I personally own this DAC and can say if you’re in the market for a neutral DAC, this listing by Drop ($60 discount + $60 drop points) is a fantastic listing and you should pull the trigger on this purchase. As far as sound quality goes, this DAC measures almost identically to the D90SE and sounds the exact same. Really great DAC that I’d swear by.
$340, with an additional $60 worth of Drop points? Not a bad deal in my opinion. While it’s not down to the cost of a Modius, there’s a lot to recommend in the D30 Pro and functional differences that could impact one’s experience.
Headfonics review
"The Topping D30 Pro leans towards a neutral presentation while having a good amount of layering and image separation. This makes the D30 Pro a clear choice for anyone looking for a no-frills and honest DAC with a midrange price point."
Sent my SMSL SU-9 back and got this D30 Pro and am much happier. The D30Pro is more natural with better soundstaging width and depth. The presentation is further back and not in your face. So it's a little more relaxing to listen to long term. I was used to iFi Audio's Burr Brown implementations prior to this so the ESS DACs just didn't cut it with me. If you're used to the Burr Brown presentation you'll likely do better with the D30Pro with it's Cirrus Logic (Wolfson) DAC chips. I didn't need bluetooth or MQA. I just needed the sound to be great and I wasn't disappointed. At $340, I think this DAC is a steal. I paid $399 from Apos Audio about 7 weeks ago.
deadmeatModius has AK4993, D30 Pro has a top of the line Cirrus Logic chip. Both are very good, you'd be hard pressed to hear a significant difference. Modius, however, is almost never in-stock.
This DAC with a wide sound field. If you want a sense of resolution, the AK449X series DAC is better.
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