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xDuoo TA-20 Balanced Headphone Amp

xDuoo TA-20 Balanced Headphone Amp

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Product Description
A powerful balanced tube headphone amp with a variety of interfaces, the xDuoo TA-20 brings classic analog flavor to your audio setup. It features a durable aluminum alloy shell designed with anti-inference in mind, and has a small footprint—about the size of a sheet of A5 paper—to save space on your desk Read More

Customer Reviews

(43 reviews)
95% would recommend to a friend
Jun 19, 2022
checkVerified Buyer
Musical ear candy
Paired to my Fiio K9 Pro AKM and my MASSDROP X SENNHEISER HD 6XX HEADPHONES makes for musical ear candy.
Recommends this product? Yes
Jan 9, 2023
RBJWOODIs the K9 as good as it looks? I've had my eye on one for awhile. It *seems* like an upgrade from my current desktop DAC/Amp, but similar chips, so I'm not 100% sure.
Mar 23, 2022
checkVerified Buyer
xDuoo TA-20
Sounds great paired with HD600. Nice variety of input options, I'm using this for both PC and turntable audio and it is very easy switching between the two without having to unplug cables.
Recommends this product? Yes
Oct 2, 2021
checkVerified Buyer
The Ultimate Headphone Amp!!
I noticed that most reviewers on YouTube and other sites don't really get what the TA-20 is all about, or even notice the full potential it is capable of. So I thought I would go ahead and give this amp the proper review that it well deserves (somebody's gotta do it). I will start with a little bit of background about audio and tube sound. I have been an audiophile since back when I was a kid and tube devices were still common in homes in the 60s and early 70s. I would do repairs and other tinkering on them. I still remember the distinct tube sound. Then in the 80s I bought a true high end system that included a VTL "Super Deluxe" tube preamp, as it was called. Legendary amp designer David Manley was a true pioneer in tube audio. The sound was nothing like the common tube devices that our parents had. It was then that I discovered the true potential of tubes. And, I also discovered how important system matching was. On a truly revealing system the differences in cables is not subtle at all. Cable choice can literally make or break the sound of a high end system. The best tube equipment doesn't sound distorted or "tubey" with fat bass, soft, thick midrange and rolled off highs. That is a big myth. The sound of great tube gear is exceptionally clean, accurate, linear and resolving with a neutral frequency balance similar to solid state but having a liquidy smooth analogue "musicality" and presence, never harsh, edgy or thin. If it adds any coloration or warmth to the sound at all the effect should be very subtle. But the most notable difference of fine tube equipment is the ability to render fleshed out palpable images. You feel you can reach out and touch real live performers in a 3D space. Solid state amps such as the Drop One Linear seem to sound more crisp and precise. But the crispness is an etched presentation which make the sound seem more detailed than it really is. The finer micro details that give a sense of space are missing. Music on the TA-20 is very holographic and produces an emotional response of excitement and pure enjoyment along with a jaw dropping "wow" factor. I listen to other amps that seem to have the same sonic signature. But, the euphoric feeling is just not there. They sound ok, but then I'm eager to get back to listening to the TA-20 because the sound blooms and has so much more "life" and energy being more spacious and open. It is not easy to describe but is very real. The better your associated equipment is the more you can experience the best that the TA-20 has to offer. It really comes alive when I pair it with another undiscovered jem, the phenomenal Geshelli JNOG2 (J2) DAC. It's highly detailed yet remains very smooth and lets through more of that palpable realism (the fine Grace SDAC Balanced paled in comparison). The J2 performs far beyond it's price point. I know that is a bit of a cliche, but the J2 is truly exceptional. It also has 3 gain settings which should solve any gain issues. As far as I can tell, the Bifrost 2 and possibly the VMV D1SE are the only real alternatives to the J2 for under $1000, and the J2 is only $300 with USB. The TA-20 and J2 are soulmates that were made for each other. For more money, you can step up to the Mytek Liberty II which is even better with a higher level of performance and musicality. Tube choice can also make or break the sound! The Tung-Sol 12AU7W/6189 tubes have a very detailed, clean, linear and accurate sound with an open, airy soundstage without that "tubey" coloration that other tubes have. I also like that they are very reasonably priced. They tend to sound a bit harsh until broke in. Then it's all good. One thing I need to point out, if you are going to do any tube rolling at all you very much need to get some socket savers on eBay. I am using the ones with the gold pins. I tried the Genalex Gold Lions. They look exactly identical to the Tung-Sols except for the gold pins and the printed lettering on the tube. I think the Gold Lions might be put through additional factory testing and burn in, but other than that it seems to be the same tube with similar sound, possibly a slightly softer treble, if anything. The Tung-Sol sounds as good if not better and costs way less. However, I like the Northern Electric 12au7 tubes the best of all. They really take it to the next level. With the Northern Electric tubes the TA-20 becomes a true high end caliber amp. Like the Tung-Sols, the Northern Electric require breaking in, but have the most resolution, clarity and best soundstage. The JJs didn't impress me at all, they sounded muffled with way too much artificial tube warmth and coloration on the TA-20. I suspect Psvane (or Mullards) could possibly be a good match for someone who wants a little more tube warmth and fuller bass but might not be quite as detailed and airy in the treble. Personal preference can be a factor. If you want to try rolling NOS tubes. you're on your own. Too many options and they can get pricey. Tube rolling is like gambling. You can take a beating not knowing how your purchase will actually sound. You can't go wrong with the Northern Electric and Tung-Sols if you want uncolored, accurate sound. The best places to buy tubes are upscaleaudio, thetubestore, tubedepot and vivatubes. Choose the matched and balanced option. The stock tubes sounded ok. They need time to break in as do all tubes. I haven't had time to do much critical listening on them, been too busy enjoying the Northern Electrics. Tubes should not be left on continuously 24/7 like solid state amps can. Excessive power on/off cycles should also be avoided. If you just want a warm, syrupy tube coloration that sounds nothing like the original recording you can get that with amps from Nobsound, Fosi, Aiyima, etc. that are much cheaper than the TA-20. All components used in the audio chain need to be a synergistic match for the system to sound it's best as a whole. Your system can only sound as good as it's weakest link. This includes cables. A premium USB cable is essential to bring out the best and results in a significant sonic improvement. I recommend the Audioquest USB cables. Choose one that best fits your budget. I am using the AQ Carbon. It sounds absolutely incredible, very dynamic, airy and open. The detail and imaging is astounding! Other USB cables I've tried don't even come close. The Pangea Audio AC-14 Power Cable (especially the AC-14SE MkII) can offer a significant sonic improvement. The iFi iSilencer+ USB Audio Noise Eliminator/Suppressor also produces very impressive results. iFi suggests adding a second iSilencer to a different USB port for greater effect. I started using a linear power supply on the DAC with great results. A big sonic upgrade, more refined sound with better air and resolution. The chi-fi linear power supplies aren't bad for the price. Do an internet search for "STUDER900". I also use the iFi iPower AC Mains Power Filter, more clarity and detail, less grain. I find it does best in my system when plugged in to the wall outlet where the system also plugs into. The cumulative effect of using all these components together takes the sound to a whole new level! I tried different audiophile interconnects including the highly rated Audioquest Mackenzie. The Mackenzies sounded good with a neutral tonal balance. But, THEN (thinking I probably wouldn't hear much difference), I dropped in a pair of Kimber Hero cables and, HOLY SCHIIT, I was blown away. Bass and dynamics came alive. The soundstage expanded in all directions. Imaging became pinpoint precise. Everything sounded more "real". These are keepers! The Heros took what was already incredible sound to a whole new level of transparency. Even smoother after break in. I was pleasantly surprised. Then as a test, switching back to ordinary power and USB cables negated most of the expansive sound, realism and emotion that the Heros had to offer making the sound more flat, "digital" and compressed. All these components work together as a team and will result in a complete transformation, being the difference between the system sounding ok as opposed to sounding truly astounding. The sonic improvement is very dramatic. If your a skeptic, fasten your seatbelts. You're about to be hit with a revelation. None of these products mentioned above are too terribly expensive. But if you are considering the TA-20 you may as well be willing to invest in the WHOLE system because that is what you will ultimately be hearing. Or else just get an affordable all-in-one like the AQ Dragonfly or IFi Zen DAC. Most of the products mentioned above are available from ____________________________________ Update: When I swapped out the Mackenzies for the Heros, at the same time I also removed a second amp that was connected to the single ended output. But, at the time I hadn't realized that having 2 sets of cables connected to the DAC at the same time using both outputs into two amps was degrading the sound. Removing the second amp at the same time the cables were swapped made the difference in cables seem more dramatic and resulted in an unfair comparison. But, still an accurate description of the Hero's amazing sonic characteristics. And, I definetely prefer the Heros. The Mackenzie is a good cable but for the price there are other cables that are a better buy. I left the original text above to show how small changes can make a big difference and sometimes fly under the radar as the J2 DAC sounded much better by just using only one output at a time. Also, I never expected the single ended RCA inputs to sound better than the balanced XLR when paired with the J2 (more info below). Another example of how you just can't take anything for granted. ____________________________________ Update (revised again 07/16/22) : I tried using the AQ JitterBug FMJ but, I much preferred the sound of the iSilencers. I am now using a AQ Carbon USB cable with 2 iFi iSilencers used in parallel, one on the cable and one on the empty USB port next to it. The highly resolving AQ Carbon USB cable is by far the best I have heard, only out done by the more expensive Curious USB cable. The Carbon/iSilencers together are proving to be a winning combo and sounds absolutely incredible! I tried the NEO d+ "Class A" USB Cable based on positive reviews on Amazon. It sounded warm, detailed and very smooth with a natural tonal balance. It is a fine cable. But, a bit too relaxed for my personal tastes. I definitely prefer the superior dynamics, air and openness of the Carbon. However, I might need to give the Neo a chance and let it break in more before a final judgement. While I still like the Pangea Power cables, their Pangea USB cable I was using while not a bad cable also couldn't stand up to the AQ Carbon. The Northern Electric tubes have become my favorites having the most clarity and openness along with tight, well defined bass. They really bring this amp to life. Don't think for a minute that you need balanced XLR for great sound. RCAs can sound just as good and in many cases better. XLR is mainly developed for using very long cable lengths without degradation. What I find interesting is the J2/TA-20 combo actually sounds better, more focused, airy, detailed and transparent when using single ended RCA. Even comparing using the same brand of cables. I think the sonic difference has a lot to do with the outputs on the J2, but I'd like to do more testing with different DACs etc. as time allows. One youtube reviewer noticed the same thing with the J2 outputs. I consistently get superior sound from the unbalanced RCAs with this J2/TA-20 combo.  It can vary with different component implementations. So find out which is better for your system. You might be surprised. If you use XLR, with this particular combo between the DAC and the amp you'll be missing out on much better sound. I tried the Analysis Plus RCA (Copper Oval-In) interconnect cables. They have body, bass and a silky smooth richness to the sound that are lacking in many other cables and are very enjoyable to listen to. The Oval Ones have a similar sound. But, the AP cables don't have quite as much speed, depth and air as some other cables. They sound a little bit veiled and congested which makes it hard for me to recommend them. The Kimber Heros and Kimber Silver Streaks are my top recommendation to pair with the TA-20. They really bring out the best that this amp has to offer. And that is the whole focus of this review. You can sometimes get them used for around $100 - 200 which is a steal. Compared to the APs, the Heros are more open and detailed, with better depth layering, air and space around the instruments and tighter bass. The Heros take it to the next level. Kimber cables excel by beating other cable brands with their huge, open and airy soundstage which is deep and wide with incredible imaging. You can't go wrong with the Heros. Also, for a little more money the Kimber Silver Streaks are a little more detailed. They are especially great for tube amps. Still the Heros are not bad and hold their own even up against the Silver Streaks. In my system RCAs easily win over XLR. If your on a tight budget and looking to spend the very least amount of money and still have great sound, consider the Kimber PBJ cable (sometimes you can find a used pair for as low as $50 on ebay) and pair them with any one of the Audioquest USB cables. Then throw in an iSilencer or two if you possibly can. The legendary PBJs for decades have been the quintessential entry level cable. The PBJs are neutral, open and detailed. Also for $30 this SKW cable sounds surprisingly good, very neutral and detailed and is absolutely unbeatable for the price, better than some higher priced cables, BUT, if you can, it's best to get the Heros (or Silver Streaks) + the Carbon USB + the NewFantasia headphone cable that I provide a link to later in this review. Then combine them with the iSilencers, the iFi iPower ac filter and other accessories mentioned in this review (also see the mini update added below). That's when the imaging and clarity gets freaking mind-blowing! Especially with Northern Electric tubes which are endgame. I also want to try the Cardas Iridium cable. They likely have a full, rich tonality similar to Analysis Plus but better overall sound. The current line of Cardas cables are more neutral than their previous line of cables while retaining the rich musicality that they are known for. Chord Clearway is another very highly rated yet affordable cable that I have yet to hear. Aside from very few exceptions, you need good planar type headphones to fully appreciate the full sonic potential that these components when used together can deliver. If you don't mind spending more money, the Curious USB cable, AQ Coffee or Diamond USB cables along with interconnects such as Artisan Silver Dream, Kimber Carbon, Kimber Select, Curious Interconnect, AQ Fire, Cardas Clear and Clear Reflection, AP Solo Crystal Oval and AP Silver Apex are all great cables. Keep in mind that many premium cables typically take 100 hrs or longer to break in and sound their best. The Grover Huffman Empress or the Grover Huffman EX+ cables are also worth considering. Many consider the Empress to be the ultimate cable, with performance that rivals more expensive cables while costing much less. Grover's other cable the EX+ might be the best choice if your not looking to spend too much but want truly superior high end sound. The Grover cables are very stiff so that can be a factor. So far, for me the Kimber Heros and the Silver Streaks have the bar set high and are very hard to beat. *** New Update 07/16/22*** The Silver Dream series cables from Artisan sound as good as the Kimbers and are priced lower. Artisan Silver Dream cables could likely be the best cable value ever. However with the Kimbers it is easier to find a bargain on the used market. *** New Edit *** Even though the Kimber Silver Streaks sound a little more detailed and analytical doesn't necessarily in my view, make them the better cable overall. I find the Heros to also have plenty of detail while being not quite as lean and having a more natural, musical sound with punchy bass and a more open soundstage. Headphones, tubes and other components as well as personal taste play a role in which cable would be the better match in your system. The Heros seem to sound great with a wider variety of equipment choices, whereas the Silver Streaks can sound too thin and/or bright in some systems. ____________________________________ Mini Update: I recently took my system to an even greater level of sonic ecstasy by adding the Wyred 4 Sound Recovery usb reclocker. You can use the supplied rigid adapter to connect it directly to the DAC. But, better still, use an Uptone Audio USPCB adapter or a Curious Regen Link. From the very first note I could hear a huge improvement. The reclocker has now become an essential component in my system. I'm using a Curious USB cable going in to the reclocker and a USPCB out to the DAC. I also will be using a linear power supply. The reclocker sounds great even without the LPS. The W4S reclocker costs much less than other DDCs like the Denafrips Iris. ____________________________________ But, all this would be for nothing if you're not using headphones that let you hear what the TA-20 is capable of. So depending on what you already have, you might consider upgrading your headphones. For me, the Hifiman Sundaras are in a class all by themselves, a benchmark baseline reference. Most headphones excel in certain sonic aspects and disappoint in others. No headphone is perfect, but the Sundaras seem to have the right balance of everything I look for sonically. They check all the boxes and don't really have any serious flaws. Bass, mids, highs, detail, linear neutrality, punchy dynamics, imaging, soundstage, it's all there, especially the price. The TA-20 with the JNOG2 really brings out the soundstage capability of the Sundaras. The Sundaras also are exceptionally revealing of sonic differences in associated equipment & cables. They are analytical but in a very good way without being harsh or bright. I personally prefer the Sundara over my Focal Clears. The Clears are exceptional in many aspects and very highly rated, but just don't have that planar magic. The Sennheiser 600/6XXs as well are not going to bring the TA-20 to it's full potential. Using the cables, DAC, tubes and accessories mentioned in the paragraphs above will turn the Sundaras into the best headphones you have ever heard and make ordinary recordings sound hi-res. You can mod the Sundaras to have better bass by using the Kennerton ECL-02 Earpads, learn more about it here: The ECL-01 Earpads are another option depending on how much bass you want. I actually like the sound with the stock pads, but I might give them a try. The Anandas I also highly recommend, as well as the new Arya Stealth Magnet Edition and the LCD-X 2021 Edition. Honorable mention should also be given to the HD800s. I'm using the NewFantasia "silver plated" headphone cable (from Amazon)  They sound awesome and are reasonably priced. I haven't found any other cable that I like better, not even other silver headphone cables. I consider these cables an absolute necessity. Silver cables are known to bring out more detail and clarity. These are what your headphones should have come with. They are like a major sonic upgrade for your headphones! I won't listen to music without them. The headphone cable is another important link in the audio chain that you don't want to neglect. The silver NewFantasia cable are a poor man's Moon-Audio Silver Dragons The TA-20 is a first class high end reference level headphone amp that is terribly under rated. The TA-20 is very well built like a brick schiit house. The TA-20 features Class A amplification and like the J2 DAC has fully balanced circuitry. I hear tons of detail, space and resolution from the TA-20 when used with quality equipment and cables. And the detail is not sterile or fatiguing as can sometimes be the case with some solid state amps. The hybrid design provides plenty of power and dynamics and allows for use of a wide variety of headphones including planars. The TA-20 destroys xDuoo's pure tube amp offerings. And the TA-20 mops the floor with the DarkVoice 336SE. Like the JNOG2, the Sundaras and the Heros, the TA-20 is an unbeatable value that can fully reach it's potential when you get the WHOLE system sonically on the same page. That involves keeping everything in the signal path accurate and as true to the original recording as possible. That's when the magic really comes through. From that point EQ is no longer needed or wanted. All the associated components and accessories mentioned in this review help bring out the best in each other and the result is that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. I wanted to write this review to share the fact that the TA-20 sounds TOTALLY stellar when used with the right components. The TA-20 will then deliver an unparalleled sonic experience on a level far beyond what you ever imagined possible!
Recommends this product? Yes
Dec 21, 2021
Hey . I jave bought the J2+ TA20 :-) Very pleased. Thanks for the time you put in the review. Can you please do a comparison with tube rolling you did. In terms of warmth/clarity, stage and imaging. I would like a warmer tubes to smoothen the treble but not in exchange of clarity.
Dec 22, 2021
LaleoI don't really have any tube suggestions other than what I already mentioned. There seems to be a trade off between warmth and clarity when you tube roll. Treble can often smooth out on it's own when things get broke in. Sometimes components can take up to a hundred hours or more to sound their best, but most tubes begin smoothing out within a week or two of normal use. The Tung-Sols continue to get smoother the more I use them. I am still breaking in the Northern Electric tubes they were harsh at first but now they are my favorites. To me they have the best clarity and soundstage. Psvane might be the tube you are looking for depending on your preference. Choosing other associated components that enhance smoothness can help you get the best of both worlds. I don't know what headphones and cables you are using so it is hard for me to make suggestions. Upgrading the USB cable can remove treble harshness while enhancing detail and clarity. I have just added more cable recommendations to the review. The SKW or Kimber PBJ RCAs along with one of the Audioquest USB Cables are great starters. They don't cost much and beat a lot of much higher priced cables. Good cables are essential in bringing out the detail and resolution and allow your system to perform at it's full potential. At this time, Kimber Hero RCA cables are my top recommendation.
Sep 30, 2021
checkVerified Buyer
Very pleased. Nice warm and detailed sound.
Not much to say. Delivery of the TA-20 was delayed 9 ways to Sunday, but it eventually arrived. I set it up with my Topping D70 using the balanced connections. So far, I have been using the SE connection of my new HD 8XX headphones and the system sounds completely warm and enveloping. I should say that I got a set of RCA matched tubes and never tried the tubes that came with the TA-20, so can't speak to how they sound (not that I would hear the difference anyway). The TA-20 is smaller and lighter than I expected. I was expecting it to be along the lines of the Dark Voice, which is noticeably heavier. Thus far, as I listen to Skatalites Live (2017), and am completely smitten with the sound of the TA-20; the sound is full, detailed, and wonderful.
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Sep 27, 2021
checkVerified Buyer
Tube rolling!
Love this series. Have the TA10R and now this. Absolutely love it. Have gone through a bunch of tubes, still seeking the best for my taste. It is worth the money!
Recommends this product? Yes
Dec 21, 2021
YagerHey .Can you please do a comparison with tube rolling you did. In terms of warmth/clarity, stage and imaging. I would like a warmer tubes to smoothen the treble but not in exchange of clarity.
Sep 13, 2021
checkVerified Buyer
Worth It
This is my first AMP and I am in love. The sound is superb for me and I enjoy it much so far.
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Sep 8, 2021
checkVerified Buyer
Very good and most enjoyable
Great with a range of headphones and it's nice that my planar's don't have to miss out on the tube fun. Gets even better with a tube that gives you more of a sound your after, I'm enjoying some 1960's Brimar's currently in mine. I'm surprised by how much I've been listening with it, I'm very satisfied.
Recommends this product? Yes
Jul 7, 2021
checkVerified Buyer
Good enough, i guess
I got it with the Austrailien plug, but it didn't mind me because i anyway live in Europe, so i had to get another plug anyways. At first i was really conviced but putting my 1990's in i wasn't that impressed, swapped the tubes, for 50 Bucks, because i don't want to spend all my money at the moment :D The main reason i got it was because i wanted to enjoy listening to the 1990's again. Thought the tubes will bring an extra warm to it. But it still sounds better with the 58x they're really good and the Argons too. Who knows maybe the dac is the problem, but i'm not ready at the moment to spend a lot of money. Currently i own the grace balanced dac When i plugged in the singel ended the right canel didn't work, but it may because i swapped the right tube while it was still on, so maybe that's on me. The balanced still works like a charm. Wanted to connect to my 789, to make some kind of amp stack i guess but it won't work now. Good enough, but not for the price
Recommends this product? No
Dec 27, 2021
ChingisI own this Amp and the 789. Hopefully you tried the RCA output, labeled 'AUX OUT', on the back of the TA-20 for the preamp functionality, which is not necessarily common in this price range. I 'upgraded' from the Topping DX3 Pro to the SMSL SU-9 DAC, so I can confirm the extra investment and cabling significantly brought the TA-20 new life at much lower volume.
Apr 17, 2021
checkVerified Buyer
Good until you use balanced. Broke my IEM's.
The device sounded good and worked very well while I used its Single-Ended output. But when I used its balanced output, there was a lot of hiss in the right channel that persisted through music playback, and damaged the right earbud of my IEM permanently, twice. Obviously, even if it sounded fantastic, if it damages your audio equipment I cannot recommend this to anyone. I do not know how common this issue is. Would you risk it? The tubes mine came with were JJ ECC82's stock. As I said, it sounded good, pronouncing the mids a bit more than my Asgard 3, but also warm with a good amount of bass, comparable to the Asgard. Did not run too hot, built well and easy to use. There is a problem with the volume knob, being digital instead of analogue if you turn it too fast it skips volume levels and actually changes slower than a slower turn of the knob.
Recommends this product? No
Dec 27, 2021
Balanced headphones and unbalanced headphones are the same, differing only in the connector at the end of the cable. To 'convert ' unbalanced headphones into balanced, simply 're-cable' with a different connector plug. For example, this will 're-cable' Sennheiser HD 6XX and HD 58X headphones to use 2.5 mm TRRS balanced connection: For Unbalanced IEM cables, it is not possible to convert to a balanced connection, and can potentially damage the IEMs and the Amp, as mentioned by sentarius101. You would need to replace the IEMs plug with a balanced connector. Conversely, a balanced headphone cable can be converted for use with an unbalanced output.
Dec 27, 2021
sentarius101I own this Amp and can say the Balanced Out (4-pin XLR) works beautifully in this order: SMSL SU-9 DAC via XLR Out using 3-pin XLR Cable (Canare L-4E6S Amphenol Series) to 1:3 Balanced XLR Switch (ONE Little Bear MC103 Pro 3-Out) to TA-20 'Balance In' 3-pin XLR to TA-20 'Balance Phone' 4-pin XLR to DROP 4-pin TRRS Adapter to DROP TRRS 2.5mm Headphone Cable to Sennheiser HD 6XX and HD 58X headphones... It also has a RCA output port, labeled 'AUX OUT', for preamplifier functionality.
Apr 12, 2021
checkVerified Buyer
xDuoo TA-20 - What I'd hoped for. Warm. Clear. Better than expected.
My main headphone system is the Topping A90 & D90 MQA (connected with balanced XLR) I have custom length aftermarket Hart cables ( love these folks and they have great service and I've read of many happy customers who buy ) balanced cables. My open back headphones are 1) Sennheiser HD 6XX with optional fenestrated lamb skin headphone pads and 2) Focal Exel (both purchased from Drop). I also have a couple of pairs of balanced IEMs but rarely use on this setup. As you've likely read, many listeners enjoy pairing a tube amp with the Sennheisers. I am no audio expert. I am a learner, curious and read a lot about the differences / benefits(?) / pros & cons of a tube amp. One main criteria for me was to have XLR balanced cables and balanced headphone cables (I prefer 4 pin XLR or 4.4mm pentacon connections). You may be happy with RCA unbalanced connections - and that's great - but balanced connections are non-negotiable for me, a decision I made long ago. My main stereo system, amp, streamer, CD transport... are all balanced. I point this out because this narrows the field of choices if you want balanced. After reading several articles, watching a few YouTube reviews learning about balanced tube amps in general, I decided to add a tube amp to my system. Of course Zeos' review of the xDuoo TA-20 is - as always - entertaining and worth your time. He also has some incidental reviews of the xDuoo line of tube amps you may want to watch. So, I decided at this price point to put my toe in the water and buy a tube amp. So, how does it sound? The soundstage feels big, yet focused. Immediately I noticed the ambiguously described "warmer" tones. And yes, it also seems a bit "slower" in a good way. Along the endless discussion of bass response in headphones, tubes are supposed to provide a smoother bass. This is evident in the TA-20 and a delightful experience. I highly recommend you read audiofool's article on tubes and xDuoo amps. It may be more than you want or you may be far more knowledgeable than me. Since this is new territory and I've read this article (and many others) several times. He discusses the xDuoo TA-20 Audiofool offers incredible help understanding tubes in general, "tube rolling", and in particular makes recommendations for several different xDuoo amps, including the TA-20. The TA-20 is quieter than I anticipated. From reading about tube amps, some report they may / can produce a bit of noise. Perhaps my hearing isn't as good as others, but the xDuoo TA-20 is as quiet as my Topping set. I've found you have to run it at high 50's to 60 to get good volume output (granted, these numbers 100% subjective) but when paired with the Senn HD 6XX, that range is good.
I've not yet started "tube rolling" but that will be my next toe in the water depending on how much money I want to spend. Digression: If you are like me and lost at times with audiophile terms, I found a very helpful glossary of terms ) that may be worth your time. I humbly offer a lot of the lingo used in the audiophile world is highly subjective. Finally, I greatly appreciate Drop in general. They try to offer great products at a discounted rate but my minor complaints: 1) in an online shopping universe of "next day air" or "2 day prime" kinds of shipping, you need a mindset of waiting for DROP's products. 2) DROP could up their game in email response time. Excuses related to Covid-19 or being too busy fall short and reflect poorly on DROPs employees and consumer relationships. ("The dog ate my homework".) In sum, shipping speed, updates, and email response time can be fixed by good leadership. ;-) Happy listening!
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Jun 24, 2021
I think you'll love it.
Jul 24, 2021
DrEasI have the 10, and love it!! So I just bought the 20 to pair with my soncoz balanced dac. I honestly like the sound of the built in dac better than when hooked up to the soncoz. The former is warmer and more musical while the later still has the dynamics, it pulled the warmth out completely. Still very engaging but I will be disconnecting the soncoz and just using the 10 as it was made to be used. Hope you enjoy your purchase guys!
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