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12 Sold
Product Description
Headphones that deliver detailed, lifelike sound can be hard to find—but sometimes, they come to you wrapped in ribbon. New from the boundary-pushing team at Gold Planar, the GL1200 features all-new aluminum ribbon drivers with exceptional transient response, consistency, and clarity across the entire frequency spectrum Read More
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I used the raal cable and plugged in these headphones into the Raal adapter box last night. Holy crap these sound amazing on that box. It makes it sound like the Raal SR1A, but with more bass, which incidentally is the only thing missing from those headphones. Essentially, when you use the GL1200 ribbons combined with the Raal interface box, you get a mix of the best of both worlds. The GL1200 box is in dire need of EQ, but not the Raal box. What an amazing upgrade did that make. It really tightened up the details and transient response. You do lose some bass, but the bass on the GL1200s is a bit flabby and bloated to begin with.
Just received a new HSA 1B amp today. I returned the Schiit Jot R 2 days ago so I can no longer A/B them. This new amp does sound better, but not night and day better. Jot R had way more volume room. I'd say this Raal amp has a tad bit more bass. With baffle compensation off I think the Raal might actually be slightly faster and slightly more detailed. The Jot R with baffle comp off sounded pretty good, but the HSA 1B with baffle comp off is actually quite harsh in its speed and detail. This is coming from a guy who is obsessed with speed and detail. This is analysis done using the silver ribbons. In the end I recommend the Jot R more for the price to performance ratio. After all is said and done, I doubt there is a headphone on the market that can compete against a GL1200 paired with an HSA 1B amp. The speed and detail sounds greater to me than estats I've heard and the GLs sound better than the SR1A for one simple reason: The driver is parallel to your ears and not at an angle. This makes the world of difference to me. The SR1A was already a good contender vs estats to begin with. Comfort is also significantly better on the GLs. So yeah moral of the story: Buy the GL1200s if you have a good amp to use. If not, buy something else. Do NOT buy this intending to use the interface box.
Is there such an adaptor for the Gold Planar GL1200 to make it compatible with my Schiit Jotunheim amp which drive my Raal Requisite's ?
Any info will be much appreciated.
Regards, Dean.
Designed to reproduce frequencies from 15 hertz to 40 KILOhertz, these drivers eliminate the need for sealed chambered bass, giving Gold Planar’s engineers the green light to add open-air baffles on both the front and back of the GL1200.
From Drop or from a different vendor? I believe that if you order from Drop or Linsoul directly you only get one of the two ribbons, but if you order from TaoBao you get both. People ordering from Linsoul have said that they will provide the second ribbon upon request if you purchase from them, but I've not heard anything from Drop purchasers about being able to get the second ribbon.
I'm not super well versed with the electrical end of audio equipment so this might showcase my inexperience but, would the Crown XLS 1502 be compatible with this headphone? Also, given the 1502 is 525w per channel at 4 ohms, would I need to limit that to 100w at the amp or would the adaptor box take care of that?