Wouldn’t the proper phrasing for these be “artisanal” keycaps and not “artisan” keycaps?
As I was looking through the ‘Mech Keys Guide List’ here on Drop a couple of weeks ago, I was surprised to see that there were effectively no articles detailing arguably one of the most unique and interesting niches of the mechanical keyboard community – artisan keycaps. In fact with each passing day I find myself sinking further and further into the depths of artisan keycaps and have gained an appreciation of them that far surpasses any expectations I could have ever had after getting my very first one. Despite artisan keycaps being fairly ubiquitous in this day and age, and with beginner friendly storefronts like Drop selling alongside prebuilt, accessible mechanical keyboard kits, I still find that those freshly diving into the keyboard hobby have a very skewed (mis)understanding of these kinds of keycaps, why they are priced the way they are, and all of the variety that exist out there...
Top Left: CustomNeko (Bakeneko With Through-Weight) With KKB BoW And Accents, Top Right: Cannonkeys Bakeneko60 With GMK Norse, Bottom Left: Ciel60 With KKB Abyss, Bottom Right: Jixte60 With GMK Analog Dreams
“Simplicity is boring, but I still love it.” - Sukant Ratnakar.
When I first got into the hobby back in 2017, there was no way that I would’ve thought that I’d enjoy a 60% layout keyboard. Sure, maybe a 75% (I didn’t use the nav cluster for non-work situations, and when I was at work, I needed a numpad) in order to retain the function row, or, at the very least, a 65% where I had dedicated arrows, but a 60%? Absolutely no way! I need dedicated arrows! I need a function row!
It’s funny how preferences change, huh?
For the next installment in my “Why I Love” series (the first was the “Why I Love Prototype Runs And Helping Keyboard Designers” article I wrote a few weeks back), please allow me a bit of your time to explain to you not only why I love 60% layout keyboards...
Desoldering, Mill-Maxing, And Why You Might Want To Learn Both
Thanks to StoryboardTech’s fantastic article, you finally learned how to solder! Or at least, you’re committed to learning. So, what’s next?
Well, if you’re brave enough, why not learn how to desolder as well? And when you feel confident with that, how about Mill-Max? You don’t necessarily have to know or learn how to solder before learning how to desolder or Mill-max, but in my opinion, getting comfortable with soldering is a great step towards learning how to do the other two, and if you know how to solder, you can practice desoldering and mill-maxing to your heart’s content since you’ll already have the tools from learning how to solder! Well, at least most of the tools.
Let’s start off with the good ol’ disclaimer section first, however.
These are my own opinions and my own thoughts, and if I’ve learned anything in life, it’s that we all do things in slightly different ways. Whether it be deadlifting, desoldering, Mill-Maxing or even baking...
Old Picture Of Mics I Used To Have/had Access To A While Back
"Which mic should I buy to record my keyboard sound tests? Do I have to sound-treat my room to make my recordings better? Should I not have my mic attached to the desk I’m typing on to avoid picking up desk noise?"
Whether you’ve had one of these questions or all of these questions (just like me when I first started), I’m hoping that this article will give you sufficient answers to the questions we think about when recording our sound tests.
Like with the majority of my content, these are just my thoughts, and I encourage you to continue to research your questions by watching videos or reading other articles. Just because I give my opinions in this article doesn’t mean that other people’s opinions are wrong, or that you should just listen to me. I'm not an expert at any of this stuff, and I'm just scratching the surface of audio. There is so much that goes into mixing and recording that to pretend that I know...
Why I Love Prototype Runs and Helping Keyboard Designers
The Migra TKL Prototype by Thebloodyez
“This is my keyboard. There are many like it, but this one is mine.” - William H. Rupertus.
In another life, if Major General William H. Rupertus, the Marine who coined the United States Marine Creed, had been a keyboard enthusiast, we might've gotten this line instead.
All joking aside, this has been an article that I’ve wanted to write for quite some time. There are many reasons why we love the keyboard hobby, and today, I wanted to introduce you to one of mine—prototype keyboards and helping keyboard designers by joining prototype runs. Now, it’s not risk-free, and one should weigh the pros and cons of joining a prototype run, so I encourage you to pay attention to the disclaimer portion of this article.
I know that there are prototype runs for keycaps, switches, and other cool things in our keyboard hobby, but for this article, I’ll be focusing only on keyboards. Also, please know that not every prototype run will be handled...
Figure 1: Nope, not a single one of these is necessarily better than the rest...
For no particular reason, I’ve been spending more and more time over the past few months in and around various mechanical keyboard help forums and servers. Despite having never really relied on their services back in my day when I first joined the hobby, I can kind of understand the appeal of them to new and curious enthusiasts as they generally seem like go-to places to connect with people who know a thing or two about keyboards. What I cannot wrap my mind around, however, is the sheer number of times that the exact same comments, questions, or concerns that get raised by the newer hobbyists get repeated. Even with FAQ or pinned set of questions, people seemingly only seem to think about and/or be concerned about the exact same set of things when it comes to their first keyboards. One of these types of questions that I find particularly concerning are those that are directly or indirectly...
How to Introduce the Keyboard Hobby to Others This Holiday Season
Prototype QFRL100 by Thebloodyez with GMK ZX
"It's just a keyboard."
My Friends, Kate and Jaime’s Expressions After I Explained to Them That There Was Such a Thing as a Keyboard Hobby
Many of us have heard this, either stated to us directly by a quizzical individual wondering why on earth we’d find our hobby interesting or as part of someone else’s conversation that we happened to have overheard. While there are certainly less mainstream hobbies than mechanical keyboards, it’s definitely not a common hobby, and it makes sense that those that aren’t in the hobby may not understand “what the point” of having a mechanical keyboard would be.
While those same people may still not truly “get it,” even after attempting to explain to them what makes our hobby enjoyable, at least you’ll have introduced them to the hobby, and sometimes a glimmer of curiosity is all that it takes before they start their journey to become a keyboard enthusiast!
Especially since it’s the...
A gimmicky hype word, or purposeful implementation, gasket mounting has definitely changed the keyboard landscape.
When looking for a new mechanical keyboard, one of the hot terms that come to mind is “gasket mounted”. It’s heavily advertised in the keyboard hobby, but what does it exactly mean? Why is it a buzz term, what are it’s benefits, and does it have any drawbacks? Today we do a deep dive in the world of gasket mount keyboards and what the buzz is all about.
Many have seen the keyboard mounting style infographic arranged by Thomas Baart. It’s a great resource, but isn’t quite reflective of the current market. If I had better technical drawing skills, I might attempt a new one.
As you can see in the image for the gasket mount, there are red gaskets identified. What isn’t accurate is that the screws for the case travel through the plate or that the plate is sandwiched between the top and bottom case. This would nullify any benefits that gasket mount provides. ...
Figure 1: No, this is not a mistake. This is actually a real force curve I collected...
I’ll be the first person in line to swear up and down that force curves are and should be the absolute gold standard of information to have about any mechanical keyboard switch prior to buying them. Even those questionable, hacked together diagrams from manufacturers provide more of an idea about how a switch could or should feel than any sort of buzzword or marketing fluff about them. If you’re serious about buying switches, weird onomatopoeic descriptions or comparisons drawn to other switches just shouldn’t cut it – unless they’re in a longform switch review from your favorite switch reviewer, that is. While many of you probably already have a half decent familiarity with force curves as a result of my introductory article to them here on Drop, as well as my over 1,200 different switches that I’ve collected force curves on to date also thanks to Drop, not many of you probably...
One of Jack Kester/Pikatea's Many Boards That He Brought To The 2024 Iowa Meetup
The mechanical keyboard hobby is fantastic. Whether you’re someone that originally wanted to upgrade your desk setup with a cool-looking board, or someone that found the hobby because of ergonomic reasons, there are many ways that we found the hobby - and many more reasons why we’ve stayed in the hobby.
However, you can definitely get overwhelmed by the vast amount of information. OR, you may burn out and realize the time you’re spending negatively impacts your life. I’m hoping that by sharing my own experiences and tips, I can help newcomers and enthusiasts avoid those situations. Everyone enjoys the hobby in their own way, and that’s fine - as long as it doesn't negatively impact your life.
Let’s take a look at these 5 tips, and remember, these are just my personal opinions!
Tip 1: Don’t Bankrupt Yourself
I think this is important during the whole year, but especially because we’re...
That would be a cool shop to go to in a mall.
In some of my past posts and reviews I’ve written there have been requests to walk through my own process for building a keyboard for myself. I’m fortunate in that I get to build many keyboards. I haven’t logged every single keyboard that I’ve built, that would have been great, but hindsight is 20/20. The vast majority of the builds that I do are for other hobbyists. I built a small name for myself doing commissions and build services specializing in leveraging my extensive knowledge of the hobby to help acquire unique boards, make recommendations in build materials, and providing a truly personalized board for those who might not have known much about mechanical keyboards before reaching out to me. I started doing this service back in 2018, and now, being a dad, husband and full time IT specialist, I tend to only accept a couple commissions at a time. I’ve got my own backlog of boards, my collection seems to continually grow, and I...
If you watched Star Wars for the first time, without seeing images of the Empire’s perfectly spaced thousands of goose-stepping minions in spotless white-lacquered armor. If you didn’t see the fleets of black and grey tie-fighters, the immaculately designed star cruisers, the evil moon-shaped flagship… you wouldn’t know that the rebels were rebels.
After all, rebels don’t look like rebels if they don’t have something to contrast them against. They just look like normal people. That’s probably why when you see Luke Skywalker, Han Solo or Finn (all rebels) dressed in stormtrooper garb, they somehow seem even more rebellious then they were before. It’s not what they’re wearing, it’s how they wear it. Dirty, scuffed, broken. Helmet missing or askew. An out of place, beat up weapon slung diagonally across their body. It’s the simple act of defacing the uniform that identifies them in our mind as counter-cultural.
Funnily enough, it works in reverse. To the dismay of...
Keymap optimization: language statistics and important indicators
Welcome back to this series where we’re designing kick-ass keymaps! After covering basics like how good/bad QWERTY is, the power of layers and the potential of custom keymaps, we took the first real steps in designing your tailor-fit keymap by looking into some options for compiling a corpus in general and also with a more useful personal corpus in mind.
Quick recap: in this context, corpus is simply a fancy name for a big chunk of text.
Today, we’re going to analyze your corpus (or pretty much any text if you haven't done your homework yet) and discuss some basic language statistics along with common metrics that can be used to quickly evaluate a keymap, and also to compare layouts. This is the next logical step in our journey if you're aiming to craft the optimal keymap for yourself.
Character/bigram/trigram frequencies
To begin with, let's examine the character frequencies in our corpus. The occurrence of different letters can vary significantly not only between...
Finding your groove: getting into vinyl with Audio-Technica
I’d like to think that I could’ve been friends with the late Hideo Matsushita, founder of Japanese Hi-Fi powerhouse Audio-Technica. If I could, I’d travel back in time to 1960’s Tokyo, where a young Matsushita curated “vinyl listening sessions” at the Bridgestone Museum of Arts, exposing visitors to the sounds and possibilities of high end audio and the warmth of vinyl records. I imagine sitting with him in a mod coffee shop, listening to the stories of what he witnessed in those sessions, the conversations he had with visitors, and what ultimately motivated him to head back to his small apartment above a ramen restaurant and start an audio company of his own.
In the histories I’ve read regarding AT’s humble beginnings, Matsushita’s motives seem clear. Produce high end audio at affordable prices, bringing audio excellence into spaces and to customers that simply didn’t have access to it before. His first two products, the AT-1 and AT-3 phono cartridges did exactly that, and...
Image credit @zhugunic https://drop.com/talk/67372/gl-2-k
Do I need an amp? What are these acronyms like DAC, DSP, or DSD? What even are all the components that make up an audio chain? Let’s take a beginner’s look at the core, essential building blocks of a digital audio chain, and lay it plain what each piece does. We can cover the major pieces separately, but I’ll still include a few tips to optimize playback here. Please hit the little bookmark button and feel free to check and share this guide whenever you need a reference!
For people who need a visual and audible explanation, or are worried it would take too long to get a working knowledge of the audio chain, here is my YouTube video on this subject that is just 7 minutes long! I like writing though, so let’s get started with an overview, then break it down into what each piece does and how an upgrade would benefit the final sound quality.
Signal Path
Image credit @SpeleoFool https://drop...
As we publish more articles in the "Mech Keys How-To" series currently ongoing, navigating the various topics and finding previous articles will only become more difficult. This thread will serve as a table of contents to help add some structure to the whole project.
Feel free to also suggest future topics in this thread, as it will surely be easier to identify gaps and opportunities for further exploration when viewing everything as a whole.
Mechanical Keyboards
Introductory Topics
Mechanical vs Membrane
Sizes and Layouts of Mechanical Keyboards
Short Intro Into Split Keyboards (dovenyi)
Staggered and Ortholinear Layouts
Low-Profile vs High-Profile Keyboard Designs
Build Materials and Other Case Design Considerations
Selecting Your First Mechanical Keyboard (The_Manic_Geek)
Keyboard Layouts
Support for Alternate Layouts (dvorcol)
What is SpaceFN and why you should give it a try (dovenyi)
Keymap Layout Analysis (Keymap wizardry: Typing out the Harry Potter saga)...