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1K requests
5 Sold
Product Description
Expanding its already-renowned line of digital-to-audio converters, Topping is taking a step toward higher-end performance with the D90 MQA DAC. This powerful and feature-loaded DAC is equipped with AKM's flagship DAC chip (the AK4499) and XMOS for support up to 32-bit 768kHz, DSD51 audio, and MQA decoding Read More
Okay, I’m going to be as respectful about this as it gets: do the math before formulating an opinion…
IF you’re going to shop at Drop the name of the game is Drop Rewards + Base Discount = Saved money. Now take said ‘saved money’ and divide it by the amount before discounts - boom…
Also you guys get that there’s only so low you can get in price? Seriously, let’s imagine Drop got this for $400, and follow that thought for a second. Really think about the end result…
Drop kinda sucks these days.
it all started when they changed their name to look more like a generic file storage website
at least the emails stopped saying (formerly massdrop) that was kind of sad for a while
It's still a very popular product. I've only seen minor discounts from Chinese vendors. I don't see how Drop can provide or competes with supply and demand for these. We now have competition from the likes of Shenzenaudio and Apos audio that is trying to mimic what Drop is doing. From what I've read, they are one and the same company; one based in China and the other in Oakland, CA. The landscape for access to ChiFi products has changed. Special collaborations might be the only way to be profitable for Drop at this point.
That being said, I am really enjoying my Topping D90/A90 combo. I will say that it maybe too good? If you have poor quality audio (mastering), you will hear it. I think it's the state of affairs for audiophile gear. It's getting so good that the mastering/recording of 80%+ of music ever recorded is not to "audiophile" grade/standard.
huy0819Very insightful stuff.
As for the mastering comment, it's much much worse than that. . . 99% of digital music has an absolutely abysmal dynamic range because of increasingly aggressive compression, aka the 'loudness war'.
If you look at the actual dynamic range of most recordings, you would actually be best off getting the vinyl version, despite the medium's much, much higher noise floor. Much as failed hires formats (SACD, HDCD etc), the benefit is in mastering for an audio enthusiast market, rather than the masses (
To call the situation ironic undermines the sadness of it all. . . as you say, consumer grade equipment is maxing out not just production gear but also the measurement gear to even qualify it. It's a real shame the cynicism of the production market starves this amazing mass-enablement.
DROP no longer does drops for most audio products, they just sell products at MSRP. What started me using this site in the first place is no longer their business model where they work with manufacturers to deliver great products at a discount do to preordered volume. Now it's just another e-tailer :'( Bought the A90/D90 on black friday for 15% with free shipping and it arrived from China to my doorstep in Chicago in 2 days. Faster than UPS/Fedex/USPS right now.
SenseThe initial business model was not sustainable. The market was able to correct and match before drops were done.
"What he said is true. There very rarely are good deals here anymore." OK. I said..."buy it or don't buy it but just quit your damn whining." ...also true.
Alright, if Drop doesn't want to give us an immediate discount and continue with this point system, they might want to make their "Drop reward points" tripled in size, bolded, and converted to USD. (what's the point of showing the points and not what they're worth anyways?)
So we can have actual discussions here instead of people complaining about 'no discount'.