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Drop + THX AAA™ 789 Linear Amplifier

Drop + THX AAA™ 789 Linear Amplifier

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Product Description
Announced at CES 2018, the Drop + THX Achromatic Audio Amplifier (THX AAA™) 789 is a linear bipolar amplifier with feed-forward error correction. It’s designed for objectivists who appreciate an incredibly clean, transparent amp—the sought-after “wire with gain” whose amplification is wholly uncolored by a sound of its own Read More
Q&A Highlights:
What makes this better than the JDS Atom?
Balanced output for better compatibility and channel separation. Lower single ended power, but significant power through XLR, which the Atom does not have.
How do I connect this to my computer? I have an rca cable and I plugged it into the headphone jack of my computer while connecting the red and white cables to the input on the back. When I turn it on I hear a loud static noise.
Headphone jack on a computer is amplified through a typically crappy amp. This is a great amp. Garbage in, garbage out. Get yourself a DAC which will connect to the computer via USB and then connect its output to the THX. There's lots on here to pick from -- Topping, Grace Design, etc.
See all 222 questions

Customer Reviews

(1,098 reviews)
96% would recommend to a friend
Dec 2, 2018
checkVerified Buyer
I’ve had a few different headphone amps, and making a comparison is the best way I know to give others an idea of the sound signature produced by the THX 789 amp. These few popular amps are the Schiit magni 3, massdrop o2 desktop edition, JDS Labs eL amp, and Schiit asgard 2. They all range from $99 to $300 with the thx being the most expensive, not that I give more weight to price tags when reviewing gear. I’ll be using the Audeze lcd2c as my headphones reference. First off is the magni 3 vs the thx. The magni 3 is brighter with a treble bias that seems to become grainy as you raise the volume. Sound stage is decent and bass reproduction is well pronounced, almost like a slight v shaped frequency curve. The thx compared to the magni 3 is much smoother, deceptively smooth even and somtimes you will find yourself raising the volume higher than normal because the treble does not become fatigued even thouh the treble is well represented. Its actually the first amp that has made me like some more treble intense songs. Sound stage is slightly bigger than magni 3 and there is more depth and seperation as well as a much quieter background. The comparison to the o2 amp in the product page might be a little misleading. The o2 is a clean sounding amp, but the thx really is on a different level. The o2 is less treble biased than the magni 3, but at loud volumes will sound a bit thin and lacking in sub bass. The thx has the cleanness of the o2 with just more of everything else. more bass definition and control especially when using the balanced output with my Audeze lcd2c and still much more treble clarity while not becoming to dry or thin at higher volumes. The sound stage is also larger with better imaging. The JDS Labs el amp is a bit smoother up top than the o2 and has more low end than the o2, but not as much as the magni 3 anddoes not really differ much in imaging or sound stage. Its the most neutral amp here which means it has less highs and lows overtly pronounced than the rest although it can get harsh on bad recordings especially with treble happy headphones like the hifiman he400i. Its a very subdued clinical sounding amp in comparison to the rest here with the smallest sound stage.The Thx compared to the el amp again wins on overall smoothness and is able to reproduce bass and treble much more effectively. There is an almost 3d like effect that some songs get with the thx that the others cant match. The last amp is the Schiit Asgard 2. The Asgard 2 is a very close competition to the thx for me. Before i got the thx the asgard with the lcd2c and mimby was my absolute favorite setup. I’ve since replaced the asgard with the thx and added the eitr which has become a phenomenal little setup, but still use the asgard with some eq’d he400i to get a similar sound. The asgard is a bit on the darker side when listening in low gain and that is my preference with that amp.The sound stage is actually a little bigger on the asgard than the thx, but imaging and placement of instruments is not as precise. the background is also much more silent on the thx, but sometimes the hazyness of the asgard can draw you in. Bass on the asgard with the lcd2c is slightly more bloated in low gain, but tighter in high gain and the treble becomes more pronounced and not as smooth as the thx. Overall i prefer the thx as it has the best range of qualities i find pleasing in an amp. It has also allowed me to hear the difference between my dacs better as well as with my other amps it was a bit harder to tell when i switched between them. Hopefully this helps people who are thinking of purchasing this amp and may have experience with some of these other amps to get a better idea of what to expect. To sum it all up all I can really say is that the thx 789 is really a phenomenal little amp and should be able to satisfy just about anyone. It will bring out the true character of your source better than any of the other amps I have listed and has the power in reserve and versatility to drive anything you plug into it. I like this amp so much I got a second. Its the first amp I bought duplicates of, which is just another testament to its value and performance.

Jun 19, 2019
BrotherKathosyes...thanks for the review..but is anyone else having issues with the 789?
Aug 4, 2020
BrotherKathosHow doesnthis 786 aaa thx work with the LCD 2C? Would you say it fabulous?
Oct 30, 2018
checkVerified Buyer
tl;dr This amp is seriously good not even factoring in cost. THX and MD really hit it out of the park and made good on everything promised. Although this thing in large, I still pack it up bring it to work daily because it's just that much better than all my other portable options and has me giving them some side-eye for not sounding as good as the 789. The DAC used was my humble iFi nano BL through my work laptop with Google Music (I know, how plebeian of me) using the same playlist. I’ll also list the input and gain that was used. Either way, on to the good stuff. Full playlist used here. I can make a Spotify version if folks want one:

A taste of the songs played (female vocals): Sleepy Brown - Rayana Jay SAILBOAT - QUIN Tell Me (acoustic) - Sabrina Claudio I Just Want To Love You - Blended Babies Diary - Alicia Keys Sweet Time - Raveena He Loves Me (Lyzel in E Flat) - Jill Scott Lavender and Velvet - Alina Baraz Mad - Ayelle Truth Hurts - Lizzo Killing Me Softly - Roberta Flack Smooth Operator - Sade Special Affair - The Internet Cans used & impressions:
*Senn HD 58X (SE II or III) - Veil? What veil? These finally have a SQ that I really enjoy. Dynamic, fast, energetic with surprisingly good bass for an open back. A killer surprise. Shockingly did well on bass heavy tracks. Good mids and plenty of sparkle. All good things considering I was about to sell them and now want to keep them. *AQ NightOwl (SE I or II) - Bass is very tight but loses some quantity. I prefer the change actually. Mids sound more prominent and balanced which is good as they can sound a bit "sucked out" to my ears. Overall, more consistent than previous listens I've had on other setups. I think I can safely say the NO doesn't "scale" quite like the others. They sound very close to what I hear on my other amps. That's not a bad thing per se but somewhat disheartening as I wanted more. *CA Atlas (SE/I) - Still that same huge wall of sound and ear shattering bass. But much like a broken record, the bass is substantially tighter and lower in quantity (again, no complaints). Still delivers a wall of sound unlike anything else but there is more separation than before. Very easy to hear stereo panning effects and sounds appearing below or right behind your ears. It's an interesting sensation but I really enjoy the presentation with the speed, attack, and dynamics of the Atlas. For a V-shaped IEM they really do sound north of neutral at times. *CA Lyra II (SE/I) - Very similar to the Atlas. Not as thick. Bass is much more tame in quantity and extension. Mids are more forward and treble spikes in a different spot that gives some air up top. A less aggressive Atlas that's more neutral with some warmth. *Focal Elex (Balanced II) - This is the first time I found the Elex to be bright out of everything I listened to. Really though, I would say they are neutral-bright. With that said, I actually enjoyed the lighter, airier presentation from the THX amp. Still fast. Still hyper dynamic. Still Focal. Just, taken up a notch or two. One cool thing I noticed is I could hear exactly the point the drivers were just started to exhibit over-excursion. It was neat to hear the drivers holding on for dear life as they tried not to cross that point. Much better control out of this amp as they got EVER so close on some very bass heavy songs at a much higher volume than I normally listen to and they never clipped/popped on me. Out of my other amps, I would never be able to listen to them that loud, with that quality of bass with over-excursion. Another win in my book. Also, any reverb and echo effects came across more prominently than I have ever noticed before. At times it could be too intense as I wasn't used to how it changed the sound of some of my favorite songs. Not really a negative, but something that caught me off guard. I attribute this to the low distortion as more of the sound just makes it to your ears uninhibited. *Focal Elegia (SE II/Balanced I or II) - Takes the tight bass of the Elegia and makes it even tighter. Ddin't think that was possible but I can physically feel the impact when a snare/bass drum is hit. They still lack the quantity but the extension and quality is so good I honestly don't notice. With this, the reverb/echo effect I experienced on the Elex is here as well, but better. With them being closed, the stage feels more contained and the effect comes off more dampened. It actually makes the Elegia sound huge (for a closed back). Same great imaging and separation just taken up a notch. With the already low distortion of the Elegia it's wild the minute micro/macro details one can pick up even when half paying attention. The amount of detail retrieval when truly listening is remarkable. With enough attention, everything from a track is laid bare in front of you (for better or for worse). I tend to trail off as focusing on songs makes me find their faults and lose overall enjoyment. I guess ignorance can be bliss sometimes. Balanced, the Elegia is even more dynamic with one reaching for the volume knob on tracks with a lot of range. A really fun and enjoyable experience but one that is incredibly detailed and vivid. This may be my favorite combination so far of taking the already dynamic Elegia and truly turning things up to 11. Once the new toy syndrome is worn off, I dare say this will be my go-to setup for a very long time. *TR-X00 Ebony - (SE I or II) - Possibly the best presentation I have heard from the Ebony while playing music. This is another can I have been hard on due to cost vs performance. While always fun, the Ebony lacks the refinement of my other cans. Through the THX, they are so much better controlled. Like a broken record, the bass is tight (which the Ebony needs more than any other can here). However, bass quantity is increased. This was a pleasant surprise as I normally felt the Ebony was bass-light for a Fostex. Turns out, they just want gobs of power. Arguably, the most fun cans of the night, but with the lowered distortion of the amp and better control of the drivers, the Ebony's actually sounded high-end for once. Mids are forward enough, a ton of sparkle up top without being hot, tizzy, or sibilant. (1st time ever for a Fostex?). The other kicker was the amount of stereo separation and imaging. I've always thought Fostex sucked in this regard, but I am backtracking on that statement now. Truthfully, I thought I had a different headphone. These Ebonies have NEVER sounded this good. They sounded quite neutral with a tasteful bass boost. And I don't think I've quite heard the Ebony's presented this way before. It was nice. And the first time I didn't regret the $500+ purchase of them. Note, I do use TH900 sheepskin pads so take that for what it's worth. Well, so far, lots of great things to say and I am incredibly happy with this purchase. It's to the point now I am using the carry bag and bringing it to work with me daily. It's that good that my other amps sound pretty shitty in comparison. Now, just in need of a better DAC and more balanced cables and I should be set. Mind you, the iFi Pro iCAN is still my favorite amp but at $1,700, it's alarming how many blows this $350 THX trades with a beast like the iCAN. While I still plan to purchase the Pro iCAN and iDSD in the future, the THX has lessened my hurry to do so. I think that in and of itself, is as high as a recommendation one can give for this amp given this hobby.
you are right. I forgot about it. The 2Volts are correct. So I will keep on using the xDSD as it is. No problem with that. Later next year I get the ifi xCAN or maybe as surprise I get it in august as birthday gift... who knows. the iTube2 is on my list for next year. First comes my DT 177x Go Drop in fall this year, before that I buy the SMSL SU-8 for the THX 789 and for christmas I get myself the Focal Elegia finally... if nothing comes across saving up for it like last months the 177x and the 789 THX hahaa what a rabbit hole this audio hobby is...
Sep 19, 2019
How does it sound? The monoprice THX portable amp?
Nov 13, 2018
checkVerified Buyer
It’s on par with the other Massdrop Amps (THX AAA 789, Cavalli Tube Hybrid, and Cavalli Liquid Carbon X). All three are definitely worth purchasing and each have advantages when used with certain headphones.
Very disappointing that after a couple months of use it has died. Red light never turns to white. Nothing and after placing this order in March 2018 and waiting until November 2018 for delivery makes me reconsider ever purchasing from Massdrop again. Customer service (Damien ) actually offered me $25 to just keep it as a high priced paper weight ?Replace it with basically no warranty or a refund. Beyond dissatisfied Update: Customer service sent a replacement and so far it’s working great. I just hope it stays working.
Jun 19, 2019
MusicLoverthis is what im talking.. about you got it..and not whats the status on your warranty or drop..about to cancel if they don't honor..make sure you keep commenting so people see this...
Jun 19, 2019
nakamichidenonThey were great. They sent me another and the only thing I was a little bothered by was the year warranty doesn’t start with the new one. It continued from the original date of purchase which is normal but I had asked if they would extend from the date of the second unit. Customer service said that they couldn’t but so far the new one works great.
Feb 6, 2019
checkVerified Buyer
It's an amplifier, nothing more, nothing less. No apparent flaws, it has sufficient power, doesn't distort, does nothing to the sound except makes it louder.
Sep 19, 2019
checkVerified Buyer
Everything You Want In Amplification

Boy, what a thing of beauty it is! Those of you who have seen the discussions know that I had to fight off a cranky old lady just to get this, so just know that this review was written with you in mind. Because, man, I could've totally gone to jail had I known how good this thing was! I braved some seriously treacherous waters here, all for you! Okay okay, I'm being overly dramatic. It's true what happened, but obviously I'm a pretty nice person and would never get into a fight with an older woman over a piece of audio equipment (unless she told me it didn't sound good, those are fighting words). I sat down with the THX for a little over a week to really take the time to critique it, and this is what I've learned: You're done, boy. You're a man now: what a spoiled bunch of brats we've become, right? We quibble over the little things in audio, but let me tell you right now, this is the real deal. So, let me preface this by saying I have a JDS Labs Atom sitting at work. Really, there's not much else to talk about there, either, because it's amazing at $100. But man, it sure doesn't feel like the THX, look like the THX, or make me as proud as the THX. I also have owned a few other lesser amps, and had a 1st gen Schiit Lyr on regular rotation (thanks, HiFiman HE-6 that I no longer have, you're more needy than a bipolar girlfriend). The THX is head and shoulders above all of them, even the Atom, at least in the sense that it has a lot more power and better build quality. It's just that good. It drives headphones with ease, and it sounds amazing doing it. What is objectivity? I've always liked my Lyr. I know it's not a well-measured amp, but I have the LISSTs which help an awful lot. That said, I've always enjoyed it with tubes, but it just doesn't play well with sensitive headphones. So when I say that the THX is far and away a better amp, just understand that I really liked the Lyr for the years I've had it. This isn't to say the THX is somehow vastly superior, your mileage may vary, but it's a more detailed, impactful listen on just about every level. In reality the difference is probably about 10%, but considering I paid about equal cost (and more after tubes) for the two, I think it's pretty clear that 10% is a lot of improvement. I can't tell much of a difference between the THX and the Atom, personally, but the headroom on XLR is excellent with my LCD-2C's. With the right equipment, the THX is all you will ever need in a headphone amp. Period. I firmly believe that the audio complaints about the amp come down to user error, at no point would I ever describe it as "thin" or "bright" or any other negative audiophile terminology. It does what it does to such a fine degree I'm baffled as to how anyone could think it has fault in its audio reproduction. Are there cons? The THX looks like a million bucks, it's really a well designed piece of gear, but man does it take on finger prints. I don't think that's a big detractor, and other reviewers have mentioned it, but I'll just reiterate the point (I had to clean the front because my first photos actually showed how bad the smears were, they're still mildly there but I'm not a dirty, greasy person so keep that in mind). A lot of people hated the power button, it doesn't do a lot for me because there's no tactile response, but if you know that going in I don't think it's a big deal. It does its job, and for me that's about all that matters, but it does feel decidedly worse than the input button, the volume control, and the gain switch. I do think that an indication of which input you're on might benefit some users, at one point I was driving my headphones through single-ended input and it was a noticeable difference in quality. Once I realized I needed to swap back over to the extra voltage of the balanced input, I was back in audio bliss. I also have to admit that I wish that the pass-through was a pre-amp. A lot of people have said this, and I do think it'd be nice to control your audio all from one location, but at the end of the day I just adjusted my speaker amp accordingly and I haven't had any issues. Are there better amps for better prices: this is debatable. Monoprice is putting out the 887, which seems like it's about equal for the same price (1/3 less power, 2db better distortion, I'd personally say power > 2db but you may see otherwise). At the time of this writing that amp isn't available, but as we all know the 789 isn't exactly a frequently sold item itself. The JDS Labs Atom is incredible at $100, but it's not balanced, and even though it's more than adequately powerful for 99% of headphones, that 1% may be your biggest enemy. Also, the Atom feels like a $100 amp, which the THX certainly does not. Bottom Line: if you want one of the absolute best headphone amps money can buy, at a real steal of a price (seriously, $350 was pretty ridiculous, and $400 is still reasonable in my eyes), you can't go wrong with the THX. It's built like a tank, sounds like an angel, and is designed like a contemporary piece of art. What more could you possibly want, outside of bragging rights?
Recommends this product? Yes
May 18, 2020
postwarscarswhat about HPA-4 THX 888 ?
Sep 16, 2020
postwarscars Great review, thank you!
Sep 5, 2019
checkVerified Buyer
Good things come to those who wait
Surface-level stuff first, it's got that classic robust Massdrop build -- aluminum chassis, black finish, sharp angles. Solid, if workman-like. The new finish seems like a pretty big improvement over the old finish they used to use which was more prone to looking greasy over time, this finish maintains its clean matte appeal much better. Features: Outputs are 'Balanced' 4-Pin XLR, 1/4", and 1/8" -- almost everything you could ask for. Three gain stages and a straight-forward, no b.s. knob to change it. A power button that you press once to turn on and once more to turn off (the button doesn't stay depressed, which I surprisingly like quite a bit more than the alternative) and an input button to change, well, the input. 'Balanced' input, single-ended input, and a through-put that works even when the amp is off (a big plus). A nicely-sized volume pot with a nice knobfeel that could maybe offer a little more resistance, but that's niggling. An auto-off feature, which is also useful. Sound: Robust. Clean. Ample. Smooth but not smoothed over, refined but not overly polite. Neutral is in the eye of the beholder, but frankly, this is neutral. There doesn't seem to be any difference in tonality between the SE and XLR output, which is not the case much of the time with a balanced topology. Music out of the THX AAA 789 just basically sounds the way it's supposed to sound, for better or worse; no frills, no embellishment, no adaptation. Other amplifiers -- such as Massdrop's own ZDT Jr., which is a great amp in its own right -- perhaps provide a sweeter timbre in the mids, relatively speaking, or a greater sense of soundstage... but I guarantee it'll be at the expense of some of the virtues of the THX AAA 789's strengths: for example, the ZDT Jr does not possess the 789's control in the low-end, nor the deeply holographic way it articulates complicated passages of production. The ZDT Jr is also a suprisingly clean, neutral amp, but its presentation is a more live rendition, where the soundscape is one seamless whole with pepperings of detail here and there; with the 789 you can pick out precisely where the audio mixer placed each element of the song, and the details pop out at you effortlessly. I have heard comparisons made to the JDS Labs Atom, which also measures very well -- I haven't heard that amp yet, so I can't comment, but I will say that I've heard the Atom sounds somewhat clinical, which is not the case with the 789, which (surprisingly, to me, not being a measurement-junkie by any stretch of the imagination) just about strikes a perfect balance between euphoric musicality and straight-up precision. I frankly did not expect to like this amp so much. At the asking price it is a can't-fail, no-brainer of a purchase, if you're in the market for an 'end-game' worthy amplifier that can, if you want, take at least one extra step of consideration out of your chain. Obviously, there is a wait involved, at least if you aren't willing to spend possibly a couple hundred extra to get one immediately: but, much to my surprise, it is absolutely 100% worth the wait.
Recommends this product? Yes
kdoofYou absolutely nailed this review in the same vain as the amplifier itself. Nothing more nothing less it is what it is.
Apr 30, 2021
kdoofCould this function as a preamp to e.g. a SET tube amp?
Dec 13, 2018
checkVerified Buyer
Meet "The Sandblaster" Overall: I use this amp to drive a range of headphones in the $500-$1,000 bracket. It's value comes from (1) providing enough power for demanding headphones, (2) minimizing background noise per the balanced architecture. This amp is all about unvarnished straight-up reality. If you've watched any of the car restoration shows on TV, some things look good from a distance but are junk once you get beneath the paint. The 789 amp is a sandblaster that removes cover for any defects in your music sources or headphones. The defects were there before, but the noise and distortion probably made everything sound a bit different, fuzzier, or smoother. With this amp you can hear each and every crack in a singer's voice, exactly when the recording clipped, and more detail than some sources should have. Fair warning. The 789 is great for some headphones and recordings, but I prefer the Loxjie P20 balanced tube amp for other scenarios. Note that I also own a Massdrop Cavalli Tube Hybrid (CTH) amp, but it's not balanced and has less clarity overall. Equipment used for testing:
  • FiiO Q5 Amp/DAC through the line out (DAC only mode)
  • Balanced cables for all headphones tested

Headphones with comments:

  • Focal Elex: Inherently very clean and dynamic headphones. They improve substantially on a balanced amp (i.e., balanced reduces their mid range glare and intensity), but they are not very hard to drive. They work well on a mobile device, but the 789 best manages their extremes and improves accuracy/clarity. A perfect pairing with the 789.
  • MrSpeakers AEON Flow Closed: Planar headphones that aren't hard to drive, but on the 789 amp with a balanced cable they clean up and sharpen a bit. This is not necessarily desirable for closed headphones, as it can increase fatigue. Neither the 789 nor a balanced cable is needed.
  • Audeze LCD-2 Classics: Warm and deep with bit of rumble, but also pretty clean on the high end. This amp gets the best from them, as they require a good amount of power. The difference between single-ended and balanced on the 789 is minimal. The 789 is a nice pairing, but not essential.
  • HiFiMan HE-560: Extremely power hungry planar magnetic headphones -- with the 789 they demand Gain II at 50% (i.e., 50% of total output). They sound superb on the 789 -- this is what The Sandblaster was made to do! Neutral and full range, but precise and relaxing too. The HE-560s sound terrible on a weak amp, and have a lot of distortion. A perfect paring for the 789.
  • Sennheiser HD-600: First, if you don't have a balanced cable for headphones the Sennheiser 600 family, buy one if you get this amp (e.g., $20 on eBay). Balanced greatly reduces hiss and background noise. My Q5 is almost powerful enough (mobile balanced), but the 789 brings these to their quality limit (i.e., you can hear a bit of plasticy distortion in the drivers; they just can't match the Elex). Optimal quality with the 789.
  • AudioQuest NightHawk Carbon: Very warm and aiming roughly for the Audeze tone profile, but they just aren't as good. With the alacantra pads (less bassy) and a balanced cable on the 789, they are in the tone ballpark of the LCD-2s. As with the HD-600s, they are step behind other products but reach their potential on the 789.

Jan 4, 2019
Need this mod.
Jan 4, 2019
Plug modded L,R XLR-3 to 789 Balanced in. Plug 2.5mm male to Q5 balanced out, and newly added 3.5mm to Q5 SE line out. Ground issue solved.
Jan 12, 2020
checkVerified Buyer
Short-lived amp
The amp was good, until it died on me. I’m not getting any sound output from my ports though the indicator is white. For the note, I’m averaging less than 5 hours a week on this, for less than a year (Factoring in the time for forwarding and the time where I’m not in town due to work) , and this unit has not been subject to any form of abuse or power surges (it’s plugged into a surge arrestor). Drop support isn’t particularly helpful either. They didn’t bother reading my query carefully before answering me, and gave me a rather generic reply that “it’s out of the coverage timeframe yada yada” as if you brush the query aside. The oddity observed was that when powering on, the indicator turns white, but there’s no “click” when pressing down the switch. On powering down there’s the lack of the double click, just a single click on the unit. This was my query to the support team which I was hoping to understand if there’s a known issue. At least I got to know that the community support team doesn’t read before they reply, and that they’re more concerned if the product is still under coverage. Be warned if you’re intending to use this for a mid-term solution, I got barely 200 hours out of this one.
Recommends this product? No
Mar 6, 2020
jslim2I'm no tech but that sounds like a repairable single component failure that could be replaced. I think it's some basic switch connected to a relay. Sucks for sure but I would try to fix it. Sounds like it's just not closing a circuit for power to flow. A basic multimeter might quickly diagnose thee problem.
Jan 18, 2019
checkVerified Buyer
I bought this Amp and sold him 2 days later. The price is fair and the build quality is good but the sound was too bright for my taste and also very 2 dimensional. Im listen normally through an RME FireFace 400 and I thought that I needed maybe a Headphone Amp to enhance the sound but the THX did not do that. The sound from the RME is way more fuller and warmer. The THX is a very clean and precise Amp as well as the RME but there was no enjoyment for me to listen with the 789. For everyone who are thinking about buying it I would suggest to looking for a used Fireface. Im from Europe and Ive paid $420 with shipping and duty and for this price you about in the same price range of a used RME Interface and as a big bonus do you have then a very good Audio Interface with enough analog I/O and digital I/O and two very good Mic/Instr. Preamps and if you dont listen to Audio files above 192kHz you even doesent need a additional DAC. And for everyone who bought this Amp already is totally fine because the THX is good. Maybe you can enhance the Imaging with better cables and the brightness with matching Headphones or some EQing. This is just MY experience with the THX and in the end you have to check everything by yourself.
Mar 29, 2019
miałem 311zł w styczniu plus 19zł za płatność kartą u "listonosza"
Apr 3, 2019
Same here :) I got my Ether CX with no additional fees by UPS. Check this topic - not sure if my CX were shipped like that but I didnt pay any fees / taxes for the first time. Just send an email to Massdrop by asking if they might extend the test . Hth.
Dec 12, 2018
checkVerified Buyer
Sound good. Might be a good choice who has low impedance high efficiency headphone or iem. Because the minus gain setting is very useful with these devices. Sound flat compare to Jotunheim. Has lesser sub-bass and smoother mid to high frequency response. Jotunheim has more v-shaped sound signature. A little bit punch and transient was taken away. Make this amp sound somewhat tamed and relax. Might be a problem for some genre. Who pursued better dynamic system better consider before buying. And connectors are shitty!! I saw my balanced cable crooked when plug in.And every time I plug 4 pin xlr has loose feeling. So I read the label on the connector. I found they were made by Hooya (3 pin XLR) and Zwee (4 pin). I can tell ehe tolerance of these connector is very large. :-( I start to worry how long this device will last the connectors cheap out some much. The potential meter might die fast....
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