when checking out new or even repeat drops. Perfect example in this specific drop in fact, is the email we got from massdrop about impressions, that was taken from an Ultimate Ears drop, or instructions from them elsewhere, which led to a bunch of confusion for people as to whom to email for support (as it included info to email UE customer service with questions). This was clearly a Massdrop error, AAW later sent their own info out which was the actual pertinent info, specific to this drop. I'm personally willing to deal with this sort of stuff from MD, because I think they're bringing products to market which are interesting, sometimes great deals can be had, and any new enterprise, has some growing pains and learning curve, but there's clearly a lack of oversight when it comes to verifying the drop information and customer intercourse. Having known a number of people from my industry (custom knives), that have been approached or made items for drops, and a MD employee that organizes drops for such, it's pretty clear that the way businesses or makers are sold on participating in drops is the appeal of selling a batch of an item, reaching MD's customer base, with MD handling the point of sale aspect, and much of, if not all, the customer interaction. In the case of something like this that's custom fit, it's impossible to do all the customer interfacing , but getting the information right on their own website, has got to be their responsibility. It's certainly clear from AAW's website that certain faceplates carry a premium, and it seems to be the same for pretty much every other CIEMs out there. Not saying you should have known that , but whomever created the listing should have, or should have probably checked. Of course, AAW is not a US company, so there really may have been some communication issues in that regard. That said, this would have been the easiest drop ever to get a refund for once the extra costs were told to you. AAW would refund you automatically if you didn't send impressions in time, and regardless, MD would have to refund you for not making extra independent charges clear. If for some reason they weren't aware, at a minimum, someone should have contacted them, as you say, just in case it were a scam, and I'm sure they could have worked it out, or canceled the drop and had everyone refunded. Hell, maybe you should still contact them about it? I'd also contact AAW about your fit and low freq probs. Don't rule out a specific failure, I mean, even in the most state of the art manufacturing facilities, there are consistent failures, no matter how rigorous the testing. Don't assume it's just junk? Anyway, I hope your situation improves regarding this drop. I'd be curious to know if you do, or anything changes.
Mar 17, 2019
Motorcycle helmet use report. I have funny shaped ear canals, and a big (XXL/6 7/8") head, and wear an Arai Signet X, which fits nice and snug. No chance of regular earbuds staying in place (and I find them far too uncomfortable anyways), but I'm riding 3.5h twice a week, so I tried these. They stay in place, I've not had to fiddle with them putting on and removing the helmet several times this last (and first with these) trip, so I'm quite happy. As to audio quality, I've only listened to podcasts really, (not, say, a high quality copy of something I'm familiar with and love, and could benefit from better reproduction), so I can't speak to quality, but, that's not really why I bought them. Podcasts and what little music I've listened to has been fine. Good even, but, low grade source material, frankly.
Mar 10, 2019
I received mine with Fedex 2 day shipping. Very pleased with fit and sound. These lack a little on bass department but for my 1st CIEM, I couldn't be happier, especially at this price point. Low end frequencies opened up noticeably after 1 day of burn-in with pink and white noise. Thank you!
Feb 28, 2019
I mailed my impressions on 12/20/18, and USPS tracking shows them as having been delivered on 1/2/19. UE never confirmed receipt or updated me in any other way about my order. When I wrote to them yesterday, they responded that they "don't have a current drop running on Massdrop" and I should contact Massdrop. Very frustrating! From the lack of activity here, it looks like everyone else received theirs weeks ago.
Mar 17, 2019
Darren_CambridgeJust got mine this week. Massdrop customer service can help you, I think they helped me, or, it was finally my turn.
Mar 17, 2019
ChaostrophyI think that AAW just shipped out the entire batch of custom ones
Jan 24, 2019
I received the wrong Capri cable. I ordered the USB C version, not the lighting version. @kevin_aaw
Jan 11, 2019
Didn't expect the face plate to be see through but it still looks pretty nice.
Jan 16, 2019
FenyaDidn't realize it until I saw your post. It's pretty either way.
Dec 17, 2018
Okay so USPS showed that my impressions have arrived but it's been 4 days since my last email and no response so i wanted to make sure to correct my order confirmation before the IEMs were made. On my order confirmation it listed incorrect shell and tip color. The color i ordered for both the shell and tip were CT01 Clear for both ears. Also that i wanted the AAW logo in the center for the right ear and on the side for the left ear. Oh and I also paid the premium for the EL inserts.
Dec 27, 2018
MananaManthx. your order is updated and already in our lab for processing. There was a server failure last week and maybe our reply didn't go through. We have re-send the email after Christmas. Drop up an email if you have further question.
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Well, I'm not having that issue regarding low freq, so maybe there's an issue with yours specifically? Yeah, I got a square case with a black bottom, transparent top? That's what I saw in the photos, is that not what you got? On the price issue for certain faceplates, I asked about some customizations, and they told me upfront that certain faceplates were an added cost. I do believe it should have been listed on the drop, but frankly, considering how rampant this stuff with Massdrop , I'm still laying that blame on them. Every week I see some drop with majorly wrong info, photos of not-included accessories, etc., and while I would agree that it would be nice if AAW had made them correct it, it's not like it's an isolated occurrence, and the only time it does get fixed on other listings, is typically when some users complain in the discussion section. In every other retail type scenario (and I understand that massdrop is a bit different, so it's a little tougher, but they should be more than aware of it by now), the onus is on the person that creates the listings, to have the correct info. It's been constantly exacerbated by the fact that people creating listings for drops are evidently, regularly, copy and pasting stuff from elsewhere. Either previous drops, or other websites, even down to photos with accessories, sometimes updating later, sometimes not. I can't count the number of times I've seen this when checking out new or even repeat drops. Perfect example in this specific drop in fact, is the email we got from massdrop about impressions, that was taken from an Ultimate Ears drop, or instructions from them elsewhere, which led to a bunch of confusion for people as to whom to email for support (as it included info to email UE customer service with questions). This was clearly a Massdrop error, AAW later sent their own info out which was the actual pertinent info, specific to this drop. I'm personally willing to deal with this sort of stuff from MD, because I think they're bringing products to market which are interesting, sometimes great deals can be had, and any new enterprise, has some growing pains and learning curve, but there's clearly a lack of oversight when it comes to verifying the drop information and customer intercourse. Having known a number of people from my industry (custom knives), that have been approached or made items for drops, and a MD employee that organizes drops for such, it's pretty clear that the way businesses or makers are sold on participating in drops is the appeal of selling a batch of an item, reaching MD's customer base, with MD handling the point of sale aspect, and much of, if not all, the customer interaction. In the case of something like this that's custom fit, it's impossible to do all the customer interfacing , but getting the information right on their own website, has got to be their responsibility. It's certainly clear from AAW's website that certain faceplates carry a premium, and it seems to be the same for pretty much every other CIEMs out there. Not saying you should have known that , but whomever created the listing should have, or should have probably checked. Of course, AAW is not a US company, so there really may have been some communication issues in that regard. That said, this would have been the easiest drop ever to get a refund for once the extra costs were told to you. AAW would refund you automatically if you didn't send impressions in time, and regardless, MD would have to refund you for not making extra independent charges clear. If for some reason they weren't aware, at a minimum, someone should have contacted them, as you say, just in case it were a scam, and I'm sure they could have worked it out, or canceled the drop and had everyone refunded. Hell, maybe you should still contact them about it? I'd also contact AAW about your fit and low freq probs. Don't rule out a specific failure, I mean, even in the most state of the art manufacturing facilities, there are consistent failures, no matter how rigorous the testing. Don't assume it's just junk? Anyway, I hope your situation improves regarding this drop. I'd be curious to know if you do, or anything changes.
So you got the transparent case? I think its completely on AAW for asking for a premium when it's not listed. Sure, massdrops code monkeys maybe made an error and thats why its not showing up the price but the chance of that being the issue is like 1/1000. They have an option for a premium capri cable, they absolutely can list premium faceplates as well. I was told by email that I needed to pay extra. So they knew that I had selected a premium option on massdrop but I didn't pay a premium for it on massdrop's website. Instead of paying on massdrop they had me PAYPAL the shit to them. I almost didn't know if it was legitimately AAW who sent me the email. Also, i've tried jamming them up my ears before i made the original post but yeah it still needs EQ. My point in saying that that they need to be "fixed" with EQ is that any music would suffer without it, which is why i emphasized the cello. I get how equipment can have a sound signature but if it is lacking a major portion of the 20hz-20khz spectrum then I consider them to be flawed. That's my opinion anyways. I actually had the opposite experience with EQing. I was messing around with low frequency sine waves and i could't get them to substantially produce sub-bass from 32hz and below. They instead made this fluttering sound instead due to them just not being capable of producing a sound that low. This is with me jamming them in my ears. My HE4xx simply got a tad quieter when i pushed it to 25hz and my AKGs slightly fluttered a lil more at the same frequency but was still extremely satisfying pure subbass. But holy fuck the AAWs could not produce anything but a rattle at that frequency. It didn't get quieter it just rattled more lmao. I just checked and they said it had a frequency response starting at 10hz LOOOOL. Anyways, I still do not have a doubt in my mind that these are not worth 300 or even 250. Edit: Actually instead of the campfire comets, I'll go for the Tin T2.
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